search for: parkplac

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "parkplac".

Did you mean: parkplace
2006 May 01
Mongrel, Ubuntu (Dapper) and Park Place
Hello. (This message is a followup of a previous request for help sent to the rails mailing list on the same subject.) I managed to compile [the native extensions for] mongrel on ubuntu based on some feedback I got from Zed on the rails mailing list, but still no joy in running parkplace ? The system seems working but I get no CSS rendered, and it seems I cannot send a file with a permission different form ''private'', even when I select ''public read'', etc. Have you any suggestion on how to proceed? Thank you. * Please login in with `admin...
2006 Jul 26
file upload
I''m looking for file upload documentation on the wiki, cant find anything. I only found the changeset that supports file upload. should the file be part of ''input'' ? please help. thanks -- gcc -O0 -DRUBY_EXPORT -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic -L. main.o -lruby-static -ldl -lcrypt -lm -o ruby Everyone is trying their hardest to do their job but management has
2007 Jan 25
X-Sendfile doesn''t work
Hi everyone, I try to use the "X-Sendfile" header, but it doesn''t work as expected. In my controller: path = "/home/bruno/file.tar.gz" headers[''X-Sendfile''] = path headers[''Content-Type''] = "application/octet-stream" headers[''Content-Length''] = File.size(path) render :nothing => true When I request
2006 Jun 09
Rails "pasteboard"?
Hello all, I''m looking to setup a simple network "pasteboard" for files within my organization, to circumvent people trying to email 50 meg files and me being unwilling to open up our mail server for massive email transfers. I''ve seen the pasteboard idea elsewhere where you can go and paste code or log files or whatever, and then they just fall off an hour or a day
2006 Apr 30
Mongrel 3.15, Ubuntu and Park place (S3)
.../ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- `register'': undefined method `resolve'' for nil:Mongrel::URIClassifier (NoMethodError) from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- `uri'' from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/parkplace.rb:45:in `cloaker_'' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- `listener'' from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/parkplace.rb:44:in `cloaker_'' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- `initial...
2006 May 11
Upload progress "plugin"
...''mongrel'' require ''mongrel/camping'' require ''mongrel/progress'' config = :host => host do listener :port => port do uri "/", :handler => uri "/progress", :handler => uri "/favicon", :handler =>"") trap("INT") { stop } run end end config.join Yeah, so, notice the ProgressHandler class and the req...