Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "parkedmusicclass".
2008 Mar 13
Newbie One-touch Recording: Does not work
...ten => s-BUSY,1,Voicemail(${ARG1},b)
exten => s-BUSY,2,Goto(default,s,1)
exten => _s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1)
exten => a,1,VoicemailMain(${ARG1})
parkext => 700
parkpos => 701-720
context => parkedcalls
courtesytone = beep
parkedplay = both
automon => *1
2009 Jan 22
Zap connection problem
...nd file to play to the parked caller
parkedplay = caller ; Who to play the courtesy tone to when
picking up a parked call
;adsipark = yes ; if you want ADSI parking announcements
findslot => next ; Continue to the 'next' free parking space.
;parkedmusicclass=default ; This is the MOH class to use for the
parked channel
; using Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in
the dialplan
;transferdigittimeout => 3 ; Number of seconds to wait between digits
when transferring a call
;xfersound = beep ; t...
2008 Mar 13
Newbie One-touch Recording: Does not work (more info)
exten => s-BUSY,2,Goto(default,s,1)
exten => _s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1)
exten => a,1,VoicemailMain(${ARG1})
parkext => 700
parkpos => 701-720
context => parkedcalls
courtesytone = beep
parkedplay = both
automon => *1
2012 Oct 25
Asterisk 1.8 not playing parking slot announcement to parker
;***multitenant callparking
#include /etc/asterisk/features.multiparking.conf
context => mhillpark
parkpos => 1-9
findslot => first
parkinghints => yes ; Add hints priorities automatically for parking slots
(default is no).
parkedmusicclass => classical
parkingtime => 7200
parkedcalltransfers => both
parkedcallreparking => both
switch => Realtime/@extensions
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An HTM...
2009 Apr 27
Packet2packet bridging while in sip.conf canreinvite=no
...ording when picking up a parked call.
; one of: callee, caller, both, no
(default is no)
;adsipark = yes ; if you want ADSI parking announcements
;findslot => next ; Continue to the 'next' free parking space.
; Defaults to 'first' available
parkedmusicclass=default ; This is the MOH class to use for the parked
; as long as the class is not set on the channel directly
; using Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in the dialplan
;transferdigittimeout => 3 ; Number of seconds to wait between digits
when transferring a call
; (default...
2008 May 08
Looking for a Snom expert
I would like to hire someone to help us tweak our asterisk system for Snom
We would like to enable things like:
One touch recording
One touch park orbits
Please contact off-list if you will be able to help.
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