Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "parameterestim".
2005 Sep 06
(no subject)
my problem actually arised with fitting the data to the weibulldistribution,
where it is hard to see, if the proposed parameterestimates make sense.
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 14924;28640;17097;2136;5308;3477;91301;11488;3860;64114;14334
how am I supposed to know what starting values i have to take?
i get different parameterestimates depending on the starting valu...
2005 Sep 06
fitting distributions with R
I've got the dataset
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 14924;28640;17097;2136;5308;3477;91301;11488;3860;64114;14334
I know from other testing that it should be possible to fit the data with the
exponentialdistribution. I tried to get parameterestimates for the
exponentialdistribution with R, but as the values
of the parameter are very close to 0 i get into troubles. Do you know, what i
could do in order to get estimates?How do you choose the starting values? in
my opinion it should be around 1/mean(data).
#Parameterestimation ??with ml...
2005 Jul 28
conversion from SAS
model logchla=year cos1 sin1 cos2 sin2 cos3 sin3
cos4 sin4 /solution;
by station;
where bloom=0;
output out=chla_res predicted=pred student=studres
cookd=cookd rstudent=rstudent u95=u95;
lsmeans year / at (cos1 sin1 cos2 sin2 cos3 sin3
cos4 sin4)=(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0);
ODS output ParameterEstimates=parmest
proc glm data=sort_dataset;
class year month;
model chla=/solution;
by station;
weight w_chla;
where bloom=0;
output out=chla_res predicted=pred student=studres
rstudent=rstudent ucl=ucl lcl=lcl...
2012 Nov 12
R lmer & SAS glimmix
...a model with lmer in R and proc glimmix in SAS. I have
simplified my code but I am surprised to see I get different results from
the two softwares.
My R code is :
lmer(y~age_cat + (1|cat),data=fic,family=binomial(link = "logit"), NaGQ=1)
My SAS code is :
ods output Glimmix.Glimmix.ParameterEstimates=t_estimates;
proc glimmix data=tab_psi method=laplace;
class age_cat cat;
model psi (event='1') = age_cat / solution dist=B link=logit ;
random intercept / subject=cat;
>From R, I get the following fixed effects
(Intercept) age_cat2. 76-85 ans age_cat3. 66-75 ans age_cat4. 41...
2007 Apr 23
Estimates at each iteration of optim()?
I am trying to maximise a complicated loglikelihood function with the "optim" command. Is there some way to get to know the estiamtes at each iteration? When I put "control=list(trace=TRUE)" as an option in "optim", I just got the initial and final values of the loglikelihood, number of iterations and whether the routine has converged or not. I need to know the