Displaying 20 results from an estimated 29 matches for "parallely".
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2020 Nov 07
Process to Incorporate Functions from {parallely} into base R's {parallel} package
If these are easy changes, maybe someone will incorporate them. You'll
make the argument stronger for doing that if you can explain why it's
better to do that than to keep them in parallely.
Duncan Murdoch
On 07/11/2020 1:39 p.m., Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
> FWIW, there are indeed a few low hanging bug fixes in 'parallelly'
> that should be easy to incorporate into 'parallel' without adding
> extra maintenance. For example, in parallel::makePSOCKcluster(), it...
2020 Nov 07
Process to Incorporate Functions from {parallely} into base R's {parallel} package
On 06/11/2020 4:47 p.m., Balamuta, James Joseph wrote:
> Hi all,
> Henrik Bengtsson has done some fantastic work with {future} and, more importantly, greatly improved constructing and deconstructing a parallelized environment within R. It was with great joy that I saw Henrik slowly split off some functionality of {future} into {parallelly} package. Reading over the package?s README, he
2009 May 29
paralle port dongle
i have a parallel port dongle which i need to run a specific software.
i have managed to do the following but the dongle is still recognised.
i [user at localhost ~]$ ls -al ~/.wine/dosdevices
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 2 user guest 4096 2009-05-29 07:43 ./
drwxrwxr-x 4 user guest 4096 2009-05-29 08:08 ../
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user guest 10 2009-05-28 14:56 c: -> ../drive_c/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8
2020 Nov 06
Process to Incorporate Functions from {parallely} into base R's {parallel} package
Hi all,
Henrik Bengtsson has done some fantastic work with {future} and, more importantly, greatly improved constructing and deconstructing a parallelized environment within R. It was with great joy that I saw Henrik slowly split off some functionality of {future} into {parallelly} package. Reading over the package?s README, he states:
> The functions and features added to this package are
2020 Nov 07
Process to Incorporate Functions from {parallely} into base R's {parallel} package
FWIW, there are indeed a few low hanging bug fixes in 'parallelly'
that should be easy to incorporate into 'parallel' without adding
extra maintenance. For example, in parallel::makePSOCKcluster(), it
is not possible to disable SSH option '-l USER' so that it can be set
in ~/.ssh/config. The remote user name will be the user name of your
local machine and if you try to
2011 Oct 11
Parallel processing for R loop
I have an R script that consists of a for loop
that repeats a process for many different files.
I want to process this parallely on machine with
multiple cores, is there any package for it ?
Sandeep R Patil
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2003 May 14
Asterisk - Connction to analog PBX?
Has anyone tried to connect parallely to an analog PBX system?
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2013 May 03
how to parallelize 'apply' across multiple cores on a Mac
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to use apply (with a call to zoo's rollapply within) on the
columns of a 1.5Kx165K matrix, and I'd like to make use of the other cores
on my machine to speed it up. (And hopefully also leave more memory free: I
find that after I create a big object like this, I have to save my
workspace and then close and reopen R to be able to recover memory tied up
by R, but
2007 Aug 10
[OT] Parallels or VMWare?
I''m looking to get parallels or vmware for my imac. Wondering what ppls
opinions are.
Besides web broswers I need to run some windows only stuff, and wondering
about running MS Office
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2009 Nov 26
lattice --- different properties of lines corresponding to type=c("l", "a") respectively
The problem then is that in the resulting plot it is
difficult/impossible to see which plot corresponds to the average
and which to the individual profiles. I triedthings like extra
arguments lwd=c(1,3) or col=c("blue","red")
hoping this would be interpreteded parallely to the type= argument,
but no. Like:
xyplot(response ~ time|group, repa0, groups=~Participant, type=c("b",
"a"), lwd=c(1, 3),
ylim=c(0, 10))
and many other variants ...
Then I vent for writing my own panel functions:
mypanel <- function(x, y, ..., type){
2009 Mar 04
(no subject)
Hi, every body!
I am a new comer for R, so my question would unavoidablely sounds stupid. Sorry!
in my experiment, there are two type of soil ( soil F and soil D), each half of them were subjected to steam sterilize (result in FS and DS soil). A equal volume of soil from two of the four soil types (F, D, FS, DS) were mixed as follows: F+F, F+D, F+FS, F+DS, D+F, D+FS, D+DS, FS+DS (eight treatment).
2008 Dec 04
changes in rsync V3
Hi Friends,
I think lot of changes have been made from rsync 2.6.0 to V3. The one major
change is rsync V3 will not walk complete file system first and then start
the synching but it will parallely start synching as well along with file
system walking. Could any one tell me which source files got affected with
this change. I think it should be using more threads now.
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2008 Dec 10
File System walk in rsync
...On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:32 PM, Jignesh Shah <jignesh.shah1980@gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi Friends,
> I think lot of changes have been made from rsync 2.6.0 to V3. The one major
> change is rsync V3 will not walk complete file system first and then start
> the synching but it will parallely start synching as well along with file
> system walking. Could any one tell me which source files got affected with
> this change. I think it should be using more threads now.
> Thanks,
> Jignesh
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2006 Apr 28
Bad performance samba and Windows XP
...with 4kb inodes so it is 8 inodes).
This wastes 1 inode separated by 7 unused inodes between another used inode.
Windows XP starts to write real data when cca 20MB of space is prealocated and it causes that
this data is not written exactly to that prealloced space. It is prealocating this space
parallely with writting of data 20MB or so ahead and it causes fragmentation of file data.
This peallocation causes that 7 inodes of one part of file are followed by one inode of another
part of file. I know that it can be eliminated by dissabling sparse files but that can cause
other problems too.
Can yo...
2003 Mar 19
multiple logical streams
Why is seekability necessary in case of multiplexed multiple
logical streams? Isn't the differentiation based on serial number
sufficient to continue decoding of pages in the sequence of their
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2009 Mar 09
Parallel makes
Now multi-core machines are more widely available, we have gotten to
stress-test the parallel building capabilities of R and of packages.
The current Windows and Mac build machines are both 8-core and I test
on an 8-core machine. These are all fairly recent changes of hardware
and the following applies only to R-devel, the version to become 2.9.0
next month.
Parallel builds of R under
2009 Oct 22
Is it possible to seek different Ogg Vorbis encoded packets from the File?
...ream. Not a problem, just reporting it in
case we (the app) cares. In this case, we don't. */
} else {
/* we don't bother dealing with sample rate changes, etc, but
you'll have to*/
However, in order to run the decoder parallely on four Processors, I
need to run the ov_read() function on each Processor independently. In order
to do that each Processor should be able to seek next encoded packet of data
and there should not be duplication of packet decoding.
Is it known apriori, how many Ogg-Vorbis packets are there an...
2008 Jan 13
right usage of bdrb
i''m going to implement a syndication-service, which will get lists in
xml with some meta-data an enclosed video files, which will get encoded
at the end. The syndication run will be startet every five minutes of
a full hour.
So i thought to build 4 Worker. One for checking which feeds to
syndicate (syndication_worker) at a specific time, one for processing
the list
2009 Mar 06
Re peated ANOVA or nested ANOVA, or parallel one way ANOVA six times?
Hi, every body!
I am a new comer for R, so my question would unavoidablely sounds stupid.
In my experiment, there are two type of soil ( soil F and soil D), each half
of them were subjected to steam sterilize (result in FS and DS soil). A
equal volume of soil from two of the four soil types (F, D, FS, DS) were
mixed as follows: F+F, F+D, F+FS, F+DS, D+F, D+FS, D+DS, FS+DS (eight
2004 Nov 24
what does order() stand for in an lme formula?
I'm a beginner in R, and trying to fit linear models with different
intercepts per group, of the type y ~ A*x1 + B, where x1 is a numerical
variable. I cannot understand whether I should use
y1 ~ x1 +1
y1 ~ order(x1) + 1
Although in the toy example included it makes a small difference, in models
with many groups the models without order() converge slower if at all!