search for: owner_id

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 47 matches for "owner_id".

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2008 Jun 13
Newbie question on has_many
I have two classes: a Widget and a User. The User has an id that is referenced in two places on the Widget: owner_id and operator_id. How should I structure that reference for has_many? Thanks folks - I appreciate any help on this. --David --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To po...
2006 May 14
searching on foreing keys
Hey all, I''m using a simple search function. It''s working great except for foreign keys. I have one table pets (id,name,owner_id) and another table people(id,name) owner_id being a foreign key of pet pointing to people name. here it is on the pet controller: @paginator, @pets= paginate(:pets, :conditions =>["name OR owner_id like ?","%"+params[:filter]+"%"], :include =>person,:order_by =&...
2008 Jul 08
Conditional "link_to" helper function - AYUDAME POR FAVOR
Hello, I need to write a function that will return a link only if the current user is the owner. Here is my code... 1. application_helper.rb 2. 3. def link_to_if_owned(owner_id, anchor_text, where_to_go) 4. if == owner_id # current user is owner 5. "#{link_to anchor_text, where_to_go}" 6. else 7. anchor 8. end 9. end And here''s how I call it in the view... 1. <%= link_to_if_owned(@car.owner_id, &qu...
2007 Feb 25
Relationships question (?)
...loping an online document editor prototype with Rails. I am not well-versed in Rails. As a matter of fact, we chose it for the project in order to learn it. The problem we have is the following: We have a User model (id, username, password, email) and we have a Document model (id, name, content, owner_id). A document can have many users, because we are implementing a collaboration feature, but only one owner. The owner will have administrative rights over the document (add collaborators, delete, etc). Users will only be able to edit the document. The thing is, we need a documents_users table to ha...
2005 Mar 08
Adding to model (newbie) ''first_name'' and ''last_name'', and I''d like to have "full_name" available. So - models/owner.rb: def self.full_name first_name + '' '' + last_name end Then, in projects/edit.rhtml: <p><label for="project_owner_id">Owner</label><br /><select id="project_owner_id" name="project[owner_id]"><%= options_from_collection_for_select @owners, "id", "full_name", @project.owner_id %></select> When I try to access this, I get "NoMeth...
2006 May 09
Shared Queue / Exclusive Query Results
My application is going to have a work queue of scheduled tasks stored in the DB. This work queue will be shared across multiple Rails app servers. I need a way to ensure that no two servers get the same jobs if multiple servers pop jobs off the top of the queue simultaneously. Is there a fairly simple way to acheive this? Or do I need to come up with some fancy secondary server to dispatch
2010 May 14
Tricky model situatione
I have two models Club and users. users are regular authenticated users and some of them might create a club. A club can also have members (essentially users) and there are attributes and models that apply to member but not to users. Here is what I have right now. Club => belongs_to :user User => has_many clubs (since a user can host multiple clubs). Now how do I fit this member model
2006 Apr 30
require "ajax_scaffold" in model error articles/2006/04/18/ajaxscaffold-3-1-0-released> which suggests the following in a model file: -------------------------------------------------------- require ''ajax_scaffold'' class Pet < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :person, :foreign_key => "owner_id" @scaffold_columns = [, { :name => "name" }),, { :name => "owner", :eval => "", :sort_sql => "" }) ] end --...
2006 Nov 26
associations help?
...jects, :through => :project_viewers, :uniq => true ... end class ProjectViewers < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :projects belongs_to :users end class Project < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :owner, :class_name => ''User'', :foreign_key => ''owner_id'' has_many :project_viewers, :dependent => :destroy has_many :users, :through => :project_viewers, :uniq => true ... end Things appear to work ok until I go to destroy a User, at which point I get: ../activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:399:in `to_const...
2006 Nov 04
[Markaby] select with acts_as_dropdown problem.
I''m using Markby to convert a standard form witth selects. Can someone tell me why this works: <tr> <td><label class="formLabel" for="task_owner_id">Owner</label></td> <td><%= select ''task'', ''owner_id'', Owner.to_dropdown %></td> </tr> But, the Markaby conversion doesn''t? tr do td.formLabel do label "Owner" end td do select( '...
2006 May 29
using components to reuse code of the controller, under the dir components/test/: class Test::GroupsManController < ApplicationController uses_component_template_root def add_to_group @account = Account.find_by_nick(@params[:nick]) # render :text => "#{session[:account_id]} #{Group.find(session[:group_id]).owner_id}" if (session[:account_id] == Group.find(session[:group_id]).owner_id) Account.join_group(, session[:group_id]) # render_component (:controller => ''test/groups_man'', :action => ''group_list'') group_list else render :partial =&...
2006 Mar 22
How do you clean up this cryptic code?
...dition of the associated table. There are a few types of users, in the user_type column of the users table - owners is type 1, users are type 2. So in my haste to hand in enough code, in the Restaurant model, I wrote: belongs_to :owner, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "owner_id", :conditions => "user_type =1" That worked fine. But my teammates may do something with this code. So what I tried to do was to add a hash into the User model: TYPE = { "user"=>2,"owner"=>1 }.freeze But when I modified the belong_to line to belongs_to :...
2007 Aug 17
map.with_options :path_prefix => ''
...put the prefix in each individual route. Any help is appreciated. My foo model has a polymorphic owner which is what I want the path_prefix to represent, so my routes.rb has something like... map.with_options :controller => ''foos'', :path_prefix => '':owner_type/:owner_id'' do |foos| foos.new_foo ''/foos/new'', :action => ''new'' foos.create_foo ''/foos'', :action => ''create'',...
2006 Oct 13
Edge rails, single table inheritance and keeping multiple classes in a single file
...tions must go into separate files? I was trying to use STI with acts_as_attachment, to have all my attachment classes go into a single file, for example: attachment.rb class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base end class UserPicture < Attachment belongs_to :user, :foreign_key => ''owner_id'' acts_as_attachment ... end but I get the error: superclass mismatch for class UserPicture when using "model :attachment" in my controller.. This used to work under rails 1.1.6. I found the following bug report regarding this problem:
2008 Jan 10
BUG? has_many :through makes funny queries
...t; belongs_to :gallery class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :gallery, :as => :owner, :dependent => :destroy has_many :folders, :through => :gallery Seems fine, right? So @user.folders should do join between users, galleries and folders. (1 in the example) == gallery.owner_id and == folders.gallery_id Right? Well it does not. Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''galleries.gallery_id'' in ''on clause'': SELECT folders.* FROM folders INNER JOIN galleries ON = galleries.gallery_id WHERE ((galleries.owner_id = 1) A...
2006 Apr 24
Just a couple questions on how I should go about
...t/add things. Any idea how I > should go about it? there''s a brazillion solutions, but a good place to start might be the login engine: then in your controller code you can auth against the logged-in user: if session[:user].id == some_object.owner_id # do stuff end best, john ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
2008 Dec 20
Upgrade to Rails 2 - problem with "save" (MySQL boolean issue?)
I have been working through an upgrade of my 1.2.6 application to 2.2.2. I am almost there but I have hit a problem with ActiveRecord. Before the upgrade, the following code was working fine. def create_root(administrator) root = create_root_collection(self.pingee_name, administrator,
2007 Jan 22
Observed models cause failures with DRBSpec ?
...ld be able to return active projects only" do @active = mock("active") Project.stub!(:active).and_return([@active]) @user.active_projects.should == [@active] end end # app/models/user.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :projects, :foreign_key => "owner_id", :order => "projects.title" def active_projects(force=false) @active_projects = nil if force @active_projects ||= end end The observer is loaded in config/environment.rb like this: do |config| config.active_record.observ...
2006 May 20
Polymorphic, many-to-many, self-referential data model
No matter what I try I''ve been unable to work how to get this to work with the cool ActiveRecord helpers. I''m not sure if it''s possible, Josh Susser''s blog suggests it is, but damned if I can work it out... I have: Container which can contain one or more Element. An Element is a polymorph of either a Container or a Chunk. An Element can exist in one or more
2011 Jul 11
Pre-populating association
...eling: class Survey < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :questions has_many :eligibilities has_many :ballots accepts_nested_attributes_for :questions, :allow_destroy => true attr_accessible :title, :description, :status, :deadline, :questions_attributes def owner Person.find(owner_id) end end class Question < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :survey has_many :preferences end class Ballot < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :survey has_many :preferences end class Preference < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :ballot belongs_to :question end To be clear: a survey...