Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "overparameterization".
2007 Oct 01
non-linear model parameterization
Dear all,
I would like to fit a non-linear model of the form:
with nls().
However this model is somehow overparameterized and I get the error message about
singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates.
What I am interested in is to make inference about parameters b and g, so this has to be taken into account in the model formulation.
What options do I have?
Also, how is
2008 Mar 28
Singular Gradient in nls
//Referring to the response posted many years ago, copied below, what
is the specific criterium used for singularity of the gradient matrix?
Is a Singular Value Decomposition used to determine the singular
values? Is it the gradient matrix condition number or some other
criterion for determining singularity?
/> What does the error 'singular gradient' mean
2008 Jan 12
glm expand model to more values
I have the problem with fitting curve to data with lm and glm. When I
use polynominal dependiency, fitted values from model are OK, but I
cannot recive proper values when I use coefficents to caltulate this.
Let me present simple example:
I have simple data.frame: (dd)
a: 1 2 3 4 5 6
b: 3 5 6 7 9 10
I try to fit it to model:
I have following data
2005 Mar 23
Negative binomial GLMMs in R
Dear R-users,
A recent post (Feb 16) to R-help inquired about fitting
a glmm with a negative binomial distribution.
Professor Ripley responded that this was a difficult problem with the
simpler Poisson model already being a difficult case:
Since we are developing software for fitting general nonlinear random
effects models we
2005 Nov 02
nlminb failed to converge with lmer
Dear all,
I'm building binomial mixed-model using lme4 package.
I'm able to obtain outputs properly except when I include two particular
variables: date (from 23 to 34; 1 being to first sampling day) and Latitude
(UTM/100 000, from 55.42 to 56.53). No "NA" is any of those variables.
In those cases, I get the warning message: "nlminb failed to converge"
I tried to
2003 Oct 21
lme mildly blowing up
I'm running a hierarchical linear model of legislative committee
representativeness (so I have committees in chambers) using lme. It's a
simple random-intercept-as-outcome model.
When I run it, everything converges and I get results like this, trimmed
for brevity. The following are the group(chamber)-level variables. The
dependent variable is bounded between zero and one.
2006 Jun 01
why does arima returns "NAN" standard error?
Hi everyone,
ar1 ar2 ma1 ma2 sar1 intercept drift
1.5283 -0.7189 -1.9971 0.9999 0.3982 0.0288 -9e-04
s.e. 0.0869 0.0835 0.0627 0.0627 0.1305 NaN NaN
sigma^2 estimated as 0.04383: log likelihood = 4.34, aic = 7.32
Warning message:
NaNs produced in: sqrt(diag(object$var.coef))
2011 Dec 04
Logistic Regression with genetic component
Greetings, I have a question that I'd like to get input on. I have a
classic toxicology study where I artificially fertilized and exposed
embryos to a chemical and counted defects. In addition, I kept track of
male-female pairs that I used to artificially fertilize and generate
embryos with. I need to use logistic regression to model the response, but
also check that the genetics of the
2006 Nov 22
consider p as random effect with 5 levels, what is difference between these
two models?
> p5.random.p <- lmer(Y
> p5.random.p1 <- lmer(Y
Aimin Yan
2004 Mar 22
lme question
I have a dataset like this,
> testdata
Grouped Data: expr ~ visit | subject
expr visit subject
1 6.502782 V1 A
2 6.354506 V1 B
3 6.349184 V1 C
4 6.386301 V2 A
5 6.376405 V2 B
6 6.758640 V2 C
7 6.414142 V3 A
8 6.354521 V3 B
9 6.396636 V3 C
I tried the command
2001 Oct 17
Type III sums of squares.
Peter Dalgaard writes (in response to a question about 2-way ANOVA
with imbalance):
> ... There are various
> boneheaded ways in which people try to use to assign some kind of
> SumSq to main effects in the presence of interaction, and they are all
> wrong - although maybe not very wrong if the unbalance is slight.
People keep saying this
2005 Nov 08
Can someone Help in nls() package
Hello R-Community,
we are running aprogram to fit Non-linear differential equations to Aphid
population Data and to estimate the birth and death parameters,
here is the code:
2005 Oct 19
nlme Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1
I am hoping some one can help with this.
I am using nlme to fit a random coefficients model. It ran for hours before returning
Error: Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1
The model is
> plavix.nlme<-nlme(PLX_NRX~loglike(PLX_NRX,PD4_42D,GAT_34D,VIS_42D,MSL_42D,SPE_ROL,XM2_DUM,THX_DUM,b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,alpha),
+ data=data,
+ fixed=list(b0 +
2008 Jun 01
optim error
I saw a similar question but I still don't fully understand how to implement
Can someone help me out with this?
Thanks. Keun-Hyung
> vol<-rep(c(0.03, 0.5, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32), 3)
> time<-rep(c(2,4,8),each=7)
> p.mated<-c(0.47, 0.48, 0.43, 0.43, 0.26, 0.23, "null", 0.68, 0.62, 0.64,
0.58, 0.53, 0.47,
+ 0.24, 0.8, 0.79, 0.71, 0.56, 0.74, 0.8, 0.47)
2008 May 23
nls diagnostics?
Hi, All:
What tools exist for diagnosing singular gradient problems with
'nls'? Consider the following toy example:
DF1 <- data.frame(y=1:9, one=rep(1,9))
nlsToyProblem <- nls(y~(a+2*b)*one, DF1, start=list(a=1, b=1),
Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) :
singular gradient matrix at initial
2004 Mar 10
Non-linear regression problem: R vs JMP (long)
Dear R friends,
I know that this topic has been mulled over before, and that there is a
substantial difference between the convergence criteria for JMP and those for
R. I apologize that this is somwehat raking cold coals.
A model/data combination achieves convergence in JMP, and survives a
reasonably rigorous examination (sensible parameter estimates, well-behaved
2005 Nov 09
strategies to obtain convergence using nlme
Hello. I am working on an analysis involving the nonlinear mixed model
function (nlme) in R. The data consist of measures of carbon fixation
by leaves as a function of light intensity and the parametric function
(standard in this area because it has a biological interpretation) is a
non-rectangular hyperbola. I cannot get the nonlinear mixed model
(nlme) function to converge cleanly. I am
2006 Mar 08
Want to fit random intercept in logistic regression (testing lmer and glmmML)
Greetings. Here is sample code, with some comments. It shows how I
can simulate data and estimate glm with binomial family when there is
no individual level random error, but when I add random error into the
linear predictor, I have a difficult time getting reasonable estimates
of the model parameters or the variance component.
There are no clusters here, just individual level responses, so
2012 Aug 10
Simple question about formulae in R!?
Good morning reader,
I have encountered a, probably, simple issue with respect to the *formulae* of
a *regression model* I want to use in my research. I’m researching
alliances as part of my study Business Economics (focus Strategy) at the
Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. In the research model I use a moderating
variable, I’m looking for confirmation or help on the formulation of the
2007 Aug 21
Optimization problem
Hello Folks,
Very new to R so bear with me, running 5.2 on XP. Trying to do a zero-inflated negative binomial regression on placental scar data as dependent. Lactation, location, number of tick larvae present and mass of mouse are independents. Dataframe and attributes below:
Location Lac Scars Lar Mass Lacfac
1 Tullychurry 0 0 15 13.87 0
2 Somerset 0 0 0