search for: overengineering

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "overengineering".

2005 Sep 19
Rails compatible JS datepicker -- beta
hi all, I''ve built a simple javascript datepicker for use with Rails. I''m sure others exist, but think this one is quite decent without being overengineered. At present there''s no Rails HTML generator method for it; later I will package it in a script/generator, but for now it is quite easy to use with Rails and
2016 May 31
ambisonics formats and channel mappings
On Tue, 31 May 2016 09:41:37 -0700 Michael Graczyk <mgraczyk at> wrote: > UHJ is an interesting way to preserve compatibility with non-ambisonic > playback systems. However, I have not seen it generalized to higher > orders. I expect that its popularity will decrease as HOA becomes more > and more common. If UHJ becomes popular in the future, we could > specify
2006 Sep 26
extended ACLs and Samba
Hi, i've a Project share with many subfolders. In this subfolder many user have dedicated access rights to single files. Sometimes a project member change and the new one should get the same rights as the old one. But here is my problem. With the following line i can easy change the owner of files: find /samba/project -user oldid -exec chown newid {} ";" But i don't know
2008 Jul 16
belongs_to causing endless loop on first call to save!
Hi, I have a situation I''m hoping someone out there may be able to shed some light on. I have a Rails app (2.1.0 on Ruby 1.8.7) with a wizard-based sign up process, that has recently been changed from storing incremental data in the database to having a medium sized object graph living in the user session until the user completes the entire sign up process (this is a business
2010 Aug 27
adwantages of ogg container?
Hallo all, euphoria with cheese, the project i working on, i needed to make decision about codecs and containers we use. I'm clearly not expert in this. After the euphoria about vp8/webm going slowly to the end, i see advantages what theora has against vp8. Seems like theora perform better on LoEnd hardware. Even x264 with good optimisation work not really good on slow Athom. My question to
2013 Jul 11
Easy way to debug code
Hi, Trying to write a generic function to deal with either arrays or strings. Here''s a cutdown version of what I''m writing highlighting the problem I have. All i''m trying to do is take '''' from the variable $server (the variable being either a string or an array) and assign it to $bar, or assign
2006 Mar 21
[PATCH] initramfs: CPIO unpacking fix
Unlink files, symlinks, FIFOs, devices etc. (except directories) before writing them when extracting CPIOs. This stops weird behaviour like: 1) writing through symlinks created in earlier CPIOs. eg foo->bar in the first CPIO. Having foo as a non-link in a subsequent CPIO, results in bar being written and foo remaining as a symlink. 2) if the first version of file foo is larger
2016 Apr 27
RFC: Up front type information generation in clang and llvm
I don't agree in general here because of: a) maintainability - there isn't a one true path through things and now is scattering more windows knowledge through debug info and lto b) higher bar for implementing similar dwarf functionality - there's nothing here that makes it at any point better for our general debug info support. Incrementally updating to an intermediate step is much
2007 May 29
Asking hard questions about the NUT architecture your UPS initiate a controlled shutdown N seconds beforehand? I sure don't see enough of one to justify a multi-layer architecture involving three concurrent processes, four configuration files, and a partridge in a pear tree. NUT, as it is now, seems to me to be a textbook case of massive overengineering and overkill based on outdated assumptions. One possible reply is that filesystem hardening sometimes fails. But that objection implies the right solution, which is to fix the filesystem hardening rather than messing around with compensatory kludges in userspace. At modern disk-write speeds ther...
2010 Aug 27
adwantages of ogg container?
On 2010-08-27, Ralph Giles wrote: >> My question to you, What advantages has ogg vs matroska. > > They're both free containers, and there isn't a significant > performance difference, so either one works from a free media > perspective. [...] Personally I would add the following points/bullets: * Ogg has a lesser semantic burden, so that e.g. embedded
2008 Feb 22
Yumrepo and managing the contents of /etc/yum.repos.d directory...
Puppet version: 0.22.4 facterversion => 1.3.7 rubyversion => 1.8.5 Given the following: file { yum_repo_d: path => "/etc/yum.repos.d", ensure => directory, recurse => true, purge => true } yumrepo { pkg_repo: descr => "Packages Repository", enabled => 1, baseurl => "http://Some/path/", gpgcheck => 0,
2019 Jan 03
Re: [PATCH nbdkit v2 4/4] cache: Implement cache-max-size and method of reclaiming space from the cache.
On 1/1/19 8:33 AM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote: > The original plan was to have a background thread doing the reclaim. > However that cannot work given the design of filters, because a > background thread cannot access the next_ops struct which is only > available during requests. > > Therefore we spread the work over the request threads. Each blk_* > function checks whether
2008 Mar 21
[Bug 1450] New: Support for ConsoleKit on Linux through dbus calls Summary: Support for ConsoleKit on Linux through dbus calls Classification: Unclassified Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 4.7p1 Platform: Other
2016 Mar 30
RFC: Up front type information generation in clang and llvm
Hi All, This is something that's been talked about for some time and it's probably time to propose it. The "We" in this document is everyone on the cc line plus me. Please go ahead and take a look. Thanks! -eric Objective (and TL;DR) ================= Migrate debug type information generation from the backends to the front end. This will enable: 1. Separation of
2007 Aug 23
Type development for the rest of us
Since I had my type development epiphany a couple of days ago, I''ve decided to write down my understanding of developing simple types, at I''d appreciate comments from people who already know how to develop types as to correctness, and also comments from people who are new to type development about whether it''s a
2016 May 11
RFC: Up front type information generation in clang and llvm
Hi Eric, I'm coming back on this topic after discussing this offline quickly with Reid, and at length with Adrian, Duncan, and Fred. I may have to take back some of my words from my previous email, especially as it is not clear how and why what Reid is proposing to do is hurting a future path for Dwarf. Especially, if my understanding is correct, the key point that differentiate what Reid is
2006 Sep 14
scriptaculous Toggle Appear rate
I have the following code to toggle a basic appear of a div: <a href="#" onclick="Effect.toggle(''d3'',''appear''); return false;">Toggle appear</a> I want to edit the rate in which the effect runs. I can''t for the life of me figure it out. I would like to make the effect complete faster, like .5 seconds. I''ve
2008 Apr 06
Where is the Digium DS3 card?
Any know what Digium hasn't released the DS3 card? It was supposed to be out a while ago. -Matt
2015 Aug 06
[PATCH v4 00/17] tests: Introduce test harness for running tests.
Since v3: - A large number of fixes, especially for running the tests on installed libguestfs. - Fixed EXTRA_DIST rules throughout. - Extra patch 17/17 which is a tidy-up of the generated XML listing guests. Rich.