search for: ov_seek

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "ov_seek".

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2001 May 11
Application Crashes When Calling ov_time_seek() function
I’m running into a problem with my application crashing when I make a call to the ov_time_seek() function. The call includes the OggVorbis_File and it is indeed seekable, as I first check that using the ov_seekable() function. Everytime, however I try to seek forward, the application dies with a core dump. I’m working with the example from the “VorbisFile Documentation” site. The application is compiled using gcc version 2.96 20000731 on a Red Hat Linux 7.0 system (Intel). Has anyone else experienced...
2001 Apr 04
Play back file from RAM
How can I decode a Vorbis file which is in RAM (not in a file on the disk)?? (Writing it to disk isn't an option...) -- <\___/> / O O \ \_____/ FTB. --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word
2001 Sep 06
NULLs in ov_callbacks
When calling ov_open_callbacks(), is it safe to have seek_func, tell_func, and close_func all equal to NULL? If not, which ones must I provide and how can I return an error e.g., data source is not seekable? -- Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <> --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from
2001 Nov 12
Vorbisfile: non-seekable
...code: if (ov_open(NULL, &vf, const_cast<char*>(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(get_data())), get_size()) < 0) error = 0x100; else { vorbis_info* vi = ov_info(&vf, -1); Cvirtual_file f; const int cb_samples = ov_pcm_total(&vf, -1); const bool seekable = ov_seekable(&vf); So all data is already in memory and passed to ov_open. This stream is not seekable. Why not? And shouldn't it be seekable? Olaf van der Spek Almere, Holland Olaf@XCC.TMFWeb.NL --- >8 ---- List archives: http://www.xiph....
2004 Apr 06
ov_open fails on Version 1.0.1
...0, SEEK_SET); if (debug > 0) { printf("About to open file as vorbis\n"); } if(ov_open(inFile, &vf, NULL, 0) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file as vorbis. File ignored '%s'\n", fileName); return 0; } if (!ov_seekable(&vf)) { fprintf(stderr, "File is not seekable. File ignored '%s'\n", fileName); ov_clear(&vf); return 1; } vorbisInfo = ov_info(&vf, 0); The failure is on the ov_open and is an "Access Violation". Any ide...
2001 Mar 29
ov_pcm_seek() is very slow...
...ow store the internal state ready for a fast startup? There's a lot of files and various seek points within each one so I'm not keen on having an open OggVorbis_File for each file/seek point, that seems a little inelegant to me. I imagine I'd also need to start creating other threads to ov_seek() them back to the right place after each use, ready for the next time around. Gak! Anybody have any ideas...can I somehow grab the internal state of a decoder into a buffer then restore it? -- <\___/> / O O \ \_____/ FTB. --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg...
2006 Jan 17
How to loop a Vobis sound ? result = ov_read (&m_tOggStream, pcm + size, iBufSize - size, 0, iSample, 1, &section); if (result > 0) size += result; else if (result < 0) throw OvErrorString (result); else break; } return size; } bool OggStream::Rewind () { if (!ov_seekable (&m_tOggStream)) return false; int result = ov_pcm_seek (&m_tOggStream, m_iStreamStart); // int result = ov_time_seek_lap (&m_tOggStream, 0); if (result < 0) throw OvErrorString (result); return true; } bool OggStream::LoadFromMemory (FileInMemo...