Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30 matches for "outdec".
2018 Oct 08
bug with OutDec option and deferred_string altrep object
While implementing R's new 'altrep' functionality in the TERR engine,
I discovered a bug in R's 'deferred_string' altrep object: it is not
using the correct value of the 'OutDec' option when it expands a
deferred_string. See the following example:
R 3.5.1: (same results in R 3.6.0 devel engine built 10/5)
> options(scipen=0, OutDec=".")
> as.character(123.456)
[1] "123.456"
> options(scipen=-5, OutDec=",")
2018 Oct 09
bug with OutDec option and deferred_string altrep object
I'll look into it.
On Mon, 8 Oct 2018, Michael Sannella wrote:
> While implementing R's new 'altrep' functionality in the TERR engine,
> I discovered a bug in R's 'deferred_string' altrep object: it is not
> using the correct value of the 'OutDec' option when it expands a
> deferred_string.? See the following example:
> R 3.5.1: (same results in R 3.6.0 devel engine built 10/5)
> ? ? > options(scipen=0, OutDec=".")
> ? ? > as.character(123.456)
> ? ? [1] "123.456"
> ? ? > options(scip...
2009 Apr 22
Clarification for options(OutDec)
The documentation for the OutDec option says that it should be a
'one-character string'; yet, if I try a unicode character, it doesn't seem
to work. Are unicode chars not counted as one-character?
This is within the mac GUI, but I also see this on linux boxes.
> x <- '\u00B7'
> nchar(x)
[1] 1
> o...
2009 Mar 19
Using unicode character for 'middle dot' in options(OutDec)
...lt;- 1:10
y <- runif(length(x))
par(las=1, bty='n')
plot(x,y, ylim=c(0,1), yaxt='n')
p <- pretty(y)
axis(2, at=p, labels=format(p, decimal.mark="\u00B7"))
at least on x11() and pdf() devices. Is it intentional that I can't use
a unicode char though for options(OutDec)?
> options(OutDec='\u00B7')
Error in options(OutDec = "*") : invalid value for 'OutDec'
[I've replaced the cdot with the * in the error line above, in case it mangles
the email into non-ascii.]
R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
Thanks, Stephen
2013 Mar 15
numerics from a factor
A problem has been pointed out by a French user of the survival package and I'm looking
for a pointer.
> options(OutDec= ",")
> fit <- survfit(Surv(1:6 /2) ~ 1)
> fit$time
[1] NA 1 NA 2 NA 3
A year or two ago some test cases that broke survfit were presented to me. The heart of
the problem was numbers that were almost identical, where table(x) and unique(x) gave
different counts of distinc...
2009 Sep 15
comma as decimal separator in xtable
How can I make xtable print a comma as decimal separator? Setting
the option OutDec isn't enough for xtable:
options(OutDec = ",")
x <- c(1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
y <- c(2.3, 2.2, 2.1)
d <- data.frame(x, y)
Jakson Aquino
2016 Mar 18
formatting of complex matrix
...1 1 1
[2,] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The problem seems to be in printarray.c:275 (https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/trunk/src/main/printarray.c#L275):
EncodeComplex(x[i + j * r],
wr[j] + R_print.gap, dr[j], er[j],
wi[j], di[j], ei[j], OutDec)) )
The width of the real part wr[j] + the width of the imaginary part wi[j] + R_print.gap doesn?t always add up to the width of the column w[j].
As far as we can see, calculating the width of the real part on the fly fixes the problem:
EncodeComplex(x[i + j * r],
w[j] - wi[j] - 2, dr[j], er[...
2009 May 23
as.numeric(levels(factor(x))) may be a decreasing sequence
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
SEXP attribute_hidden StringFromReal(double x, int *warn)
int w, d, e;
formatReal(&x, 1, &w, &d, &e, 0);
if (ISNA(x)) return NA_STRING;
- else return mkChar(EncodeReal(x, w, d, e, OutDec));
+ else return mkChar(elim_trailing(EncodeReal(x, w, d, e, OutDec), OutDec));
SEXP attribute_hidden StringFromComplex(Rcomplex x, int *warn)
2015 Jun 16
Bugzilla activity?
...ly reproducible reports I've filed on Bugzilla haven't
triggered any reaction in several weeks (for the older one).
FWIW, these are:
- Line goes beyond plot region
- format() does not respect decimal.mark="." when options(OutDec=",")
2006 Feb 01
Write.table: change points to commas when object contains a row of characters
...lements. I would like to understand, why
this has to be so and - of course - find a solution for my matrix object
jjmat, that I tried to write out by
write.table(jjmat, file="jjmat.txt", row.names=TRUE,
I also tried "options(OutDec=",")" , which changes the presentation on
the console, but seems to have no influence on write table: jjmat is
still written out with points instead of commas.
The object looks like this:
> jjmat
f2a1 f2b1 f5a1 f5b1 f5c1
rowname1 &q...
2012 Aug 08
decimal points midline
Hi, does anyone know how to make decimal points midline when plotting? The journal to which we are going to submit a manuscript require this particular formatting, and it gives direction how to do this on PC: hold down ALT key and type 0183 on the number pad
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2012 Aug 14
as.numeric and as.character with locale using comma as separator
...39;t happen according to the warning when setting it back
I posted an issue at their github repository, but maybe the behaviour is
a bit more of general interest.
However, if LC_NUMERIC is changed, as.character () uses the decimal
separator that belongs to LC_NUMERIC (and not options ()$OutDec as I
as.double () (= as.numeric ()) doesn't, though.
That causes trouble with constructs like
as.numeric (as.character (x))
long version:
as.character seems to take into account my locale (de_DE) which uses
comma as decimal separator:
> x <- rnorm (3)
> x
[1] -0,00423832...
2008 Apr 27
Setting enviroment variable R_DEFAULT_DEVICE causes an error.
The patch below fixes this.
I guess the same goes for R_INTERACTIVE_DEVICE.
--- R-2.7.0/src/library/grDevices/R/zzz.R 2008-04-27 13:49:11.000000000 +0200
+++ R-2.7.0/src/library/grDevices/R/zzz.R.new 2008-04-27 13:59:37.000000000 +0200
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
extras <- if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
2015 Jun 16
Bugzilla activity?
...;ve filed on Bugzilla haven't
> triggered any reaction in several weeks (for the older one).
> FWIW, these are:
> - Line goes beyond plot region
> https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16299
> - format() does not respect decimal.mark="." when options(OutDec=",")
> https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16411
> Regards
> ______________________________________________
> R-devel at r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-devel
Joris Meys
Statistical consultant...
2015 Jun 17
Bugzilla activity?
...ve filed on Bugzilla haven't
> triggered any reaction in several weeks (for the older one).
> FWIW, these are:
> - Line goes beyond plot region
> https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16299
> - format() does not respect decimal.mark="." when options(OutDec=",")
> https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16411
Bugzilla bugs are read, but they aren't necessarily dealt with
instantly. You can see actions occurring if you do a search for "all"
bugs, not just open ones.
The reason that your bugs haven't been d...
2023 Jul 06
numeric_version doesn't like numeric versions anymore?
Dear R devs,
I installed the recent devel R to test a package error when I intercept this warning when loading packages:
Warning in .make_numeric_version(x, strict, .standard_regexps()$valid_numeric_version) :
invalid non-character version specification 'x' (type: double)
After a long debugging, I realize that `numeric_version` in base does not support numerical input x by
2023 Oct 24
as.character.Date() strips names in R 4.3.2 beta, bug?
...d tweats/.. etc)
? ?as.character(<POSIXt>)? now behaves more in line with the
methods for atomic vectors such as numbers, and is no longer
influenced by ?options()?. Ditto for
?as.character(<Date>)?. The ?as.character()? method gets
arguments ?digits? and ?OutDec? with defaults _not_
depending on ?options()?. Use of ?as.character(*, format = .)?
now warns.
At the time (Sep 2022!) there was quite some traffic on R-devel
about this, IIRC.
Often it's most convenient for people to use format() instead
of as.character() if they want to keep nam...
2023 Oct 24
as.character.Date() strips names in R 4.3.2 beta, bug?
In previous versions of R, as.character.Date() retained any names on
its input vector. In R 4.3.2 beta, it removes names. Is this change
intentional, or a bug? (For what it's worth, I greatly dislike this
change, and hope it gets changed back.)
$ grep DESCRIPTION /etc/lsb-release
$ R --vanilla
R version 4.2.1 Patched (2022-07-09 r82577)
2015 Jul 14
Conservar el nombre de la variable entre varias funciones: ejemplos de resultados
DESUNI = function(XDADES,
XSPV=NULL # Si és una anàlisi de SPV # Pot tenir el valor TRUE
options(digits = 3, OutDec=",", scipen=999)
## No existeix VD: descriptiva
if(is.null(XVD)) # No existeix VD: descriptiva
cat("\n*** Descriptiva (no existeix variable dependent)\n")
## Existeis VD: anàlisi univariat...
2017 Mar 05
Please add me to bugzilla
Please add me to R bugzilla.
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