search for: outconn

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "outconn".

2004 Jul 26
directing print.packageInfo to a file the file specified rather than displayed using . print.packageInfo <- function (x, ..., file = NULL) { if (!inherits(x, "packageInfo")) stop("wrong class") outFile <- if (is.null(file)) tempfile("RpackageInfo") else file outConn <- file(outFile, open = "w") vignetteMsg <- paste("Further information is available in the following ", "vignettes in directory ", sQuote(file.path(x$path, "doc")), ":", sep = "") headers <- c("&quot...
2007 Dec 05
Java parser for R data file?
Hi everyone, Has anyone written a parser in Java for either the ASCII or binary format produced by save()? I need to parse a single large 2D array that is structured like this: list( "32609_1" = c(-9549.39231289146, -9574.07159324482, ... ), "32610_2" = c(-6369.12526971635, -6403.99620977124, ... ), "32618_2" = c(-2138.29095689061, -2057.9229403233, ... ),
2009 Mar 31
Wishlist: optional svn-revision number tag in package DESCRIPTION file
Hi, just a little wish : Could we have one (or maybe more) standardized optional tag(s) for package DESCRIPTION files to cover svn revision info? This would be very useful for bug reporting... I know that any developer is already free to append corresponding lines to DESCRIPTION files to do something of this sort --- e.g. lines like LastChangedDate: {$LastChangedDate: 2009-03-31 $}
2002 Oct 30
silent option for library function
would it be possible to add an option to library that prevents messages except when there are errors? as we build Sweave documents illustrating package functionalities it is sometimes desirable to attach a package "behind the scenes". packages that have messages emitted in .First.lib (often describing version or developer) frustrate this particular desire. verbose=FALSE does not
2005 Apr 14
Finding an available port for server socket
...nnection(port = inPort, server = T, blocking = T) try(source(inConn, echo = T, prompt.echo = "> ", max.deparse.length = 50000)) close(inConn) } } sendSocket <- function(strings, host, port){ ## open a blocking client socket, put strings on it, and close outConn <- socketConnection(host, port, blocking = T) writeLines(strings, outConn) close(outConn) } availablePort <- function(){ ## find a port that R can listen on ## just returns 40001 on Windows portsInUse <- 0 os <- as.vector(["sysname"]) if(os == "Li...
2005 Mar 18
> R.version.string [1] "R version 2.1.0, 2005-03-17" I don't see anything in either or in the Changes file for R-2.1.0 about changes in package.skeleton() (nor in the help page), but when I run this function, all the .Rd files produced are of the data format even if all I have in my .GlobalEnv are functions. A trivial example is to run the