search for: origininating

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "origininating".

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1997 Aug 21
hosts allow - problem
Hello, I have red the E-mail from Christophe Dumont from 17 Mar 1997We have a similar problem. In our smb.conf we have the entries: [global] hosts allow = 193.174.234., 192.124.248., 193.174.235., workgroup = IMBNET printing = SYSV printcap name = /etc/printcap load printers = yes passwd program = /usr/bin/yppasswd share modes = yes browseable = yes ....
2004 Jan 30
request for comments --- package "distr" --- S4 Classes for Distributions
Hello, after some discussions with Martin Maechler and Josef Leydold (WU Wien), we have felt the need for some package that should allow for an object-orientated approach to distributions. Our small group at Bayreuth now has developed a package "distr" which tries to fill this gap, implementing distributions by means of S4--classes. A mother class "Distribution" is
2005 Nov 22
Iproute2 src mangling problems
Hi, I''m having an issue with changing the source address of packets origininating from a specific user using a combination of iptables and iproute2. We want to change packets originating from a specific service so that they originate from that service''s IP address, so that we can move it to a different physical server and have the packets appear to come from the sa...
2010 Jun 15
windows 7 unable to join domain
Hi, I'm currently running Samba3x-3.3.8-0.51 on CentOS 5.5. I currently have many Windows XP clients associated with the domain and behaving correctly. However, I am unable to join a Windows 7 PC. I receive "The specified network name is no longer available." I've verified that DNS is configured correctly, and as stated XP machines have no problem joining. Per some googling,