search for: optshowgc

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "optshowgc".

2012 Jan 03
[LLVMdev] Using llvm command line functions from within a plugin?
...ol not found: __ZN4llvm2cl3optIbLb0ENS0_6parserIbEEE4doneEv Referenced from: /Users/talin/Projects/tart/build-eclipse/linker/libgc.dylib Expected in: flat namespace It appears to be due to the fact that I'm using LLVM's command-line functions from within my plugin: cl::opt<bool> optShowGC("show-gc", cl::desc("Print debugging output from GC strategy")); (when I remove the option from the source, everything works fine.) Now, I recognize the 'flat namespace' phrase from my build file, which passes "-Wl -flat_namespace -Wl -undefined -Wl suppress"...
2012 Jan 03
[LLVMdev] Using llvm command line functions from within a plugin?
...LLVM build? You can get this kind of thing if (eg) opt is from a Release build, but your plugin was built against a Debug build. Ciao, Duncan. > It appears to be due to the fact that I'm using LLVM's command-line functions > from within my plugin: > > cl::opt<bool> optShowGC("show-gc", cl::desc("Print debugging output from GC > strategy")); > > (when I remove the option from the source, everything works fine.) > > Now, I recognize the 'flat namespace' phrase from my build file, which passes > "-Wl -flat_namespace -...