search for: optimimal

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "optimimal".

2006 Apr 16
[LLVMdev] Use of LLVM in a Machine Simulator.
Hi, I'm slowly getting to grips with what makes up LLVM. I intend to use it in a machine simulator, e.g. processor, clock, RAM, UART, and other devices, where the processor will be one of several. It would take a block of target instructions, e.g. ARM, and produce LLVM to simulate those on the target machine state, and then JIT them to host instructions and then execute. The peripheral
2003 Apr 08
No offense, Segher, but the output quality of this thing is awful. =) I'll disregard the fact that, at least with *my* compiler, the source tarball I downloaded reduces every packet to zero bytes, which isn't terribly interesting. I decided to set the byte reduction to something constant: I started by dividing each packet's size by 2 just to see what would happen. The resulting ogg
2005 Aug 17
MMX loop filter for theora-exp
Hello, I would like to announce the semi-optimized oc_state_loop_filter_frag_rows It gains like 7% speedup. Unfortunately it has some issues: 1) wont compile on 64bit (I will fix it later hopefully) 2) is not yet fully optimized (instruction stalls) Here are the results. CPU: Athlon, speed 1466.91 MHz (estimated) Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Cycles outside of halt state) with a unit mask