search for: optimaltec

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "optimaltec".

2006 Mar 06
How to create .dovecot.sieve through IMAP?
Hi All, I suspect that the answer is "no way," but there's hope. I'm trying to set up a PHP application Ingo (part of Horde suite) to create the file <home>/.dovecot.sieve for the "advanced" LDA to do mail sorting. Because PHP is running under a Web server user, Ingo can't really write this file directly. My question is, is there any way for Ingo (or any
2005 Oct 14
"Out of memory" error in 1.0alpha3
Hi All, I have Dovecot 1.0 Alpha3 running on x86_64 Linux 2.6 multi-CPU box using Maildir folders. Moving messages from one folder to another in Thunderbird 1.0.7, regardless of their size (usually small), produced error 83, "Out of memory", when both of these parameters were unset (default): mail_read_mmaped, mmap_disable. The log line before the error was pool_system_malloc():