Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "opleafrec".
2013 May 17
[LLVMdev] Types vs. register classes in instruction patterns -- effect on FastISel
...gh the tablegen code
showed that we were rejecting them precisely because the patterns now
contain value types instead of register classes (FastISelEmitter.cpp,
lines 253ff.):
// For now, the only other thing we accept is register operands.
const CodeGenRegisterClass *RC = 0;
if (OpLeafRec->isSubClassOf("RegisterOperand"))
OpLeafRec = OpLeafRec->getValueAsDef("RegClass");
if (OpLeafRec->isSubClassOf("RegisterClass"))
RC = &Target.getRegisterClass(OpLeafRec);
else if (OpLeafRec->isSubClassOf("Register"...
2013 May 17
[LLVMdev] Types vs. register classes in instruction patterns -- effect on FastISel
...that we were rejecting them precisely because the patterns now
> contain value types instead of register classes (FastISelEmitter.cpp,
> lines 253ff.):
> // For now, the only other thing we accept is register operands.
> const CodeGenRegisterClass *RC = 0;
> if (OpLeafRec->isSubClassOf("RegisterOperand"))
> OpLeafRec = OpLeafRec->getValueAsDef("RegClass");
> if (OpLeafRec->isSubClassOf("RegisterClass"))
> RC = &Target.getRegisterClass(OpLeafRec);
> else if (OpLeafRec->isSubClassOf(&quo...
2013 May 19
[LLVMdev] Types vs. register classes in instruction patterns -- effect on FastISel
...recisely because the patterns now
> > contain value types instead of register classes (FastISelEmitter.cpp,
> > lines 253ff.):
> >
> > // For now, the only other thing we accept is register operands.
> > const CodeGenRegisterClass *RC = 0;
> > if (OpLeafRec->isSubClassOf("RegisterOperand"))
> > OpLeafRec = OpLeafRec->getValueAsDef("RegClass");
> > if (OpLeafRec->isSubClassOf("RegisterClass"))
> > RC = &Target.getRegisterClass(OpLeafRec);
> > else if (OpLeafRec-&...