Displaying 20 results from an estimated 44 matches for "open_source".
2015 Aug 27
Re: [PATCH v2 02/17] v2v: factor out opening input VM
On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 08:00:21PM +0300, Roman Kagan wrote:
> Opening the source VM and amending the properties in its internal
> representation in accordance with command-line options fit nicely into
> two isolated functions.
Better to write this as:
let rec main () =
and open_source ... =
and amend_source ... =
and inspect_source ... =
so it's consistent with how all the other sub-functions are
done in the same file.
'let rec .. and ..' defines mutually recursive functions that can call
each other.
Richard Jones, Virtuali...
2015 Oct 20
[PATCH v3 01/13] v2v: factor out opening input VM
...let new_name = List.assoc (t, "") network_map in
- { nic with s_vnet = new_name }
- with Not_found ->
- (* Not found, so return the original NIC unchanged. *)
- nic
- ) nics in
- { source with s_nics = nics } in
+ let source = open_source input print_source in
+ let source = amend_source source output_name network_map in
(* Create a qcow2 v3 overlay to protect the source image(s). There
* is a specific reason to use the newer qcow2 variant: Because the
@@ -454,6 +397,69 @@ let rec main () =
message (f_"Finishing o...
2015 Nov 10
[PATCH] v2v: Make the interface between cmdline.ml and v2v.ml
I'm interested to hear opinions on whether this makes the code
clearer, or not.
This is virt-v2v, but many other virt-* tools work the same way, and
analogous changes could be made.
Currently when command line argument parsing is done in 'cmdline.ml'
the list of parsed parameters is passed to the main program in a very
long tuple. Each parameter is strongly typed, but not named (so
2003 Aug 12
VMware and samba interoperability patches...
Has any progress been made about integrating the VMware samba-2.2.8a patch?
VMware Inc was generous enough to add their value to this, and I think it's
worth getting in.
>From [http://www.vmware.com/download/open_sources.html]:
Please CC me on any replies. Thanks!
Daniel J Blueman
COMPUTERBILD 15/03: Premium-e-mail-Dienste im Test
1. GMX TopMail - Platz 1 und Testsieger!
2. GMX ProMa...
2015 Aug 11
[PATCH v2 04/17] v2v: factor out populating targets list
...cmdline () in
- (* Print the version, easier than asking users to tell us. *)
- if verbose () then
- printf "%s: %s %s (%s)\n%!"
- prog Config.package_name Config.package_version Config.host_cpu;
- if debug_gc then
- at_exit (fun () -> Gc.compact());
- let source = open_source input print_source in
- let source = amend_source source output_name network_map in
- let overlays = create_overlays source.s_disks in
- (* Open the guestfs handle. *)
- message (f_"Opening the overlay");
- let g = new G.guestfs () in
- if trace () then g#set_trace true;
- if ver...
2015 Aug 11
[PATCH v2 02/17] v2v: factor out opening input VM
...line.parse_cmdline () in
- (* Print the version, easier than asking users to tell us. *)
- if verbose () then
- printf "%s: %s %s (%s)\n%!"
- prog Config.package_name Config.package_version Config.host_cpu;
- if debug_gc then
- at_exit (fun () -> Gc.compact());
+let open_source input print_source =
message (f_"Opening the source %s") input#as_options;
let source = input#source () in
@@ -68,7 +54,6 @@ let rec main () =
printf "%s\n" (string_of_source source);
exit 0
if verbose () then printf "%s%!" (string_of_sourc...
2020 Feb 16
cmake finishes OK for all the projects except debuginfo-tests.
cmake -G Ninja -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="debuginfo-tests"
-DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=X86 -Wno-dev ../llvm &> ../../cmake.log
in cmake.log
-- Targeting X86
CMake Error at
Cannot run debuginfo-tests without python 3
2015 Oct 20
[PATCH v3 11/13] v2v: add --in-place mode
...let input, output,
- debug_overlays, do_copy, network_map, no_trim,
+ debug_overlays, do_copy, in_place, network_map, no_trim,
output_alloc, output_format, output_name, print_source, root_choice =
Cmdline.parse_cmdline () in
@@ -57,12 +61,26 @@ let rec main () =
let source = open_source input print_source in
let source = amend_source source output_name network_map in
- let overlays = create_overlays source.s_disks in
- let targets = init_targets overlays source output output_format in
- message (f_"Opening the overlay");
+ let conversion_mode =
+ if not in_pl...
2015 Oct 20
[PATCH v3 02/13] v2v: factor out overlay creation
v2v/v2v.ml | 91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------
1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
diff --git a/v2v/v2v.ml b/v2v/v2v.ml
index 564c5da..155eb83 100644
--- a/v2v/v2v.ml
+++ b/v2v/v2v.ml
@@ -57,40 +57,7 @@ let rec main () =
let source = open_source input print_source in
let source = amend_source source output_name network_map in
- (* Create a qcow2 v3 overlay to protect the source image(s). There
- * is a specific reason to use the newer qcow2 variant: Because the
- * L2 table can store zero clusters efficiently, and because
- *...
2015 Oct 20
[PATCH v3 03/13] v2v: factor out populating targets list
v2v/v2v.ml | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/v2v/v2v.ml b/v2v/v2v.ml
index 155eb83..4257b8d 100644
--- a/v2v/v2v.ml
+++ b/v2v/v2v.ml
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ let rec main () =
let source = open_source input print_source in
let source = amend_source source output_name network_map in
let overlays = create_overlays source.s_disks in
+ let targets = init_targets overlays source output output_format in
(* Open the guestfs handle. *)
message (f_"Opening the overlay");
@@ -75,4...
2015 Aug 27
Re: [PATCH v2 02/17] v2v: factor out opening input VM
...agan wrote:
> > Opening the source VM and amending the properties in its internal
> > representation in accordance with command-line options fit nicely into
> > two isolated functions.
> Better to write this as:
> let rec main () =
> ...
> and open_source ... =
> ...
> and amend_source ... =
> ...
> and inspect_source ... =
> ...
> so it's consistent with how all the other sub-functions are
> done in the same file.
I actually went the other way around: I moved all callees ahead of
2018 Aug 14
[PATCH] v2v: Verify that ’source.s_disks.s_disk_id‘s are all unique.
...0d3 100644
--- a/v2v/v2v.ml
+++ b/v2v/v2v.ml
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ open Utils
open Cmdline
module G = Guestfs
+module IntSet = Set.Make(struct let compare = compare type t = int end)
(* Conversion mode, either normal (copying) or [--in-place]. *)
type conversion_mode =
@@ -234,10 +235,15 @@ and open_source cmdline input =
if source.s_disks = [] then
error (f_"source has no hard disks!");
- List.iter (
- fun disk ->
- assert (disk.s_qemu_uri <> "");
- ) source.s_disks;
+ let () =
+ let ids = ref IntSet.empty in
+ List.iter (
+ fun { s_qemu_u...
2009 Nov 10
Open Source (or Closed Source) multi-user password manager
...d it shouldn't be a web application.
So far I only found Clipperz[1] (sadly uses PHP/MySQL). Google results
are bloated with SEO-spam.
Can you recommend me an application? What do other Linux teams use?
[0] http://www.mirekw.com/winfreeware/pins.html
[1] http://www.clipperz.com/open_source/clipperz_community_edition
2013 Mar 11
sendmail stops accepting e-mail after sending 40 to 50 messages
i have a centos box (vps) with sendmail and i'am using it to
send a newsletter to mail clients.
I'am using a machine in my local network to send the e-mails
via SMTP (AUTH PLAIN) but after sending some e-mail (35 .. 50)
the connection starts to get closed by the server
I've searched google for a limit configuration on number of
e-mails in sendmail but
2015 Aug 11
[PATCH v2 00/17] v2v: add --in-place mode
This series is a second attempt to add a mode of virt-v2v operation
where it leaves the config and disk image conversion, rollback on
errors, registering with the destination hypervisor, etc. to a
third-party toolset, and performs only tuning of the guest OS to run in
the KVM-based hypervisor.
The first 14 patches are just refactoring and rearrangement of the code,
factoring the implementation
2012 May 22
Limit max number of e-mails sent per hour
Hello list
I use sendmail-8.14.4-8.el6.x86_64 and I wonder how to restrict the
number of emails sendmail sent over an hour.
Is the define(`confMAX_QUEUE_RUN_SIZE', `200') command what I'm looking for?
Thank you in advance.
2019 Oct 11
Re: [PATCH] v2v: Output saved overlays in a machine-readable fashion
...eused virt-v2v code and did what we really
want look like? The basic flow of objects in existing v2v/v2v.ml is:
* let input, output = parse_cmdline ()
The -i and -o options from the command line are parsed, and
"input" and "output" objects constructed.
* let source = open_source input
The input metadata is read (eg. libvirt XML, VMware VMX) and an
internal "source" object is created which models this metadata,
plus (almost as a side-effect) links to the disks. In the
following discussion remember that "source" == "metadata"....
2011 Sep 02
I want to contribute code for wine and become a developer.
I am porting wine to MIPS and do some job in winebuild/ntdll/ etc.
I am using qemu to translate x86 instruction and direct the win32 api call from the qemu to wine in MIPS version.
Wine on mips is running now! I want to contribute the modification to wine .
How can I do that?
2015 Feb 16
setting up centos 6 x86_64 to relay through gmail
I have setup my machine to relay through smtp.gmail.com
installed cyrus-sasl-md5 cyrus-sasl-plain
Added to access:
AuthInfo:smtp.gmail.com "U:smmsp" "I:my accont" "P:my pass"
AuthInfo:smtp.gmail.com:587 "U:smmsp" "I:my account" "P:my
pass" "M:PLAIN"
Added to sendmail.mc
2015 Oct 20
[PATCH v4 0/3] v2v: add --in-place mode
This series is an attempt to add a mode of virt-v2v operation where it
leaves the config and disk image conversion, rollback on errors,
registering with the destination hypervisor, etc. to a third-party
toolset, and performs only tuning of the guest OS to run in the
KVM-based hypervisor.
Roman Kagan (3):
v2v: add --in-place mode
v2v: document --in-place
v2v: add test for --in-place