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2006 Jan 24
Re: Anyone using verizon fios ftth for analog voice?Any echo?
I am using Verizon FIOS to my home. I subscribe to a 5 MB down 2 MB up data package. I continue to pay for a standard voice line in addition to the broadband connection only for local calling, fax and emergency 911 use. The way it works is that the fiber optic connection is terminated on the house via an ONT (optical network termination). The ONT can provide connectivity for three types of
2005 Nov 08
Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm (MCMC)
...e a nested model (purchase decision, cloglog formula, & quantity bought given a purchase, truncated Poisson). Some of the parameters are mixed (6) and 4 are fixed for all the respondent. The simulated ML (500 simulations) method forwards highly correlated estimates. After some research, Hybrid Monte Carlo seems to be a good alternative to estimate the model. I found neither article nor reference in order to establish some code. I would appreciate a good reference describing the algorithm in detail or some code. Other ideas performing the model estimation are welcome. I have established the...
2014 May 07
historical significance of Pr(>Chisq) < 2.2e-16
Where does the value 2.2e-16 come from in p-values for chisq tests such as those reported below? > Anova(cm.mod2) Analysis of Deviance Table (Type II tests) Response: Freq LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq) B 11026.2 1 < 2.2e-16 *** W 7037.5 1 < 2.2e-16 *** Age 886.6 8 < 2.2e-16 *** B:W 3025.2 1 < 2.2e-16 *** B:Age 1130.4 8 < 2.2e-16 *** W:Age 332.9 8 < 2.2e-16 *** --- Signif.
2007 Jun 18
(no subject)
Bonjour, en fait j''ai chercher sur rubyforge quelques projets créer avec wxruby ou wxruby2, en vain!!! je voulais savoir si vous pouviez me donnez quelques noms de projets créer avec wxruby ou wxruby2 pour que je puisse voir ce que d''autres personnes ont pu réaliser. Merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2013 Jan 31
CRAN task views: markdown? better .CSS?
CRAN task views are useful, but they seem difficult to write and maintain because the XML format is rather limited (no sectioning) and the <packagelist> must be maintained manually. They are also difficult to read because the generated html and .css used are extremely basic, giving an overly dense page. Are there any markdown-like tools for writing a CTV? Is it possible to apply a
2010 Feb 01
hiding/protecting utility functions in .Rprofile
[Env: WinXp, R 2.9.2] In my .Rprofile, I define a number of utility functions I'd like to have available in my R session, but don't want them to be *normally* listed by ls(), or more importantly, saved if I save my session variables/functions. How can I do this? -- Michael Friendly Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca Professor, Psychology Dept. York University Voice: 416
2002 Jan 05
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : ann?e de m?moire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de s?r?nit? - Appel au soutien moral et financier
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier ======================== M. Habib HAIBI, 7, Aguesseau St. 69007 LYON - France Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27 Email : Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à tous les survivants
2011 Nov 08
NAMESPACES for data only packages
the NEWS file for R-devel says * Even data-only packages without *R* code need a namespace and so may need to be installed under *R* 2.14.0 or later. but what should this contain? Can it simply be an empty NAMESPACE file? I assume that data does not have to be exported. -Michael -- Michael Friendly Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca Professor, Psychology Dept. York University
2009 Apr 27
kickstart problems...
Hi, I am creating CentOS install usb keys and, apart from a few problems, it mostly works... 1. OT: My server HP does not seem to want to boot on it if I set the write protection on. 2. Anaconda tries to fetch the ks.cfg too early... It detects sda, then detects the RAID adapter, then re-detects sda with a "waiting for device to settle before scanning". Anaconda tries to access
2004 Aug 06
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier ======================== M. Habib HAIBI, 7, Aguesseau St. 69007 LYON - France Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27 Email : Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à tous les survivants
2005 Nov 17
loess: choose span to minimize AIC?
Is there an R implementation of a scheme for automatic smoothing parameter selection with loess, e.g., by minimizing one of the AIC/GCV statistics discussed by Hurvich, Simonoff & Tsai (1998)? Below is a function that calculates the relevant values of AICC, AICC1 and GCV--- I think, because I to guess from the names of the components returned in a loess object. I guess I could use
2003 Sep 25
ungrouping grouped data
I'm sure this is probably simple, but I can't find an answer... I have a data frame (Galton's data on heights of parents and children), in grouped form, parent child frequency 73.5 72.2 1 73.5 73.2 3 72.5 68.2 1 72.5 69.2 2 72.5 70.2 1 72.5 71.2 2 72.5 72.2 7 72.5 73.2 2 72.5 74.2 4 71.5 65.2 1 71.5 66.2 3 71.5 67.2 4 71.5 68.2 3 71.5 69.2 5 71.5 70.2 10 ... and need the ungrouped
2013 Mar 08
ggplot2: modifying line width and background fill color for stat_smooth()
In the example below, from I'd like to make (a) the fitted line thicker and (b) change the background fill color for the confidence envelope around each fitted line to a low-alpha transparent version of the same color used for the separate fitted lines for GENDER, rather than grey for both. How can I do this?
2010 Jan 15
transposing a list of vectors
I have a list of vectors, all forced to be the same length: testlist <- list( shape=c(0, 0, 2), cell.fill=c("red","blue","green"), back.fill=rep("white",3), scale.max=rep(100,3) ) > str(testlist) List of 4 $ shape : num [1:3] 0 0 2 $ cell.fill: chr [1:3] "red" "blue" "green" $ back.fill: chr [1:3]
2008 Jun 06
color scale mapped to B/W
In an R graphic, I'm using cond.col <- c("green", "yellow", "red") to represent a quantitative variable, where green means 'OK', yellow represents 'warning' and red represents 'danger'. Using these particular color names, in B/W, red is darkest and yellow is lightest. I'd like to find color designations to replace yellow and
2013 Aug 23
packages with Sweave and knitr vignettes?
Now that R 3.0.0+ supports non-Sweave vignettes, R-exts \S 1.4.2 seems to imply that it is possible to include both Sweave and knitr vignettes in a single package. I'm wondering if anyone has tried this and/or if there are some hidden gotchas putting this into practice, and concerned about creating problems with CRAN checks if I try this. Consider two vignettes: pkg/vignettes/vign1.Rnw,
2013 Dec 17
ggplot2: stat_smooth for family=binomial with cbind(Y, N) formula
With ggplot2, I can plot the glm stat_smooth for binomial data when the response is binary or a two-level factor as follows: data("Donner", package="vcdExtra") ggplot(Donner, aes(age, survived)) + geom_point(position = position_jitter(height = 0.02, width = 0)) + stat_smooth(method = "glm", family = binomial, formula = y ~ x, alpha = 0.2, size=2) But how can I
2008 Oct 29
sessionInfo() error
[Using R 2.7.2 on Windows XP] After re-building our heplots package, I've begun to get the following error from sessionInfo(), even though it passes R CMD check and builds without errors: > sessionInfo() Error in x$Priority : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors In addition: Warning message: In FUN(c("MASS", "heplots", "car", "rgl",
2013 Jan 29
how to suppress the intercept in an lm()-like formula method?
I'm trying to write a formula method for canonical correlation analysis, that could be called similarly to lm() for a multivariate response: cancor(cbind(y1,y2,y3) ~ x1+x2+x3+x4, data=, ...) or perhaps more naturally, cancor(cbind(y1,y2,y3) ~ cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4), data=, ...) I've adapted the code from lm() to my case, but in this situation, it doesn't make sense to include an
2009 Mar 05
identify() and postscript output
In the following, I'm fitting a logistic regression model, and using car:::influencePlot. When I run the latter with output to the screen, it calls identify() that lets me label observations with large CookD. However, if I use postscript() to get .eps output, identify() seems not to be called at all. If instead, I use dev.copy2eps() after getting output to the screen, the point labels