search for: only_integer

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "only_integer".

2006 May 31
ActiveRecord: When / where to validate data? Tricky question of all, thanks for you time. I have kind of a tricky question and wanted to see what you guys thought. ------------------------------------------- Lets say I have this: ------------------------------------------- class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base validates_numericality_of :some_number, :only_integer => true end ------------------------------------------- Then I do this: ------------------------------------------- purchase = purchase.some_number = ''This is not a number'' Right now the data is not correct. Is this ok? Why should I even let invalid data like th...
2010 Feb 10
validation problems
Hi, there. I have two validations in the model: validates_numericality_of :value, :only_integer=>true, :allow_blank=>true validates_size_of :value, :is=>9, :message=>"must be 5-digit number", :if=>{|u| u.value.is_a?(Numeric)} They work as expected except when the :value is character/string like "a" "abc", the second validation will also ou...
2007 May 05
have_one and have_present
...but it still ''speaks'' better than ''have_present'' for me. FYI - Jay Fields has a Validatable framework that includes some test/unit assertions that look like this: Foo.must_validate do presence_of :name format_of(:name).with(/^[A-Z]/) numericality_of(:age).only_integer(true) end Because Spec::Rails behaviours inherit from Test::Unit::TestCase, you can install the validations gem (gem install validatable) and use these as/is with RSpec. Or, if you want it to feel more spec''ish, you could monkey patch an alias: Foo.should_validate do presence_of :name...
2006 Aug 14
What fields_for really for?! I have 3 models: === 1 === class Region < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :districts end === 2 === class District < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :region has_many :suburbs end === 3 === class Suburb < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :district validates_numericality_of :region_id, :only_integer => true end In edit.rhtml for SuburbController I need to specify region_id. There is no region_id in suburb model so first I added these lines to it: ... class Suburb < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :district attr_writer :region_id def region_id district.region_id if district en...
2008 May 11
validates_numericality_of and greater_than* doesn't appear to be working
I''m using Rails 2.0.2 and I have been trying to take advantage of the "validates_numericality_of" with the ":greater_than" option with something like this: validates_numericality_of :users, :greater_than => 0, :only_integer => true, :allow_nil => true, :message => "The number of allowed users must be a whole number greater than zero." But this doesn''t seem to be catching values set to zero or negative values. Am I using this correctly? NOTE: I have the same problem with the ""...
2007 Jan 18
Conditional validates_inclusion_of execution problem
All, I have a field that I''m validating with validates_numericality_of on as well as validates_inclusion_of, like so: validates_numericality_of :number_of_owners, :only_integer => true, :message => ''must be a whole number'' validates_inclusion_of :number_of_owners, :in => 1..3, :message => ''should be between 1 and 3'', :if => Pro...
2006 Jun 19
newbie validation
hi there. Here is the simple scenario: My active record connects to a table that contains an integer field. My form contains a text box that allows me to enter a value to get updated to the integer field. If anything gets entered that is anything other than a POSITIVE INTEGER, I want to display an error. I have noticed that if I create a new active record like @record =
2007 May 01
Problem validating boolean
...ere''s my model: class FinanceAgreement < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :asset validates_presence_of :finance_company validates_inclusion_of :balance, :in => 0.01..10_000_000 validates_inclusion_of :term, :in => 1..600 validates_numericality_of :term, :only_integer => true validates_inclusion_of :linked_to_residual_value_of_asset, :in => [true, false] end and here''s the RSpec code I''m using to test it: context "A FinanceAgreement with valid attributes" do setup do @finance_agreement = FinanceAgreeme...
2006 Jun 07
Setter that converts a float attribute to integer
...future problems with float arithmetic and round. But at the views, I would like to show the price in euros, with decimal for the cents. So I defined a new attribute called price_in_euros, and the corresponding accesors: class Report < ActiveRecord::Base validates_numericality_of :price, :only_integer => true attr_accessor :price_in_euros def price_in_euros if self.price self.price / 100.0 else # default price is 1 euro 1 end end def price_in_euros=(...
2010 Aug 18
error_messages_for doesn't work
I''m having a problem, ''cause I wrote the following line in my model "Hi": [code] validates_numericality_of :phone, :only_integer => true, :allow_blank => false, :message => "must be a number" [/code] And in my "new" view, I put: [code] <%= error_messages_for :oi, :header_message => "Erro ao cadastrar usuário." , :message => "Chequ...
2006 Jun 07
Problem with a setter that converts euros to cents
...avoid future problems with float arithmetic and round. But at the views, I would like to show the price in euros, with decimal for the cents. So I defined a new attribute called price_in_euros, and the corresponding accesors: class Report < ActiveRecord::Base validates_numericality_of :price, :only_integer => true attr_accessor :price_in_euros def price_in_euros if self.price self.price / 100.0 else # default price is 1 euro 1 end end def price_in_euros=(euros) self.price = (euros * 100).to_i end end If I test this model with the rails console, all is working fine: $ sc...
2005 Dec 17
bug? saving (valid) updated object results in validation error
...validates_associated :product > validates_presence_of :voucher > validates_presence_of :price_sold > validates_uniqueness_of :voucher > validates_length_of :voucher, :within => 10 .. 50 > validates_numericality_of :price_sold > validates_numericality_of :voucher, :only_integer => true > validates_each :price_sold do |rec, s, t| > t ||= 0; rec.errors.add s, "negative price" if t < 0 > end Using script/console as follows:- > >> c = Coupon.find :first > => #<Coupon:0x24d3e64 @attributes={"created_on"=>nil,...
2011 Sep 04
should validate_numericality_of with greater_than_or_equal_to
...equal_to(0) } NoMethodError: undefined method `greater_than_or_equal_to'' for #<RSpec::Matchers::Matcher:0xef23150> this page has method it { should validate_numericality_of(:age).only_integer } and :less_than_or_equal_to is a valid option.. I am confused. How do I spec this? thanks.
2006 Jun 28
how do I validate currency format if I am storing in cents?
Hi all - To avoid floating point issues, I''ve decided to store monetary values in cents in the database. However, the user will enter these in dollars and cents. Two questions: 1) How do I do the validation for the currency format? It looks like ActiveRecord truncates the cents since it thinks the field type is a Fixnum. Am I forced to do validation in the controller? 2) Where
2006 Dec 06
validates_uniqueness_of where scope euqals created_by "magic" field
I have the following ActiveRecord objects: class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :ratings, :dependent => true . . . end class Rating < ActiveRecord::Base validates_uniqueness_of :created_by, :scope => :recipe_id belongs_to :recipe, :counter_cache => true . . . end The created_by field on Rating is implemented as a "magic" field similar to this:
2006 Jun 13
model validation across multiple views
I have a rather complex object with a number of attributes. For a variety of reasons, I would like one view to create the object with only a couple of fields completed, then a second and third view to finish all the fields. I would like the model to validate_presence_of all these fields, since eventually I need them all there, and I would like each page to validate its portion of the fields that
2008 May 17
validates_numericality_of with greater_than* less_than* simply don't work
It seems that the validations for: greater_than greater_than_or_equal_to less_than less_than_or_equal_to equal_to odd even Simply do not work (Rails 2.0.2). I''ve tried every combination I can think of and these never seem to fire. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2006 Jun 06
error working through Agile !!!
Hi everyone, I''m working my way thru the ''Depot'' project from Agile Web Development with Rails. I got to the bit where I type: ruby script/generate scaffold Product admin And I get the following error: error Before updating scaffolding from new DB schema, try creating a table for your model (Product) ( on the last line ! ) Now I have followed everything as
2006 May 23
putting the schema in the model files
THE SCHEMA IN THE MODEL a small write up on ''putting the schema in the model'' This is a write up on an issue best covered in a mailing list thread of Januari 2006 (see the links in the text), I repost it because I think it deserves a place on the agenda. == Why? == I was switching back and forward between the model files and the schema.rb -- off course I have