search for: oge

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "oge".

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2005 Jun 13
problem with pf and asterisk
current setup SIP phone --> linksys wrt54g sveasoft -- INTERNET -- (xl0) Firewall (xl2:> (em1: Asterisk problem is RTP stream not oging trouhg from * to sip and vice versa. #1 and asterusk is pushing back to linksys with 172 as return address.... or #2 asterisk trying to get back to me as 192.168 on public internet.. got
2007 Aug 10
[LLVMdev] llvm.sqrt and undefined behavior
In llvm.sqrt, why is the penalty for negative operands undefined behavior, as opposed to merely an unspecified result? As an example, in code like this: %x = call float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %y) %z = fcmp oge float %y, -0.0 Does LLVM intend to reserve the right to assume that %z is always true? Or that %z is undef? Or even that any statement dominated by %x is unreachable? There's the issue of side-effects that many floating-point operations can have, such as errno, FP status flags, and signals, de...
2004 Apr 11
pasting results into Word/Excel
Is there some clever way of pasting results from R into Excel or Word, as tab limited format so they are easy to turn into a formatted table. Or is there some other way of doing this to avoid the time spent reformatting the output for presentation. If different, I am also interested in an answer to the same question but using S-Plus. Many thanks, Graham
2013 Oct 09
[LLVMdev] Related constant folding of floating point values seems replaces the FPExt instruction with an incorrect hexadecimal value: The LLVM IR generated with O0 opt. level is: ... store float 0x4020333340000000, float* %a, align 4 %0 = load float* %a, align 4 %conv = fpext float %0 to double %sub = fsub double %conv, 8.100000e+00 %cmp = fcmp oge double %sub, 0x3E8000000102F4FD br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %lor.lhs.false lor.lhs.false: ; preds = %entry %1 = load float* %a, align 4 %conv2 = fpext float %1 to double %sub3 = fsub double %conv2, 8.100000e+00 %cmp4 = fcmp ole double %sub3, 0xBE8...
2016 Aug 10
Updated Vagrant Box's are now available : 1607
...ds, - -- Karanbir Singh, Project Lead, The CentOS Project +44-207-0999389 | | GnuPG Key : -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJXqvdGAAoJEI3Oi2Mx7xbtw+sH/2OSI2BJtd4/+lTnpJulQFhM ogE+dpfHgKvgVpUSm6PPjtmEVjP2x4OC/pALTRiBkQpgk7Mi7DNt9K8qjD7ClDxk WO/U5rkRTAvIZVFZ5BhXvrN1RzDArxSGdj5oSBnUzKWmc9wGvuX9Rz82FiC173KW 4Am9JeIlrYC5rsFzUqvijyaCG/8MweO6E242/FjfRWe+WTLX59OuVXzuRFVIpcvj p5WMolJ+j3BzqPYOUWIB8nqaFq+NQ7oHdxo/N/94gSxleT/5uHS+KXLyWeVhhHZE UgaAztSB/0r/mFmIkHa2ISqtASMGodTVicPKDfF96+5...
2009 Aug 18
Wine Battlefield 1942 Sound
Can someone explain Jeff's hack, I really want to play BF1942 with sound fixed,especially with kdog's comment 15. Thanks Thank You, so far both Fedora and Ubuntu forums are mute
2007 Sep 25
[LLVMdev] lli vs JIT diffs on FCmp::ne with NaN operands
...e result is expected to be 0 then. If I run the bitcode with lli (JIT off), no problem. If I use the JIT (lli --force-interpreted=true), then it returns 1. (Converely, fcmp une with the JIT returns 0 instead of the expected 1 ... without JIT it returns the expected 0). The other operators (oeq, oge, ..., ueq, uge, ...) seem to work fine. Is this a bug with the JIT or have I done to muck this up? I've included source below which illustrates the problem (with doubles on fcmp one only ... ). Thanks for your help. ~ David declare void @exit(i32) declare void @llvm.memcpy.i32(i8*, i8*, i...
2009 Mar 24
repolr output
...=================== > summary(soapfeel.mod[["gee"]]) GEE: GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS FOR DEPENDENT DATA gee S-function, version 4.13 modified 98/01/27 (1998) Model: Link: Logit Variance to Mean Relation: Binomial Correlation Structure: Fixed Call: ogee(formula = formula, id = exdata$exdata$subjects, data = exdata$exdata, R = R_mat, b = as.numeric(coeffs), maxiter = 10, family = "binomial", corstr = "fixed", silent = TRUE, scale.fix = TRUE, scale.value = scalevalue) Summary of Residuals: Min 1Q...
2011 Jan 07
Various Questions
...o cash flushing, and ensure NCQ is on. But does this also apply to a BTRFS array? If so, is this done in rc.local with hdparm -I /dev/sdb hdparm -I /dev/sdc How do you know what options to rsync are on by default? I can''t find this anywhere. For example, it seems to me that --perms -ogE --hard-links and --delete-excluded should be on by default, for a true sync? If using the --numeric-ids switch for rsync, do you just have to manually make sure the IDs and usernames are the same on source and destination machines? For files that fail to transfer, wouldn''t it be wise t...
2016 Aug 10
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 138, Issue 4
...ds, - -- Karanbir Singh, Project Lead, The CentOS Project +44-207-0999389 | | GnuPG Key : -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJXqvdGAAoJEI3Oi2Mx7xbtw+sH/2OSI2BJtd4/+lTnpJulQFhM ogE+dpfHgKvgVpUSm6PPjtmEVjP2x4OC/pALTRiBkQpgk7Mi7DNt9K8qjD7ClDxk WO/U5rkRTAvIZVFZ5BhXvrN1RzDArxSGdj5oSBnUzKWmc9wGvuX9Rz82FiC173KW 4Am9JeIlrYC5rsFzUqvijyaCG/8MweO6E242/FjfRWe+WTLX59OuVXzuRFVIpcvj p5WMolJ+j3BzqPYOUWIB8nqaFq+NQ7oHdxo/N/94gSxleT/5uHS+KXLyWeVhhHZE UgaAztSB/0r/mFmIkHa2ISqtASMGodTVicPKDfF96+5...
2013 Oct 09
[LLVMdev] Related constant folding of floating point values
...tion with an incorrect > hexadecimal value: > The LLVM IR generated with O0 opt. level is: > ... > store float 0x4020333340000000, float* %a, align 4 > %0 = load float* %a, align 4 > %conv = fpext float %0 to double > %sub = fsub double %conv, 8.100000e+00 > %cmp = fcmp oge double %sub, 0x3E8000000102F4FD > br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %lor.lhs.false > > lor.lhs.false: ; preds = %entry > %1 = load float* %a, align 4 > %conv2 = fpext float %1 to double > %sub3 = fsub double %conv2, 8.100000e+00 > %cmp4...
2013 Jul 18
[LLVMdev] SIMD instructions and memory alignment on X86
Are you able to send any IR for others to reproduce this issue? On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 11:23 PM, Peter Newman <peter at> wrote: > Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to be the bug I'm hitting. I applied > the fix to my source and it didn't make a difference. > > Also further testing found me getting the same behavior with other SIMD > instructions.
2009 Dec 02
[LLVMdev] LLVM 2.6 -> SVN breaks this
...; preds = %start %12 = fmul double %1, %1 ; <double> [#uses=1] %13 = fmul double %2, %2 ; <double> [#uses=1] %14 = fadd double %12, %13 ; <double> [#uses=1] %15 = fcmp oge double %14, 4.000000e+00 ; <i1> [#uses=1] br i1 %15, label %pass2, label %fail1 pass: ; preds = %start %16 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8]* @buf25, i32 0, i32 0)) ; <i32> [#uses=0]...
2013 Jul 18
[LLVMdev] SIMD instructions and memory alignment on X86
Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to be the bug I'm hitting. I applied the fix to my source and it didn't make a difference. Also further testing found me getting the same behavior with other SIMD instructions. The common factor is in each case, ECX is set to 0x7fffffff, and it's an operation using xmm ptr ecx+offset . Additionally, turning the optimization level passed to
2013 Jul 19
[LLVMdev] SIMD instructions and memory alignment on X86; %312, <2 x double> %327 store <2 x double> %328, <2 x double>* %0 br label %array_loop_tail array_loop_tail: ; preds = %array_loop %329 = extractelement <4 x double> %313, i32 0 %330 = fadd double %329, 1.000000e+00 %331 = fcmp oge double %330, 1.000000e+00 %332 = select i1 %331, double 0.000000e+00, double %330 %333 = insertelement <4 x double> %313, double %332, i32 0 %334 = extractelement <4 x double> %333, i32 1 %335 = fadd double %334, 1.000000e+00 %336 = select i1 %331, double %335, double %334 %...
2012 Jul 31
[LLVMdev] [DragonEgg] Mysterious FRAME coming from gimple to LLVM
...oat* %221, align 4 br label %"26" "24": ; preds = %"21" %223 = add i64 %210, %206 %224 = bitcast [0 x float]* %100 to float* %225 = getelementptr float* %224, i64 %223 %226 = load float* %225, align 4 %227 = fcmp oge float %226, %207 %228 = icmp ne i1 %227, false br i1 %228, label %"25", label %"26" "25": ; preds = %"24" %229 = add i64 %210, %206 %230 = bitcast [0 x float]* %100 to float* %231 = getelementptr float* %...
2012 Jul 31
[LLVMdev] [DragonEgg] Mysterious FRAME coming from gimple to LLVM
...ot;26" > > "24": ; preds = %"21" > %223 = add i64 %210, %206 > %224 = bitcast [0 x float]* %100 to float* > %225 = getelementptr float* %224, i64 %223 > %226 = load float* %225, align 4 > %227 = fcmp oge float %226, %207 > %228 = icmp ne i1 %227, false > br i1 %228, label %"25", label %"26" > > "25": ; preds = %"24" > %229 = add i64 %210, %206 > %230 = bitcast [0 x float]* %100 to float* &g...
2020 Feb 27
[PATCH] Update the 5 year logo to 10 year logo
...>PbkcY{;2-E>8xZWs z5<hhCH=E8MlG4()k9x;#)MBROfOFU1E&gRSK0}B#TlC$~Lysh|DRqK6FVt>+_dMTS zvVQ>N3+6cgcrH)1X<0QjnCONnQ{GdT|NOfB9`!tcQ?a4a^LZ@AaSm0-v2(9!0nKJZ zo;y-y*447L8l6i#4}-%J-6td}g*4z=Nn|n3GB&TiEBNYpo)9ebw&|Aa5b`xNuOZ}Q z6S6pA?|*-wzVbFtiFZv9lvC%QTb>mh)%x2I`Kw|GOtH((BOoGEbR*#d?<?H<xbg7O zZX#d)(9+dI-kh1Vn_b3pfEw*K>iN_5kz=QVYV0F-6PP;~CBhB>^bIX`%~Lz>X>kRq zJTX;5+e0-hml3;XaBF}jYH-I8l%gg?HuXi~^0VAVI7Nk+yk^jpV$)1oOGO+U2Nnx1 za}ft~j$NgBf2f_S_w|yH^1vKQ@h%!1L{A(<o^)^izEPoq9?W78#^4s-@{WeHodY61 zf2Lkn(q~O;F1A0%$AU;2Jk;~Q<wZ)fYU&?S2A1tdbX&f$?6t7%...
2009 Jul 23
[PATCH server] changes required for fedora rawhide inclusion.
...(ji}+JMnt9c(xtSJG8Foes{KK1 z>(i+6`S(yOY<iD4 at A1r1qrG$R0TW*tY9)v2*@)=W5PXGpv!Ul5M~MwXj{u8~xe_5t zM>qQjrtc7)owoN?(~WmE;>J61ah968ro1K*+|HB!?OdX*cyvA8LHl|-nw{QIX^rr= zf?>P2Ai2x4&24QeAMJ_mw$wn!RjIQjyNc5jWu-bbqK|IBxQ2GeYgYUIU2oQT-cjVB z8=S64dsD5q95hUImxGo$%Rvwnhe=QjSKT#>@v6IKvD_%^eogEIMStMQk*Qwv3PfKU zJ5SNmyy)4UnCYVyb}x*Xv{h7XV9j){s_KgR1|9J#ucc#)&Txs}RLYZLg^U!Uc%ieE zA-K|Tb|9=Y%*B|OD$FHDMQv~=PbK|3xlG6KRC3 at YE)5rVPGELOlwTT(iKc**VmpIX zZU(E2Uil at Ngf2%&=Xjk*`1`OZr+lG7*@qZ3>n3rAq3UT!pL?bFO|ap+(!$<SBVjM< zF*Z+(t!wOqdCqC)9QU-dxZXvKn)xd2`M4JqTdsCvv2vAeDzw>H?XZyu...