search for: oftan

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2004 Jun 22
Modems: Cable or DSL digital blunders that lartc may help with.
...ate and hopefully has a buffer, in the modem, of some kind. When I nc(netcat) to a UDP echo, or discard, server I get about 10Mbps out on my ethernet, but only 256Kbps acctualy receved(reported by an open echo server). Other traffic on the link suffers grately from this, so I don''t do it oftan :) I use htb to curve this and that seams to work nice. NO REALY MY CABLE MODEM DOSEN''T MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO, CALL FOR HELP, CONTROL THE FLOW(aka flow-control, supported by ethernet and rs-232). TCP workes a bit better, but not if I use more then 7 uploads at once. With more then 7 the...