search for: occur_default

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "occur_default".

2006 Jul 21
segfaulting at rebiuild_index
Hello, I can''t figure out how to get acts_as_ferret to stop segfaulting. Every time i run a query on my server (rails 1.1.4 and ferret .9.4 and aaf from svn) I get a segfault ./script/../config/../vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/acts_as_ferret.rb:243: [BUG] Segmentation fault this line is where the indx is rebuilt. " def rebuild_index(*additional_models)
2006 Aug 20
missing terms in index causing search errors
I am unable to find results for models when one or more of the terms are not being indexed. Lets suppose I index a User on the phrase "Ruby on Rails." If I then search using User.find_by_contents("Ruby on Rails") I get no results, since "or" is a common term and does not get indexed. Of course, User.find_by_contents("Ruby Rails") works just fine. I
2006 Apr 03
Stop words in queries
I''ve run in to an issue that I''m not sure how to address. Basically, I''m building queries with occur_default Search::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST, and using the StandardAnalyzer which does stop filtering. The stop filtering is working beautifully on the indexing side. The problem is that when the query parser parses through a query with a stop word in it, say "the oregon trail", it builds a qu...
2006 Apr 11
setting the default operator on a QueryParser
Hi all, Thanks to the authors for the amazing work on Ferret! I have a question about setting up the standard operators on a QueryParser. I would like my parser to default to AND queries rather than the default OR. In Java I would simply do: QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("contents", new StandardAnalyzer()); parser.setDefaultOperator(QueryParser.Operator.AND); But I
2006 Jul 03
Ferret not returning the right results
I have ferret setup in my model with multiple fields, but when I do a search on the value that might be stored in two fields, I get no results. Here''s an example: "Jim 12333" Where Jim is a name field, and 12333 is a zip code. I have this in my model: acts_as_ferret :fields => [ ''name'', ''zip'' ] I''m not sure
2006 Apr 13
QueryParser doesn''t use StandardAnalyzer correctly?
...ment. But as for the same query in Ferret, I''m at a loss. This should be easily reproducible with the following code fragment: require ''ferret'' parser =''contents'', :analyzer =>, :occur_default => Ferret::Search::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) q1 = parser.parse(''museum art'') q2 = parser.parse(''museum of art'') puts q1, q2 Thanks for any insight. -Roop -- Posted via