Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "obervation".
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2011 Dec 26
Summary tables of large datasets including character and numerical variables
Hello !
I am attempting to switch from being a long time SAS user to R, and would
really appreciate a bit of help ! The first thing I do in getting a large
dataset (thousands of obervations and hundreds of variables) is to run a SAS
command PROC CONTENTS VARNUM command - this provides me a table with the
name of each variable, its type and length; then I run a PROC MEANS - for
numerical variables it gives me a table with the number of non-missing
values, min, max, mean and std. dev....
2009 Mar 29
select observations from longitudinal data
...ose I have a long format for a longitudinal data
id time x
1 1 10
1 2 11
1 3 23
1 4 23
2 2 12
2 3 13
2 4 14
3 1 11
3 3 15
3 4 18
3 5 21
4 2 22
4 3 27
4 6 29
I want to select the x values for each ID when time is equal to 3. When that
observation is not observed, then I want to replace it with the obervation
at time equal to 4. otherwise just use NA.
How can I implement this with a quick command?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jun 09
deal with R.package panel
my question conserns with use of "panel" package (written by R.C.Gentlman)
(unfortunately the manual and help sites are very short)
1. is it possible to do analysis just without a(ny) covariate? i
suggest do it by introducing a covariate with level=0 in all
obervations, this because of Q(z)=Q_o exp(beta*z), but it seemingly
doesn't work
2. in the option gamma in the call of panel function: do you mean an
initial value for parameter vector gamma?
say if i have 3 theta-parameters, so i have to initialize
gamma=c(xxx,xxx,xxx), correct?
3. are the (first )...
2009 Aug 21
how to plot a gains chart in R?
I have 1000 oberved binary reponses Y, and I also have 1000 predictited
probabilities predicted_prob (between 0 and 1) for those observed reponses.
How can I plot a gain chart in R?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/how-to-plot-a-gains-chart-in-R--tp25083628p25083628.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2010 Mar 23
barplot (stacked)
....0000 2.62500 0.0000 0.18750 0.0000 0.00000 0.0000
[,19] [,20]
[1,] 48.90625 47.5
[2,] 0.00000 0.0
The problem is: I want to group the data. I want to have ten groups. The
first two bars should be [1,1] and [2,1] together in one bar and in the
second bar of the first obervation should be [1,2] and [2,2] (stacked with
beside =TRUE). Therefore the first observation is [1,1],[1,2],[2,1] and
For a better understanding: I want to split the darkblue bar into a green
and a blue bar (please see picture) per observation.
Has anyone a suggestion how I can do this? Than...
1999 Aug 18
R 0.64.2 indexing
> Say we have a large-sized vector of observation A and a time vector with
> the same size. The latter vector basically is the time flag when ith
> obervation of A occurs, hence A[i] occurs at T[i].
> I have no trouble with doing: T[A <= 10 | A >=20] for example
> Now, what I am confused: I tried to pull out when the largest value of A
> with:
> T[A == max(A, na.rm=TRUE)]
> this statement comes up with a numbe...
2010 Jun 03
where a pair means that the records belong to the same individual (e.g.,
record 4 and record 8; 17 and 18...). My problem now is to get a list with
all records that belong to the same person (in the example, obervations
1,3,4,5,6,7,8,12, 17 and 18 are all from the same person). The problem is to
find the link between 1 and 8 (only through 1 and 4 and 4 and 8) and the
link between 1 and 17 (through 18). I can do it in my head, but I am missing
the code that would work its way through too many records.
Any cleve...
2011 Apr 06
Error in match.names(clabs, names(xi))
1366,1577,2060,2412,2486,2796,2802,2934,2988), Dth=c(rep(1,43),
0,0, rep(1,39), rep(0,6)))
CoxG0 <- coxph(Surv(time,Dth) ~ Gp, Gastric)
srvGastA <- survfit(Surv(Gastric$time,Gastric$Dth)~1) ## 88 distinct times
#Gastric$time is all the time points either death or largest obervation
#srvGastA$time is all the unique times
newGas <- data.frame(start=0, stop=1, Dth=1, Ploidy=1, tim=0)
#newGas <- r(0,1,1,1,0)
for (i in 2:90) {
timind <- match(Gastric$time[i],srvGastA$time)
tmpmat <- array(0, dim=c(timind,5))#build an array with dim('index',5)...
2010 Jan 18
problem of data manipulation
...1 2 10/02/2000
3 c 1 2 13/02/2000
4 n 2 1 11/02/2000
5 n 2 1 15/02/2000
6 n 2 1 23/02/2000
I want to select the observations whose difference of "var4" is less than
7 for the cases with the same values of var1,var2 andvar3.
The obervations have the same var1, var2 and var3 are, part1 (obs2 and
obs3) and part2 (obs4,obs5, and obs6).
For obs2 and obs3, their date difference is less than 7, so we donot need
to delete any of them.
For obs4,obs5, and obs6,we can see that obs6 should be deleted becuase its
date is over 7 dyas longer t...
2013 Apr 29
how to add new rows in a dataframe?
...? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7.8
>3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1.6
>3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.2
>3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.2
>3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?4 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1.5
>How can i get the result like this? In reality, i have 4000 obervations, so it's difficult to add the lines manuelly.
>Thank you so much.
2011 Mar 07
null model for a single species?
Dear List members,
I would like to test whether an observed occupancy of lakes in a landscape has occurred randomly (by chance) or not.
How can I do that? The problem is that it concerns only a single species and I would like to use binary data only.
At first I thought of generating null models and test the observed occupancy against the randomly generated one. However, this needs more than one
2009 Apr 28
Random Sample with Unique function
Dear R-users
I have a dataset of 243 lines with replicate information for 20 different individuals (ID).
I would like to randomly sample this dataset 100 times with a selection of unique IDs in each sample.
First to create a random sample I have;
2005 May 21
Asterisk on NetBSD
I was reading on the wiki that Asterisk runs very solid on NetBSD.
Can anyone comment? What is the definition of solid? Who is running
Asterisk on NetBSD and which version of Asterisk are you running?
Also, I know there is limited support for Digium cards on NetBSD, but
is there any support at all? Would a TE410P work in NetBSD? I want to
build a very simple VoIP to TDM gateway. My idea
2007 Jul 27
Problems with new logic being 'n' option to Queue in 1.4.9
I am experiencing a change in behaviour of my Queues in 1.4.9 vs 1.4.8.
I do not pass the 'n' option to any call to Queue() in my dialplan. Yet
since I upgraded to 1.4.9, I have occasionally seen this on my console:
-- Nobody picked up in 20000 ms
-- Exiting on time-out cycle
That log message "Exiting on time-out cycle" is exclusive to the logic in
app_queue meant to
2006 Dec 14
Should Event.stopObserving() remove itself from cache?
Just wondering why Event.stopObserving() doesn''t remove the itself from
the Event.obervers array?
Is there a reason for this?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group.
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2009 Mar 03
PLS regression on near infrared (NIR) spectra data
Dear collegues,
I´ ve worked with near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to assess chemical,
physical, mechanical and anatomical properties of wood.
I use "The Unscrambler" software to correlate the matrix of dependent
variables (Y) with the matrix of spectral data (X) and I would like to
migrate to R. The matrix of spectral variables is very large (2345 columns
and n lines, where n =
2007 Jan 10
labels outliers in boxplot
Dear R-users,
Following is part of my data, where slide has 36
levels and block 48 levels. I have done boxplot for
each slide on the same graph. There are outliers for
each slide and I tried to use indentify functtion to
identify outliers in such a way that when I click on
an outlier or point, the points will be labelled by
either their block or ID or by both but without
success. How can I make
2005 Jan 13
Program logic behind Ruby On Rails
Hi, I''m a newbie in both Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I finished the Ruby on
Rail Tutorial on Todo list and it was great. But, now I''m trying to
understand the logic behind it, that is something that is not obvious on
how each one of them ties together.
Is there a flowchart that shows how the inner working of Ruby on Rails?
In another words, let''s suppose we consider the
2010 Mar 24
R-help ordinal regression
> 0.40625
> ? ? ? ? [,19] [,20]
> [1,] 48.90625? 47.5
> [2,]? 0.00000???0.0
> The problem is: I want to group the data. I want to have
> ten groups. The
> first two bars should be [1,1] and [2,1] together in one
> bar and in the
> second bar of the first obervation should be [1,2] and
> [2,2] (stacked with
> beside =TRUE). Therefore the first observation is
> [1,1],[1,2],[2,1] and
> [2,2].? ?
> For a better understanding: I want to split the darkblue
> bar into a green
> and a blue bar (please see picture) per observation.