search for: nser

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches for "nser".

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2012 Nov 19
help on matrix column removal based on another matrix results
Hi everyone, now I am trying to finish writing the code (I had asked for assistance on subtracting arrays) This is what I what I am running in R: > source("/home/ie/Documents/TTU/GA_Research/GLUE/R-Project/R_GLUE_Example/NSEr.R") NSEr <- function (obs, sim) { {jjh <- (as.vector(obs) - sim)^2 Xjjhs <- apply(Xjjh, 2, sum) Yii <- (obs - mean(obs))^2 Yiis <- apply(Yii, 2, sum) NSEr <- 1 - (Xjjhs/Yiis) } NSEr} > Vsim <- read.csv("1000Samples_Vsim.csv", header = TRUE, sep =","...
2023 Apr 09
can't install nser...
It says that nser requires the most recent version of magrittr that you do not have installed. You must update magrittr before attempting to install nser: update.packages(oldPkgs = "magrittr") or at the prompt you were presented before, choose to update magrittr before installing nser. On Sun, Apr 9, 20...
2023 Apr 09
can't install nser...
Dear members, I can't install "nser" package. It is not in cran but install_version and install_github both are not working: > install_version("nser",version = "1.4.0") Downloading package from url: These packages have more recent versio...
2010 Dec 08
Newbie trying to understand $ so I can understand acf function in stats
I am trying to understand the function acf stats:::acf shows me the function I am having trouble understanding the usage "$acf" in the following acf <- array(.C(R_acf, as.double(x), as.integer(sampleT), as.integer(nser), as.integer(lag.max), as.integer(type == "correlation"), acf = double((lag.max + 1L) * nser * nser), NAOK = TRUE)$acf, c(lag.max + 1L, nser, nser)) I interpret it as ... we are forming an array of dimensionality 3, and the contents of the array come from invok...
2019 Feb 14
Proposed speedup of spec.pgram from spectrum.R
...FALSE, detrend = TRUE, plot = TRUE, na.action =, ...) { ## Estimate spectral density from (smoothed) periodogram. series <- deparse(substitute(x)) x <- na.action(as.ts(x)) xfreq <- frequency(x) x <- as.matrix(x) N <- N0 <- nrow(x) nser <- ncol(x) if(!is.null(spans)) # allow user to mistake order of args kernel <- { if(is.tskernel(spans)) spans else kernel("modified.daniell", spans %/% 2) } if(!is.null(kernel) && !is.tskernel(kernel)) stop("must s...
1999 Oct 31
bug in filter function
I think filter function in ts library has a typo. Line 34 in filter.R reads if(NROW(init) != 1 && NROW(init) != nser) I guess it should be if(NCOL(init) != 1 && NCOL(init) != nser) Please let me know, if I am wrong. Mehmet Balcilar ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-...
2002 Jun 13
Bug in rnorm. (PR#1664)
...===+===+===+===+===+=== # # Script to demonstrate the bug in rnorm. # myrnorm <- function(n,mu=0,sigma=1){ mu + sigma*cos(2*pi*runif(n))*sqrt(-2*log(runif(n))) } # If RFUN <- rnorm we get ``wrong'' answers; if RFUN <- myrnorm, # we get ``right'' answers. RFUN <- rnorm NSER <- 1000 set.seed(350734) rslt <- list() for(K in 1:15) { N <- 100*K M <- matrix(RFUN(NSER*N),N,NSER) T2 <- apply(M,2,function(x){max(x**2)}) PV <- 1 - pchisq(T2,1)**N SZ <- sum(PV < 0.05)/NSER rslt[[K]] <- SZ cat(K,"\n") } rslt <- unlist(rslt)...
2007 Dec 03
Plotting monthly timeseries with an x-axis in "time format"
I have the following timeseries "tab" ===================================== > str(tab) mts [1:23, 1:2] 79.5 89.1 84.9 75.7 72.8 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ : NULL ..$ : chr [1:2] "Ipex...I" "Omel...E" - attr(*, "tsp")= num [1:3] 2006 2008 12 - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "mts" "ts" > tab
2000 Feb 11
Help Help!
...ocovariance function) and need help. First I defined a time series, x, which is a vector created by x <- ts(rnorm(200)). So I plugged the series directly into the acf function, acf(x) and an error message popped up as: Error in .C("acf", as.double(x), as.integer(sampleT), as.integer(nser), : C/Fortran function name not in load table I downloaded R to my PC and am thinking if it's anything to do with the operating system. Please help me out! The second question is about arima simulation. I have an AR and MA process and need to simulate 200 observations from these two models...
2001 Jul 03
plot.mts() with type="p" (PR#1010)
..."n", ...) 1: plot.mts(ts(matrix(runif(10), ncol = 2)), type = "p") > The problem is that plot.mts calls plot() with an explicit type = "n" as well as ..., so the type argument is sent twice. My short-term solution is to change plot.mts() so that: for (i in 1:nser) { plot(x[, i], axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", log = log, col = col, bg = bg, pch = pch, ann = ann, type = "n", ...) becomes: for (i in 1:nser) { plot(x[, i], axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", log...
2009 Aug 04
Stacked plots with common x-axis and different y-axis
Is there a place that shows how to create two plots that are stacked on top of each other where they share a common x-axis scale, but have differnt y-axis scale? Say have the following data: airquality Stack plot(airquality$Day, airquality$Wind) on top of plot(airquality$Day, airquality$Temp). I am interested in stacking the two on top of each other with no seam, or plotting the two lines with
2000 Feb 11
Help Help 2
...ocovariance function) and need help. First I defined a time series, x, which is a vector created by x <- ts(rnorm(200)). So I plugged the series directly into the acf function, acf(x) and an error message popped up as: Error in .C("acf", as.double(x), as.integer(sampleT), as.integer(nser), : C/Fortran function name not in load table I downloaded R to my PC and am thinking if it's anything to do with the operating system. Please help me out! The second question is about arima simulation. I have an AR and MA process and need to simulate 200 observations from these two models...
2000 Apr 03
cbind.ts(),ts.union() (PR#508)
Full_Name: Wolfgang Koller Version: 1.0.0 OS: linux Submission from: (NULL) ( > data(UKLungDeaths) > ts.union(mdeaths, fdeaths,dframe=TRUE) Error in names<-.default(*tmp*, value = nmsers) : names attribute must be the same length as the vector > cbind(mdeaths, fdeaths,dframe=TRUE) Error in names<-.default(*tmp*, value = nmsers) : names attribute
2003 Sep 08
pacf lags
pacf in devel seems by default to return a different number of lags than 1.7.1 for $pacf. I don't see any mention of this in the NEWS file, or any change in the documentation, so I suspect it is and error, though it may be an undocumented improvement. (Newbie question: How is the simplest way to display a function like pacf.default that is not exported from a namespace?) Paul
2013 May 18
Intervalos de confianza en una autocorreloción
Hola: ¿Existe alguna forma de obtener el valor numérico de los intervalos de confianza en una autocorrelación? O, por el contrario, ¿tengo que calcularlos «a mano»? (Llevo ya un rato buscando y nada.) Gracias por adelantado. Salud y Revolución. Lobo. -- Libertad es poder elegir en cualquier momento. Ahora yo elijo GNU/Linux, para no atar mis manos con las cadenas del soft propietario.
2012 Nov 13
Can't format x axis on a stacked plot of a zoo object
As an example data set: set.seed(1) z.Date <- as.Date(paste(2003, 02, c(1, 3, 7, 9, 14), sep = "-")) z <- zoo(cbind(left = rnorm(5), right = rnorm(5, sd = 0.2)), z.Date) tt<-time(z) fmt<-"%b-%d" labs<-format(tt,fmt) plot(z[,1], xlab = "Time", ylab = "") If I plot the data and don't like the format of the x axis I can do this:
2000 Sep 23
I used the AR modelling written for R (S) on blood pressure and heart rate signals. I used 60 one second samples and a model order of 20. I used the "ar" finction in the "ts" package. Given that blood pressure is measured in mmHg would the spectral density (on the graph displayed be [mmHg]sq/Hz ? And the heart rate is measured in Beats Per Minute (bpm) - so would the
1999 Jul 19
time series in R
Time Series functions in R ========================== I think a good basic S-like functionality for library(ts) in base R would include ts class, tsp, is.ts, as.ts plot methods start end window frequency cycle deltat lag diff aggregate filter spectrum, spec.pgram, spec.taper, cumulative periodogram, ar -- at least univariate by Yule-Walker arima -- sim, filter, mle, diag, forecast