search for: nrep

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 46 matches for "nrep".

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2009 Jul 22
R extract vertices for polygon
...ea in which each group "wins" and colour it diferentially. I can make a simple point plot, but I would like to add polygons with full colored area. The example is with a 5x5 matrix, but I'm working with 500 x 500 matrix, so hand work is difficult, Any suggestion will be welcomed. Nrep=5 GROUP<-matrix(c(3,3,3,3,7,3,3,3,3,7,1,3,3,3,7,1,3,3,3,7,1,1,4,4,0),Nrep,Nrep) column<- seq(1, 5, length=Nrep) row<- seq(0,10,length=Nrep) colnames(GROUP)<- round(column,3) rownames(GROUP)<- row GROUP grupovec<-as.vector(GROUP) flushvec<-rep(column,rep(Nrep,Nrep)) MORv...
2005 Sep 08
Effect of data set size on calculation
Dear listers, I have a piece of code which performs an ANOVA type of analysis on 2D GC data. The code is shown below: # ANOVA 2D GC analysis # maxc <- number of samples # nreps <- number of samples maxc <- 2 nreps <- 4 sscl <- NULL cmean <- NULL # # Initial stat. variable # dftot <- nrow(mat)-1 dfcl <- maxc - 1 dferr <- dftot - dfcl totmean <- mean(mat) sstot <- sd(mat)^2*dftot # # Calculate class-to-class variance #...
2011 Feb 02
Help with one of "those" apply functions
Hello there, I'm still struggling with the *apply commands. I have 5 people with id's from 10 to 14. I have varying amounts (nrep) of repeated outcome (value) measured on them. nrep <- 1:5 id <- rep(c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5"), nrep) value <- rnorm(length(id)) I want to create a new vector that contains the sum of the values per person. subject.value[1] <...
2004 Mar 30
classification with nnet: handling unequal class sizes
...<- table(...)) diag(tab) <- 0 cat("error rate = ", round(100*sum(tab)/length(list(...)[[1]]), 2), "%\n") invisible() } CVnn2 <- function(formula, data, size = c(0,4,4,10,10), lambda = c(0, rep(c(0.001, 0.01),2)), nreps = 1, nifold = 5, verbose = 99, ...) { resmatrix <- function(predict.matrix,learn, data, ri, i) { rae.matrix <- predict.matrix rae.matrix[,] <- 0 rae.vector <- as.numeric(as.factor((predict(learn, data[ri == i,], type = "class")))) for (k...
2004 Sep 23
nnet and weights: error analysis using V&R example
...seed(123) rand <- sample(10, dim(fgl)[1], replace = T) fgl1 <- fgl fgl1[1:9] <- lapply(fgl[, 1:9], function(x) {r <- range(x); (x - r[1])/diff(r)}) CVnn2 <- function(formula, data, size = c(0,4,4,10,10), lambda = c(0, rep(c(0.001, 0.01),2)), nreps = 1, nifold = 5, verbose = 99, ...) { CVnn1 <- function(formula, data, nreps=1, ri, verbose, ...) { totalerror <- 0 truth <- data[,deparse(formula[[2]])] res <- matrix(0, nrow(data), length(levels(truth))) if(verbose > 20) cat("...
2004 Sep 23
nnet with weights parameter: odd error
...resolve the problem- it is really very strange and I need your help! I tried it very simple in defining the weights as = 1 for each obs (as it is by default)!: CVnn2 <- function(formula, data, size = c(0,4,4,10,10), lambda = c(0, rep(c(0.001, 0.01),2)), nreps = 1, nifold = 5, verbose = 99, ...) { resmatrix <- function(predict.matrix, learn, data, ri, i) { rae.matrix <- predict.matrix rae.matrix[,] <- 0 rae.vector <- as.numeric(as.factor((predict(learn, data[ri == i,],...
2011 Mar 03
Probabilities greather than 1 in HIST
Dear all, I am a newbie in R and could not find help on this problem. I am trying to plot an histogram with probabilities in the y axis. This is the code I am using: #TLC uniform n=30 mi=1; mx=6 nrep=1000 xbar=rep(0,nrep) for (i in 1:nrep) {xbar[i]=mean(runif(n,min=mi,max=mx))} hist(xbar,prob=TRUE,breaks="Sturges",xlim=c(1,6),main=paste("n =",n), xlab="Média", ylab="Probabilidade") curve(dnorm(x,mean=mean(xbar),sd=sd(xbar)),add=TRUE,lwd=2,col="red&qu...
2011 Jan 05
Nnet and AIC: selection of a parsimonious parameterisation
...s[, 2:8] # excludes names, authors? predictions attach(cpus2) cpus3 <- data.frame(syct = syct-2, mmin = mmin-3, mmax = mmax-4, cach=cach/256,chmin=chmin/100, chmax=chmax/100, perf) detach() CVnn.cpus <- function(formula, data = cpus3[cpus.samp, ], maxSize = 10, decayRange = c(0,0.2), nreps = 5, nifold = 10, alpha= 9/10, linout = TRUE, skip = TRUE, maxit = 1000,...){ #nreps=number of attempts to fit a nnet model with randomly chosen initial parameters # The one with the smallest RSS on the training data is then chosen nnWtsPrunning <-function(nn,data,alpha,i){ trut...
2005 Apr 20
negative p-values from fisher's test (PR#7801)
Full_Name: Martha Nason Version: 2.0.1 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( I am running simulations using fisher's test on 2 x c tables and a very small p.value from fisher's test (<2.2e-16) is returned as a negative number. Code follows. > set.seed(0) > nreps.outer <-7 > pvalue.fisher <- rep(NA,nreps.outer) > > population1 <- c( rep("A",300),seq(1:100)) > > population2 <- c( rep("A",100),seq(101:200)) > > > for (j in 1:nreps.outer){ + n1 <- sample(30:100,1) + n2 <- sample(30:100,1) + +...
2012 Jan 13
Example of "task seeds" with R parallel. Critique?
...go wrong? I see danger in conflicts between my effort to manage seeds and the work of parallel functions that try to manage seeds for me. That's why I wish I could integrate task-based seeds into parallel itself. RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") set.seed(23456) library(parallel) ## nrep = number of repetitions (or tasks) ## streamsPerRep = number of streams needed by each repetition nReps <- 2000 streamsPerRep <- 2 ## projSeeds=list of lists of stream seeds projSeeds <- vector(mode="list", nReps) for (i in 1:nReps) projSeeds[[i]] <- vector(mode="list&qu...
2006 Aug 24
Why are lagged correlations typically negative?
...2, use="complete") [1] -1 > (T1<-rnorm(3)) [1] -0.84258593 -0.49161602 0.03805543 > (T2<-c(T1[2:3],NA)) [1] -0.49161602 0.03805543 NA > cor(T1,T2, use="complete") [1] 1 ########### # More advanced simulation example ########### > lags function(nobs,nreps,rho=1){ OUT<-data.frame(NEG=rep(NA,nreps),COR=rep(NA,nreps)) nran<-nobs+1 #need to generate 1 more random number than there are observations for(i in 1:nreps){ V1<-rnorm(nran) V2<-sqrt(1-rho^2)*rnorm(nran)+rho*V1 #print(cor(V1,V2)) V1<-V1[1:nran-1] V...
2006 Nov 23
statistics help
...ean time until you have reached square 1 for p= 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 and 0.5. What is the probability of reaching square 10 for these parameters hint simulate each scenario 1000 times and plot on histogram this is the code that i have come up with but its not working very well. rw<-function(sw,p,nrep){ Z=0 T=0 count=0 for (i in 1:nrep) { n<-0 s=sw while (s>0 & s<10) { x<-runif(1, min=0, max=1) if (x<p) {s<-s-1} else{s<-s+1} print (s) n<-n+1 } count<-count+n print (coun...
2012 Oct 20
Logistic regression/Cut point? predict ??;-prediction(pred,z) auc<-performance(rocpreds,"auc")@y.values output<-c(int,slope,cutmid,accuracy,auc) names(output)<-c("Intercept","Slope","CutPoint","Accuracy","AUC") return(output) } y<-fitglm(.05,1) y nreps <- 500; output<-data.frame(matrix(rep(NA),nreps,6,ncol=6)) mysigma<-.5 mytau<-.1 i<-1 for(j in 1:nreps) { output[j,1:5]<-fitglm(mysigma,mytau) output[j,6]<-j } names(output)<-c("Intercept","Slope","CutPoint","Accuracy",&qu...
2018 Feb 15
package MonteCarlo error: object 'packages' not found
...ow > A_grid<-rnorm(1000) #probabilities > B_grid<- rnorm(1000) #probabilities > #put parameters in a list > param_list_kud=list("x"=x_grid, "A"=A_grid, "B"=B_grid) > #run MC simulation > MC_result_kud<-MonteCarlo(func=infest_kud_fun,nrep=10000,param_list=param_list_kud) Error in MonteCarlo(func = infest_kud_fun, nrep = 10000, param_list = param_list_kud) : ? object 'packages' not found > sessionInfo() R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Servi...
2013 Apr 03
Help with lmRob function
...esults I'd expect to see. Another potentially useful piece of information is that when I run a model with just the two variables that have an "Estimate" value of 1 (one categorical and one continuous), I get the following error message: 1: In, y, x1.idx = x1.idx, nrep = nrep, robust.control = robust.control, : Sum(psi.weight(wi)) less than 1e-06 in lmRob.ucovcoef. during initial estimation. 2: In, y, x1.idx = x1.idx, nrep = nrep, robust.control = robust.control, : Sum(psi.weight(wi)) less than 1e-06 in lmRob.ucovcoef. during final scal...
2012 Sep 18
extracting column and regular interval in R
Dear R users, i have a matrix with 31 rows and 444 columns and i want to extract every 37th column of that matrix starting from 1. more precisely i want to select columns 1, 38,75, 112 and so on. then doing the same by starting from column number 2(2,39,76,113.......). i know that there is a manual way of doing it but i wanted to make it more quickly as i have fairly large data to dealth with.
2006 Jun 18
bug with boot.sw98 function (PR#8999)
...ission from: (NULL) ( I'm using the FEAR library to perform Data Envelopment analysis with a 36,000 obs dataset. The function dea is working fine but then when I try to use the boot.sw98 to come up with some sensitivity analysis I get the following error: boot.sw98(XOBS=x,YOBS=y,NREP=100,DHAT=dhat,RTS=3,ORIENTATION=2) Error in 0:L : NA/NaN argument In addition: Warning message: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length in: kappam * Gcounts What does this mean? Is this because I have too many observations? What can I do to fix it? Please let me kn...
2011 May 04
hurdle, simulated power
Hi all-- We are planning an intervention study for adolescent alcohol use, and I am planning to use simulations based on a hurdle model (using the hurdle() function in package pscl) for sample size estimation. The simulation code and power code are below -- note that at the moment the "power" code is just returning the coefficients, as something isn't working quite right. The
2006 Jan 12
"infinite recursion" in when lme4 loaded only
...Memory used increases beyond bonds in task manager. -- I tested a few S3 based packages (MASS, nlme) and did not get similar problems Current workaround: do lme4-processing in a separate program. ------ #library(lme4) # uncomment this to see the problem np <- 12 nq <- 20 nph <- 3 nrep <- 30 grd <- expand.grid(Pat=as.factor(1:np), Q=as.factor(1:nq), Phase=as.factor(1:nph)) df <- with (grd, data.frame(Pat=Pat,Q=Q,Phase=Phase,Resp = rnorm(np*nq*nph*nrep))) score <- function(x) { data.frame(Pat=x$Pat[1],Phase=x$Phase[1],Q=x$Q[1],score = mean(x...
2006 Jan 12
"infinite recursion" in when lme4 loaded only
...Memory used increases beyond bonds in task manager. -- I tested a few S3 based packages (MASS, nlme) and did not get similar problems Current workaround: do lme4-processing in a separate program. ------ #library(lme4) # uncomment this to see the problem np <- 12 nq <- 20 nph <- 3 nrep <- 30 grd <- expand.grid(Pat=as.factor(1:np), Q=as.factor(1:nq), Phase=as.factor(1:nph)) df <- with (grd, data.frame(Pat=Pat,Q=Q,Phase=Phase,Resp = rnorm(np*nq*nph*nrep))) score <- function(x) { data.frame(Pat=x$Pat[1],Phase=x$Phase[1],Q=x$Q[1],score = mean(x...