Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "nr_subdir".
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2018 Oct 28
[PATCH nbdkit 4/4] Add floppy plugin.
...struct lfn *lfns, size_t n);
+static ssize_t extend_dir_table (size_t di, struct virtual_floppy *floppy);
+/* Create the on disk directory table for dirs[di]. */
+create_directory (size_t di, const char *label,
+ struct virtual_floppy *floppy)
+ size_t i;
+ const size_t nr_subdirs = floppy->dirs[di].nr_subdirs;
+ const size_t nr_files = floppy->dirs[di].nr_files;
+ struct lfn *lfns, *lfn;
+ const char *name;
+ uint8_t attributes;
+ uint32_t file_size;
+ struct stat *statbuf;
+ if (di == 0) {
+ /* For root directory, add the volume label entry first. */
2018 Oct 28
[PATCH nbdkit 0/4] Add floppy plugin.
Add nbdkit-floppy-plugin, “inspired” by qemu's VVFAT driver, but
without the ability to handle writes.
The implementation is pretty complete, supporting FAT32, LFNs, volume
labels, timestamps, etc, and it passes both ‘make check’ and ‘make
Usage is simple; to serve the current directory:
$ nbdkit floppy .
Then using guestfish (or any NBD client):
$ guestfish --ro
2018 Oct 30
Re: [PATCH nbdkit 4/4] Add floppy plugin.
> +{
> + /* Add files. */
> + attributes = DIR_ENTRY_ARCHIVE; /* Same as set by Linux kernel. */
> + for (i = 0; i < nr_files; ++i) {
> + const size_t fi = floppy->dirs[di].files[i];
> + assert (fi < floppy->nr_files);
> +
> + lfn = &lfns[nr_subdirs+i];
Spacing around +
> +/* Either truncate or pad a string (with spaces). */
> +void
> +pad_string (const char *label, size_t n, uint8_t *out)
> +{
> + const size_t len = strlen (label);
> +
> + memcpy (out, label, len <= n ? len : n);
> + if (len < n)
> +...
2018 Oct 30
Re: [PATCH nbdkit 4/4] Add floppy plugin.
provided the end coincides with a 13 codepoint boundary. Also to fill
the rest of the space with 0x0000. So that's what this implementation
Having said that I didn't check it works on Windows (or even MS-DOS!)
guests, which I really should do ...
> >+ lfn = &lfns[nr_subdirs+i];
> Spacing around +
On the spacing issue I've tried not to be too religious here, and
instead group things logically. For example:
2*n + 1
would be fine.
> >+ /* Now we must see if some short filenames are duplicates and
> >+ * rename them. XXX Unfortunately...