search for: nq

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 81 matches for "nq".

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1997 Aug 20
R-alpha: R-0.50-a3(+) Method despatching bug ?
...n (x, subs) structure(unclass(x)[subs], class = "noquote") print.noquote <- function(obj,...) { ## method for (character) objects of class 'noquote' cl <- class(obj) class(obj) <- cl[cl != "noquote"] NextMethod("print", obj, quote = FALSE, ...) } nq <- noquote(letters) ##-- the next two should be equivalent, but are not ...?.. print(nq) nq > print(nq) [1] a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z > nq Error: couldn't find function "print.noquote" > unclass(nq) [1] "a" "b" "c&quo...
2002 Nov 21
Tribes 1.x & Wine
Has anyone ever tried to actually get a tribes server running under wine or another emulator? Just the other day i was setting up a linux counter-strike server. My friend asked me if i would setup a Tribes 1.0 or 1.11 server. I thought linux would be a great way to do it. I was trying to run a headless / dedicated starsiege tribes server (1.0/1.11) I Installed the tribes files (including the
2010 Apr 26
Never executing loop in smallft.c
...ibvorbis code and found a strange fragment in smallft.c: 38 static void drfti1(int n, float *wa, int *ifac){ 39 static int ntryh[4] = { 4,2,3,5 }; 40 static float tpi = 6.28318530717958648f; 41 float arg,argh,argld,fi; 42 int ntry=0,i,j=-1; 43 int k1, l1, l2, ib; 44 int ld, ii, ip, is, nq, nr; 45 int ido, ipm, nfm1; 46 int nl=n; 47 int nf=0; 48 49 L101: 50 j++; 51 if (j < 4) 52 ntry=ntryh[j]; 53 else 54 ntry+=2; 55 56 L104: 57 nq=nl/ntry; 58 nr=nl-ntry*nq; 59 if (nr!=0) goto L101; ... As far as I can see, nr will always be 0, witch means that j will be...
2009 Mar 12
Cross-validation -> lift curve
Hi all, I'd like to do cross-validation on lm and get the resulting lift curve/table (or, alternatively, the estimates on 100% of my data with which I can get lift). If such a thing doesn't exist, could it be derived using cv.lm, or would we need to start from scratch? Thanks! -- Eric Siegel, Ph.D. President Prediction Impact, Inc. Predictive Analytics World Conference More info:
2006 Jan 12
"infinite recursion" in when lme4 loaded only
...ursion after 60 seconds. Memory used increases beyond bonds in task manager. -- I tested a few S3 based packages (MASS, nlme) and did not get similar problems Current workaround: do lme4-processing in a separate program. ------ #library(lme4) # uncomment this to see the problem np <- 12 nq <- 20 nph <- 3 nrep <- 30 grd <- expand.grid(Pat=as.factor(1:np), Q=as.factor(1:nq), Phase=as.factor(1:nph)) df <- with (grd, data.frame(Pat=Pat,Q=Q,Phase=Phase,Resp = rnorm(np*nq*nph*nrep))) score <- function(x) { data.frame(Pat=x$Pat[1],Phase=x$Phase[...
2006 Jan 12
"infinite recursion" in when lme4 loaded only
...ursion after 60 seconds. Memory used increases beyond bonds in task manager. -- I tested a few S3 based packages (MASS, nlme) and did not get similar problems Current workaround: do lme4-processing in a separate program. ------ #library(lme4) # uncomment this to see the problem np <- 12 nq <- 20 nph <- 3 nrep <- 30 grd <- expand.grid(Pat=as.factor(1:np), Q=as.factor(1:nq), Phase=as.factor(1:nph)) df <- with (grd, data.frame(Pat=Pat,Q=Q,Phase=Phase,Resp = rnorm(np*nq*nph*nrep))) score <- function(x) { data.frame(Pat=x$Pat[1],Phase=x$Phase[...
2012 Feb 10
making multiple lines using qqplot
...command to use with qqplot. I know I can use 'points' or 'lines', but these do not give me a qqplot (only appear to work as scatter plots). I found the syntax 'par(new=TRUE)' but that only seems to work for two lines, not for three. My script currently looks like: qqplot(nq.n5,tq.n5,col="red",xlab="Normal Distribution Quantiles",ylab="t Distribution Quantiles",main="Quantile-Quantile Plot of Normal vs t-Distribution for Various Sample Sizes",pch=20) par(new=TRUE) qqplot(nq.n50,tq.n50,col="blue",xlab="",y...
2005 Feb 09
efficient R code
...PQ~PQ parents # pQ,qQ = number of PQ,QQ children of PQ~QQ parents #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- O3 <- function(X1,X2,X3,Op) matrix(outer(outer(X1,X2,Op),X3,Op)) b0 <- function(n) if (n==0) 1 else dbinom(0:n, n, .5) Dst <- function(nP, nX, nQ ) O3(b0(nP),(2^0)*b0(nX),b0(nQ),"*") Est <- function(pP,qP,pX,qX,pQ,qQ) O3(pP-qP, (2^1)*(pX-qX),pQ-qQ,"+") # (1) Var <- function(pP,qP,pX,qX,pQ,qQ) O3(pP+qP, (2^2)*(pX+qX),pQ+qQ,"+") # (2) asymp.SMN.pvalue <- function(...) 1-pchisq( Est(...)^2/Var(...) ,1)...
2007 Apr 27
add arrows to barchart with groups
...way of doing it: trellis.focus("panel",1,1) xx<-trellis.panelArgs()$x yy<-trellis.panelArgs()$y panel.arrows(as.numeric(xx)[c(1,3)]-0.1,yy[c(1,3)],as.numeric(xx)[c(1,3)]-0.1,yy[c(2,4)],lwd=2,code=3) panel.text(as.numeric(xx)[c(1,3)]-0.35,c(87,87),paste(yy[c(2,4)]-yy[c(1,3)],"\nq/ha"),font=2) trellis.focus("panel",2,1) xx<-trellis.panelArgs()$x yy<-trellis.panelArgs()$y panel.arrows(as.numeric(xx)[c(1,3)]-0.1,yy[c(1,3)],as.numeric(xx)[c(1,3)]-0.1,yy[c(2,4)],lwd=2,code=3) panel.text(as.numeric(xx)[c(1,3)]-0.35,c(87,87),paste(yy[c(2,4)]-yy[c(1,3)],"\...
2003 Jul 09
error on web page for msn
Hi everybody, I'm trying to use msn with * and for that, I'm reading all information on the mailing list. You used to recommend the page, but I always get an error while opening. Has it changed? Is there another one? Thanks cmayor ___________________________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger - Nueva versi?n GRATIS Super Webcam, voz, caritas animadas, y m?s...
2006 Mar 15
[NQ] How to set an initial FK for a new item of something?
Hi all, running into a little problem here. I''ve a list of things with a "New thing" link beneath it. When you click that link, obviously, a new thing shall be created. Now, that works pretty fine for things that don''t have foreign keys, but for things that do it crashes, since there is not yet a available. I suspect you can somewhere in
2004 Aug 17
Hello, As I am quitte an ignorant user of R, excuse me for any wrongfull usage of all the terms. My question relates to the statistics behind the survdiff function in the package survival. My textbook knowledge of the logrank test tells me that if I want to compare two survival curves, I have to take the sum of the factors: (O-E)^2/E of both groups, which will give me the Chisq. If I calculate
2003 May 18
Music conferences ?
Hi folks, I have been wondering about different processor loads and which might be a more efficient way of doing this.... Currently we can set up a shoutcast station as an extension exten => 3334,1,MP3Player, Now I was wondering if there was a way we can add a music extension to a conference (send only) and then set up an extension into the conference as listen only ?? if so, how ? and if it could be done, which would be lesser load on the machine ?? One other point.... Is there some way t...
2017 Feb 17
Turn on SIP debugging from DialPlan
I have some troublesome numbers that I would like to capture the SIP dialogue when I am calling them. When I am about to dial the number, is there any way to turn on SIP debugging in the dial plan before I make the call? (and turn it off after the call is completed?) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2012 Jan 27
[Bug 45299] New: fullscreen GL window flickering with updates in other windows ReportedBy: bill at This is with debian undstable xorg and blackbox, running quakeforge ( When quakeforge is running full screen and updates happen in another window (eg, echoed console messages in the xterm from which I launched qf (eg, nq-glx)). This does not happen with the LLVM driver (I had symbol problems with a bad build of nouveau and wound up with the LLVM driver for a while). a good test command line: nq-glx +set vid_width WIDTH +set vid_height HEIGHT +set vid_fullscreen 1 where WIDTH and HEIGHT are the full size dimension...
2013 Mar 10
Samba DC join fails - IPv4/IPv6 issue
...-e trace=network /opt/samba4/bin/samba-tool domain join DC <...> [pid 1640] socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM|SOCK_NONBLOCK, IPPROTO_IP) = 5 [pid 1640] connect(5, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0 [pid 1640] send(5, "NQ\1\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\5venus\5linex\4r00t\2la"..., 37, MSG_NOSIGNAL) = 37 [pid 1640] recvfrom(5, "NQ\205\200\0\1\0\1\0\0\0\0\5venus\5linex\4r00t\2la"..., 1500, 0, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 53 Process 1635 suspended [p...
2003 Jul 30
...with SetCIDName() get overwritten with the name of the user running Asterisk, when placing calls through H323? - -- Regards, Tais M. Hansen ComX -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE/J5YL2TEAILET3McRAuFUAKCiLlSXB4qzEVcm8ps8VHzkGlPLewCeLdig x399jPG6fIEvyxf52ksi/nQ= =dhvu -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
2006 Nov 27
HP Photosmart C6180 and smbclient (and other unix based smb clients)
...hat happens when I try to do an smbclient -L of the system. Any help would be appreciated. --Vincas -------------- next part -------------- Script started on Sat 25 Nov 2006 07:35:13 AM EST loquat:/home/vincas# m[Ksmbclient -L Password: Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[ThreadX] Server=[NQ 4.22] Sharename Type Comment --------- ---- ------- cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine Error was ERRSRV - ERRnosupport (Function not supported.) Error returning browse list: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) Domain=[WORKG...
2006 Dec 03
HP Photosmart C6180 and smbclient, and other linux-based samba clients
...what happens when I try to do an smbclient -L of the system. Any help would be appreciated. --Vincas -------------- next part -------------- Script started on Sat 25 Nov 2006 07:35:13 AM EST loquat:/home/vincas# m[Ksmbclient -L Password: Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[ThreadX] Server=[NQ 4.22] Sharename Type Comment --------- ---- ------- cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine Error was ERRSRV - ERRnosupport (Function not supported.) Error returning browse list: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) Domain=[WORKG...
2001 Aug 13
erappin' - daily morning update 8-13-01 (PR#1051)
...e. The combination of weaknesses and strengths and risks is both unusual and challenging." Symbol Close High Low Gain/Loss SPU01 1191.20 1197.50 1171.50 3.40 ESU01 1191.25 1197.50 1172.00 3.50 NDU01 1624.00 1652.50 1581.00 15.50 NQU01 1624.00 1652.50 1582.50 15.50 DOW 10416.25 10433.46 10197.32 117.69 NASDAQ 1956.47 1967.03 1915.99 6.85 SPX 1190.16 1193.33 1169.55 6.73 SOX 593.05 595.63 572.29 7.16 VIX 22.81 24.91 22.68 0.83 TRADING We have seen...