search for: notable_type

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "notable_type".

2006 Dec 11
Index help on Polymorphic Associations
...=> [:created_by, :updated_by ], :user_class_name => ''AuthenticatedSystem'', :user_method => ''current_user'' acts_as_ferret :fields => {:details => {:store => :yes}, :notable_id => {}, :notable_type => {}} belongs_to :notable, :polymorphic => true .......... But when i searched for a project with the note ''test'': @results = Project.find_by_contents(''test'') it returns 0 results. I checked in the logs and it created the index: Processing Not...
2006 Aug 16
Active Record Observers causing 404''s and other weird issues
Hi all. I''ve got a simple AR Observer: class NewOrderObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer observe NewOrder def after_create(object) Note.create(...) end end In environment.rb I have the following line: config.active_record.observers = :new_order_observer And in application.rb I have: NewOrderObserver.instance Aside from simply not working, it''s causing