search for: nosuchmethoderror

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "nosuchmethoderror".

2009 Nov 25
predict(): NoSuchMethodError
...rRegression" Formula <- as.formula(paste(, " ~ ", paste(otherAtts, collapse= "+"))) myAlg <- get(algName) cl <- myAlg(Formula, data = Data) And this is the error I'm getting: Error in .jnew("weka/core/Attribute", attname[i]) : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: <init> Here is the printout of the a working case: cl = Linear Regression Model petallength = 1.748 * sepallength + -1.4174 * sepalwidth + -2.1294 ClusterData[j,] = sepallength sepalwidth petallength petalwidth class 5.7...
2010 Aug 04
RWeka problem: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
...mFolds = 10, complexity = TRUE, seed = 123, class = TRUE) e summary(e) e$details ============ But executing "J48(play~., data = w)" generates the following error: ====== Error in .jnew("weka/core/Attribute", attname[i], .jcast(levels, "java/util/List")) : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: <init> ====== Can anybody help me to fix this problem? Thanks!
2011 Nov 14
Error .jcall(mxe, "S", "fit", c("autorun", "-e", afn, "-o", dirout, : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: density.Params.readFromArgs([Ljava/lang/String; )Ljava/lang/String;
Dear all, I get the error when I use maxent.jar: Error .jcall(mxe, "S", "fit", c("autorun", "-e", afn, "-o", dirout, : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: density.Params.readFromArgs([Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; sessionInfo() result: R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31)Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)locale:[1] LC_COLLATE=Chinese_People's Republic of China.936 [2] LC_CTYPE=Chinese_People's Republic of China.936 [3] LC_MONETARY=...
2012 Nov 08
FW: Interfacing R and Weka
...Trick or Treat I'm trying to use RWeka, in particular an example in the help file for make_Weka_classifier > model <- NB(Class ~ ., data = HouseVotes84) Error in .jnew("weka/core/Attribute", attname[i], .jcast(levels, "java/util/List")) : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: <init> > traceback() 8: stop(list(message = "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: <init>", call = .jnew("weka/core/Attribute", attname[i], .jcast(levels, "java/util/List")), jobj = <S4 object of class "jobjRef">)) at call.R#13 7: .Exter...
2017 Aug 10
E-invoicing to OpenPeppol with Oxalis on CentOS anyone ?
Hello list, I'm desperately trying to get the latest Oxalis software ( ) to run in Tomcat on CentOS 6.9 but I'm getting a obscure Java error. Something about a a method not found: Java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: Has anyone succesfully implemented this on CentOS 6.x ? Tomcat is running fine behind Apache. All software up to date. Tried many things already, also install Oxalis from source but that fails with different problems. I...
2012 May 25
Java problem - XLConnect/xlsx package
...uot;) " I did seth a path variable to the java folder (where the jvm.dll is). Then I tried to install the XLConnect package (which would not be that difficult to re-write my code to that package), this package loads without problems, but if I try to load a workbook an error comes up: Error: NoSuchMethodError (Java): org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions. setSaveAggressiveNamespaces()Lorg/apache/xmlbeans/XmlOptions; Since I've never worked with Java (not as a developer) I have no idea what I can do to solve the problem. I hope you can help me! Thank you very much. Best regards Rainer Here's my ses...
2009 Nov 09
trouble loading JGR on Debian at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at RJavaClassLoader.bootClass( at RJavaClassLoader.main( Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine.assign(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V at org.rosuda.JGR.JGR.<init>( at org.rosuda.JGR.JGR.main( ... 6 more Killed > sessionInfo () R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8 LC_NUM...
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
...file 'java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError' requires Java version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/UnsupportedClassVersionError' requires Java version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError' requires Java version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/InstantiationError' requires Java version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/InstantiationException' requires Java version...
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
...rror' requires Java >> version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. >> WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/UnsupportedClassVersionError' requires >> Java version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. >> WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError' requires Java >> version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. >> WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/InstantiationError' requires Java >> version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. >> WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/InstantiationE...
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
...NoClassDefFoundError' requires Java > version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. > WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/UnsupportedClassVersionError' requires > Java version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. > WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError' requires Java > version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. > WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/InstantiationError' requires Java > version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. > WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/InstantiationException' re...
2013 Nov 22
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk Java >>> version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. >>> WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/UnsupportedClassVersionError' requires >>> Java version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. >>> WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/NoSuchMethodError' requires Java >>> version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. >>> WARNING: Class file 'java/lang/InstantiationError' requires Java >>> version 1.7. This JVM only supports Java versions up to 1.6. >>> WARNING: Class file 'java/lan...
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
I also misunderstood :) So, in this case, the problem is that your version of openjdk is probably not supported. In fact, we only support the version 7u23 of openjdk :) You can find this version here: Currently, I'm modifying the internal design of vmkit and I'm not working
2013 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] vmkit2 core dump after building mmtk
I guess I mispoke, I checked out the source from I thought this was vmkit2. I guess I was just referring to vmkit then. On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Gaƫl Thomas <gael.thomas00 at> wrote: > Hi Adam, > > I don't know which repo you have used? Because only the llvm repo is > maintained (not the gforge one), and