search for: norestore

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "norestore".

2009 Jul 31
Somewhat OT: Headless issues as non-root user
...9;/\(~\|\.bak\|\.orig\|\.rpmnew\|\.rpmorig\|\.rpmsave\)$/d' + ooffice=/opt/openoffice.org3/program/soffice.bin + prog=' Headless' + pidfile=/var/run/ooo-headless/ + lockfile=/var/lock/subsys/ooo-headless + OPTIONS='-headless -nofirststartwizard -nologo -norestore -invisible -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.Service' + RETVAL=0 + case "$1" in + start + echo -n 'Starting Headless: ' Starting Headless: + su oooserver '-c /opt/openoffice.org3/program/soffice.bin -headless -nofirststart...
2013 Nov 21
Running R embedded in an mpiexec spawned process - Fatal error: you must specify '--save', '--no-save' or '--vanilla'
...Quiet = true, SaveAction = StartupSaveAction.NoSave, Slave = false, Interactive = true, Verbose = false, LoadInitFile = true, LoadSiteFile = true, RestoreAction = StartupRestoreAction.NoRestore, NoRenviron = false }; rEngine.Initialize(rStartParams); // calls the R API R_SetParams, then setup_Rmainloop I gather that the following is hit in src/R-3.0.2/src/unix/system.c, in the function Rf_initialize_R: if (!R_Interactive && Rp->Sav...
1998 Jan 06
$ R -norestore R : Copyright 1997, Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka Version 0.61.0 Alpha (December 21, 1997) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type "license()" for details. Type "demo()" for some demos, &quo...
2009 Apr 29
Hi guys, I've been noticing more and more that antiword has trouble with many word documents. It may look like it's converted a document but leaves out headings and bits of text. I've been looking into getting openoffice to do it in headless mode but still have a way to go before it's stable. I was wondering if anyone else had any luck on this front? One quick fix I have found