Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "non_syntact".
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2023 Mar 01
tab-complete for non-syntactic names could attempt backtick-wrapping
It seems to me there's a simple fix -- in
utils:::specialCompletions(), we can wrap the result of
utils:::specialOpCompletionsHelper() with backticks for non-syntactic
names ([1]):
comps <- specialOpCompletionsHelper(op, suffix, prefix)
if (length(comps) == 0L) comps <- ""
+non_syntactic <- make.names(comps) != comps
+comps[non_syntactic] <- paste0("`", comps[non_syntactic], "`")
sprintf("%s%s%s", prefix, op, comps)
I'm somewhat surprised this hasn't come up before (I searched for
'completeToken', 'specialCompletions',...
2023 Mar 01
tab-complete for non-syntactic names could attempt backtick-wrapping
...n! I've started a patch:
On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 1:56 AM Ivan Krylov <krylov.r00t at gmail.com> wrote:
> ? Wed, 1 Mar 2023 01:36:02 -0800
> Michael Chirico via R-devel <r-devel at r-project.org> ?????:
> > +comps[non_syntactic] <- paste0("`", comps[non_syntactic], "`")
> There are a few more corner cases. For example, comps could contain
> backticks (which should be escaped with backslashes) and backslashes
> (which should also be escaped). Thankfully, \uXXXX-style Unicode escape