Displaying 20 results from an estimated 473 matches for "noms".
Did you mean:
2002 May 11
RODBC sqlFetch
Thanks for showing me how to use RODBC and odbcConnect.
Now works nicely. The question I've got now is:
noms <- list.files(pattern=".DBF")
# removing extension names:
noms <- sapply(noms, function(x) as.character(strsplit(x,".DBF")) ,
for (i in 1:length(noms)) {
s <- sqlFetch(bdades, noms[i])
# etc.
But it seems that sqlFetch() doesn't accept the n...
2019 Sep 23
...e,tope=tope,rfc=rfc,mon=mon,mondedu=mondedu,subgrupo=subgrupo, cert=as.character(cer[1]), cer_tit=as.character(lineasdos[14]), titu=as.character(lineasdos[10]))?
renglones <- rbind(renglones,renglon)?
# Con los datos del data frame renombra los archivos hay que crear los subdirectorios?
noms <- data.frame(archivo=archivos,poliza=newnom)?
noms <- renglones[!is.na(renglones$poliza),c('archivo','cer_tit')]?
ungrupo<-sqldf("select poliza,count(cert) from noms group by 1 having count(cert) <= 1 ")?
noms<-sqldf("select * from noms where poliza...
2004 Jul 08
Problem with the grep function
Let me present to you my problem :
I have a character vector x and I would like to obtain the indices of the
elements of
this vector that yielded exactly a match.
For example, x=nom, pattern="b", I would to obtain 2 because "b" is on the
second position.
First program :
nom <- c("a","b","ab")
2 3
Then I try the
2013 Jul 24
Change values in a dateframe
I have the following problem :
The dataframe TEST has multiple lines for a same person because :
there are differents values of Nom or differents values of Prenom
but the values of Matricule or Sexe or Date.de.naissance are the same.
TEST <- structure(list(Matricule = c(66L, 67L, 67L, 68L, 89L, 90L, 90L,
91L, 108L, 108L, 108L), Nom = structure(c(1L, 2L, 2L, 4L, 8L,
5L, 6L, 9L, 3L, 3L,
2019 Sep 24
...ondedu=mondedu,subgrupo=subgrupo, cert=as.character(cer[1]), cer_tit=as.character(lineasdos[14]), titu=as.character(lineasdos[10]))?
> renglones <- rbind(renglones,renglon)?
> }?
> ?
> # Con los datos del data frame renombra los archivos hay que crear los subdirectorios?
> ?
> noms <- data.frame(archivo=archivos,poliza=newnom)?
> ?
> noms <- renglones[!is.na(renglones$poliza),c('archivo','cer_tit')]?
> ungrupo<-sqldf("select poliza,count(cert) from noms group by 1 having count(cert) <= 1 ")?
> noms<-sqldf("select * fr...
2005 Jun 06
How to vectorize
But, since I have a lot of isotopes to write on the plot, I would like
to construct automatically the labels. So I wrote the code below which
works fine.
listenoms <- list(nom=c("Ge","Cs","Te"),num=c("78","137","129*m"))
n <- length(listenoms$nom)
resu <- "c("
for( i in 1:(n-1))
resu <- paste(resu,paste("expression(italic(phantom(0)^{",...
2005 Jun 06
How to vectorize
But, since I have a lot of isotopes to write on the plot, I would like
to construct automatically the labels. So I wrote the code below which
works fine.
listenoms <- list(nom=c("Ge","Cs","Te"),num=c("78","137","129*m"))
n <- length(listenoms$nom)
resu <- "c("
for( i in 1:(n-1))
resu <- paste(resu,paste("expression(italic(phantom(0)^{",...
2013 Jul 17
Dovecot 2.2.4/sendmail with sql user and aliases
We are currently moving from linuxconf/dovecot to a dovecot setup with
sql support, the problem we currently facing is having a message sent to
a aliase delivered to the user email inbox with dovecot-lda, i have
created cedrict at mail.vdl and a alias test at mail.vdl, when i send to
cedrict at mail.vdl the message is included in the user inbox file, but
when i send to test at mail.vdl
2011 Nov 03
optimising a loop
Dear R community,
I'm trying to remove a loop from my code but I'm stock and I can't find a good way to do it. Hopefully one of you will have something clever to propose.
Here is a simplified example:
I have a squared matrix:
> nom.plac2 <- c("102", "103", "301", "303","304", "403")
> poids2 <- matrix(NA, 6,6,
2006 May 16
variable row names
Hy all,
I wish to use a variable as rownames for a set of datas.
By example :
> nom<-"toto"
> prenom<-"tutu"
> res<-c(1,2)
> res<-t(res)
> res
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 2
> colnames(res)<-c(nom,prenom)
> res
toto tutu
[1,] 1 2
> nom
[1] "toto"
I wish to call the rowname by the
2005 Jun 22
How to use expression in label with xYplot
Dear R-List,
I want to use the label function (from Hmisc library) to allow for the
names of my isotopes.
num <- c("78","137","129m")
nom <- c("Ge","Cs","Te")
df <- data.frame(GE78=seq(nom),CS137=seq(nom),TE129m=seq(nom))
if I use this function to create the labels :
lab <-
2015 Oct 09
reverse object creation
Dear all,
this is my first message to this mailing list - please advise if it is not
the right place for the subject
I've been using R very intensively the last 3-4 years and one of the most
tedious tasks is modification of lookup or conversion tables
So far, I have not found functions that create the commands for creating
objects (vectors, data frames) based on the objects themselves -
2007 Jun 06
names not inherited in functions
Dear all,
I 'd like to keep the names of variables when calling them in a function.
An example might help to understand my problem :
The following function puts in a new data frame counts and percent of
a data.frame called as "tablo"
the step " nom.chiffr[1] <- names(vari) " is useless as names from the
original data.frame aren't kept in the function environement.
2011 Nov 30
formula for calculating the survival probability for nomogram
Hi, I used Dr. Harrell's rms package to make a nomogram.
Below is my code for nomogram and calculate total points and probability *in
original data set* used for building the nomogram. *My question is how I get
the formula for calculating the survival probability for this nomogram. Then
I can use this formula to do validation by using other data set. *
f1 <- cph(Surv(retime,dfs) ~
2007 Aug 23
indexing and regression testing
Dear all,
It was a pleasure to meet you at Iowa State University. Two days ago I submitted two experimental packages to CRAN (hope it will be there soon):
rindex: quick indexing of large objects (currently only character, see ?index)
regtest: some first support for automated regression testing (heavily used in \dontshow{} section of ?index)
With rindex you can for example
i <-
2015 Oct 09
reverse object creation
Dear Bo,
Please keep the mailing list in cc.
Your function only works properly with a data.frame in which all variables
are characters. dput() will preserve the structure of the object and works
with all R objects.
Best regards,
ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute for Nature and
team Biometrie & Kwaliteitszorg / team Biometrics &
2012 May 02
Problem with 'nls' fitting logistic model (5PL)
Dear R-Helpers,
I'm working with immunoassay data and 5PL logistic model. I wanted to
experiment with different forms of weighting and parameter selection,
which is not possible in instrument software, so I turned to R.
I am using R 2.14.2 under Win7 64bit, and the 'nls' library to fit the
model - I started with the same model and weighting type (1/y) as in the
instrument to see
2002 May 18
can't connect from windows
...or NT.
(eg using: "net use F: \\slackware\files /user:nigels nigel" )
Windows NT reports: The account is not authorised to connect from this station.
Windows 2000: The network location cannot be reached.
from both windows machines i can do this:
C:\>nbtstat -a slackware
Table de noms NetBIOS de la machine distante
Nom Type Etat
..__MSBROWSE__.<01> GROUP I...
2023 Aug 04
Comunicado del 27 de Enero 2023
Actualizaci?n de la NOM-001-SEMARNAT-2021
Aplicaci?n Regulatoria Obligatoria a partir del 11 de Marzo 2023
Fecha del evento 24 de Agosto 2023 Online v?a Internet
Capacitaci?n Indispensable para Negocios y Empresas que realicen
Descarga de Aguas Residuales
Este curso tiene el objetivo principal de dar a conocer la aplicaci?n,
2006 Apr 25
select boxe
ici j''ai vu qu''on pouvait g?n?rer des ?l?ment d''un formulaire gr?ce des
m?thodes. Apres quelque petite recherches j''ai trouv? comment g?n?rer un
<%= select(''category'', ''category.id'', Category.find_all.collect {|category|