search for: noites

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "noites".

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2006 Jul 27
Hi all! how do I make a WebService using rails? thaks ! -- Cordialmente, Carlos J?nior <> (31) 9244-6543 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2015 Apr 24
...proveite as nossas promo??es. Fa?a uma pausa, viaje at? ao Algarve e desfrute de umas f?rias no conforto da Primavera. T1, s/Ac e pouca vista de mar, at? 30 de Maio de 2015. Special price until the 30th May 2015. One bedroom apartment without air conditioning and little sea view. 2 pax = 175? (7 noites/nights) 3 pax = 203? (7 noites/nights) 4 pax = 231? (7 noites/nights) T1, s/Ac e pouca vista de mar, de 30 de Maio at? 20 de Junho de 2015. Special price from the 30th May until the 20th June 2015. One bedroom apartment without air conditioning and little sea view. 2 pax = 196? (7 noites/night...
2007 Jan 05
php rpm centos4.4
Hi i need to install php when i download and install the cacti it say that and i can not find any pure php rpm but it is an php-excel and so on, what php should i use ? the yum command do noit find any php to update since i have php installed than it complains that it needs php-pear and i am in the same situation and i have several to choose among ..., php-ldap is missing ... Matthias Nilsson
2011 Jul 13
SQL Server com Ruby on rails
Boa noite pessoal, seu muito trabalho mas consegui fazer conectar o sqlserver com ruby mas só que quando vou inserir qualquer dado da o seguinte erro ODBC::Error: 22008 (242) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.: INSERT INTO [usuarios] ([created_at], [updated_at], [login], [senha],
2006 Jun 17
Vamos fazer o lançamento do livro? (Brazil)
Hi, I apologize for a portuguese message at this group, but I am trying to reach brazilians who read this great group. It''s about the release of the first Ruby on Rails book for the brazilian audience. Here it goes: Galera, finalmente terminei de escrever o livro e entreguei o material para a editora esta semana, agora resta esperar at? que eles nos digam quando ser? a data do
2007 Oct 20
where to put code for my own paginator ?
I had to make my own pagination class in SQL Server. What I am wondering is where is a good place to put the code so that every controller and template can have access to it ? Right now I have put it in application.rb, the controller base class. This seems to work well, I did a project last summer where I put stuff in the lib directory. The only problem with that is that if you change any code at
2006 Jun 23
Overriding a file_column attribute in model
I have a user model subclassed into Employees and Managers using STI. I am using FileColumn to manage images, in this case logos. If an Employee doesn''t have a logo of its own, I want my app to use the Manager''s logo in views. I did the following in models/users.rb: ------- class User < ActiveRecord::Base file_column :logo end class Employee < User belongs_to
2003 Mar 27
A WIN95 machine list the shares but 98/win2k not
Why this conf dont work? A WIN95 machine list the shares but 98/win2k not [root@linus init.d]# smbclient -L //linus U% added interface ip= bcast= nmask= added interface ip= bcast= nmask= wins_srv_died(): Could not mark WINS server down. Address not found in server list. session request to LINUS failed (Not
2015 Mar 04
Senhores, bom dia! Tem como instalar o Samba 4 com o antivirus ClamAV? Achei v?rios artigos, mas n?o consegui fazer funcionar o ClamAV. Desde, j? agrade?o a aten??o de todos. Atenciosamente, Marcio Fiorette
2010 Jul 05
Counting defined character within String
Dear list, I'm looking for a way to count the number of "|" within an object. The character "|" is used to separated ids. Assume a data (d) structure like Var NA NA NA NA NA 1 1|2 1|22|45 3 4b|24789 I need to know the maximum number of ids within one object. In this case 3 (1|22|45) Does anybody know a better way? Thanks Mit freundlichen Gr??en Andreas Kunzler
2003 Mar 22
TURISMO & EVENTOS Luiz Guilherme 3031-7374 e Marcio Sorriso 9887-9141 S?o Paulo -SP Em abril, M?rcio Sorriso e Luiz Guilherme promover?o uma inesquec?vel viagem ? cidade maravilhosa. Ser? mais uma oportunidade para voc? divertir-se conhecer ou rever lugares maravilhosos, fazer novos amigos e ? claro, dan?ar e dan?ar... Muito! Voc? n?o pode deixar de participar. Leia a
2017 Oct 26
Help_urgent_how to calculate mean and sd in biomod 2
Ol?, Please keep this in the list, I'm cc-ing r-help at And yes, I am Portuguese but R-Help is a mailing list in the English language. As for your new question, I believe that you should start a new thread. This is completely different from the question on computing mean and sd. Ask a new question. Font "arial" is a Microsoft font and as far as I know is not
2015 May 12
AEL keyword IfTime with variable on time range
Sorry, I forget to tell I tried, but not works. *Context:* context ivr_temp2 { s => { Proceeding(); str_time_01 = '06:00-12:00|*|*|*'; // Manh? ifTime (${str_time_01}) { Playback(ura/bom_dia); } } } The error is showed on "ael reload". *Console errors:* rs0000sr304*CLI> ael reload Command 'ael reload' failed.
2003 Sep 25
CDR Web Search Frontend
*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro* Hey all, I've just done a quick (but functional) web front end for searching the CDRs in a MySQL database. Anyone interested in trying it out? I'm wondering what to add to it next. So far you can seach using source, destination, CLI, channel and date ranges. It also displays ALL fields in the database table.
2006 Nov 04
Very Freak error!!!
Can somebody knows how is it happening?! The object is not nil!! :( -- Cordialmente, Carlos J?nior <> (31) 9244-6543 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: