search for: noexc

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "noexc".

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2015 Mar 25
[LLVMdev] Optimization puzzle...
...ader > = phi i32 [ %13, ], [ > %pmin.coerce1, ] > br i1 %9, label, label > > ; <label>:14 ; preds = %.noexc, > %middle.block > %15 = add nsw i32, 1 > %exitcond65.i = icmp eq i32 %15, %5 > br i1 %exitcond65.i, label, label > > > ; preds = %...
2015 Mar 25
[LLVMdev] Optimization puzzle... ], [ >> > %pmin.coerce1, ] >> > br i1 %9, label, label >> >> > >> > ; <label>:14 ; preds = %.noexc, >> > %middle.block >> > %15 = add nsw i32, 1 >> > %exitcond65.i = icmp eq i32 %15, %5 >> > br i1 %exitcond65.i, label, label >> > >> > >> >...
2012 Dec 31
[LLVMdev] reg2mem breaks module
...but it somehow adds an instruction before a landingpad instruction and so I get a broken module error: The unwind destination does not have a landingpad instruction! %41 = invoke %class.x* @_ZN10xC2Ev(%class.x* %.reload19) to label %.noexc unwind label %88 The unwind destination does not have a landingpad instruction! I tried it on LLVM-3.1 and LLVM-3.2, and the same issue occurs on both. Is there a known bug with reg2mem? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Thanks! Alon ________________________________ T...
2012 Jan 03
[LLVMdev] Current LLVM/CLANG build failure.
...tPosERKNS_16FoldingSetNodeIDERPv(%"class.llvm::FoldingSetImpl"* getelementptr inbounds (%"class.llvm::FoldingSet"* @_ZZN4llvm8BitsInit3getENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_4InitEEEE7ThePool, i64 0, i32 0), %"class.llvm::FoldingSetNodeID.3597"* %ID, i8** %IP) to label %call.i.noexc unwind label %lpad1.nonloopexit Call parameter type does not match function signature! %"class.llvm::FoldingSetImpl"* getelementptr inbounds (%"class.llvm::FoldingSet"* @_ZZN4llvm8BitsInit3getENS_8ArrayRefIPNS_4InitEEEE7ThePool, i64 0, i32 0) %"type 0x100e180c0"* inv...
2010 Dec 06
[LLVMdev] Inlining and exception handling in LLVM and GCC
...%1 = call i32 @puts(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([20 x i8]* @.str, i64 0, i64 0)) nounwind ; <= Output "Running destructor!\n" invoke void @_Unwind_Resume(i8* %exc_ptr.i) noreturn ; <= Continue unwinding, but in fact branch to %lpad because of the invoke to label %.noexc unwind label %lpad .noexc: ; preds = %rewind.i unreachable _Z3foov.exit: ; No predecessors! br label %return return: ; preds = %_Z3foov.exit ret i32 0 lpad:...