Displaying 20 results from an estimated 45 matches for "no_proxy".
2011 May 20
source and localhost
...us war '502 cannotconnect'
The url itself is ok since I can:
- use a browser
- use curl
- use download.file() function
- use getURL() (out of Duncans RCurl)
furthermore it works, when I use the full host + domain name.
So I think it is about dns stuff. I get a nice:
> Sys.getenv("no_proxy")
[1] "localhost,"
and work on 32bit opensuse 11.4 with
R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13)
Can someone give me a hint?
Best regards
2004 Jan 12
ReadLines does not give results with urls
...;unable to connect to 'cran.r-project.org' on port 80.
After reading the help pages I checked the http_proxy environmental
variable, which seems to be OK to me:
> Sys.getenv("http_proxy")
> Sys.getenv("no_proxy")
Setting the options options(download.file.method="wget") helps
for download.file() but not for "readLines().
Does anybody has a further idea, how to manipulate readLines()
so that it uses the proxy-server?
Thank you
Luzie U. Wingen,...
2011 May 20
WG: Re: source and localhost
...r me:
> source("http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/APTS2010/slice.R") ). So the
> issue is something peculiar to the URL. Maybe try download.file on it
> with options(internet.info=0) to get maximal info.
this ^^^^^^^
was a good idea; It shows, that I have to specify no_proxy somehow
(source() tries to find localhost over our proxy).
I think source don't care about:
> [1] "localhost,"
How can I specify no_proxy for source?
Thank you very much!
> >
> > Uwe Ligges
> >
> &g...
2016 Jul 07
[PATCH 3/3] builder: Use the new Curl module for passing parameters to curl.
...eate ~curl:t.curl curl_args in
+ ignore (Curl.run curl_h)
(* Rename the file if the download was successful. *)
rename filename_new filename
-and proxy_envvar protocol = function
- | UnsetProxy ->
- (match protocol with
- | "http" -> "env http_proxy= no_proxy=* "
- | "https" -> "env https_proxy= no_proxy=* "
- | "ftp" -> "env ftp_proxy= no_proxy=* "
- | _ -> "env no_proxy=* "
- )
- | SystemProxy ->
- (* No changes required. *)
- ""
- | ForcedProxy proxy ->...
2007 May 30
http proxies: setting and unsetting
...retrieve data from the web with 'read.csv', things work just fine. I assume it knows how to use the proxy.
The trouble is when I am at home and have no proxy, R still tries to use my work proxy. I have tried the following:
none of which seems to work. Whenever I try to use read.csv, it tells me that it cannot find my work proxy, which I am trying to tell R to ignore.
I can solve this problem by removing the http_proxy environment variable binding in the OS when at hom...
2019 Jan 07
how to set proxy systemwide (wget and docker)
export ftp_proxy="http://${PROXYHOST}:${PROXYPORT}"
export all_proxy="http://${PROXYHOST}:${PROXYPORT}"
export no_proxy="localhost,$(hostname -s),$(hostname -f),$(hostname
export NO_PROXY="localhost,$(hostname -s),$(hostname -f),$(hostname
2006 May 08
build in iexplore.exe
...the problem starts:
The download window shows, but it doesn't start the download.
I am sitting behind a proxy server (no authorisation needed), and the
proxy is setup correctly:
no_proxy='localhost, sun.ac.za'
Any ideas why it doesn't start the download?
2015 Aug 31
[PATCH] customize: fix running commands on the same architecture
...customize_run.ml b/customize/customize_run.ml
index 2283272..9d97522 100644
--- a/customize/customize_run.ml
+++ b/customize/customize_run.ml
@@ -70,18 +70,20 @@ let run (g : Guestfs.guestfs) root (ops : ops) =
) [ "http_proxy"; "https_proxy"; "ftp_proxy"; "no_proxy" ] in
let env_vars = String.concat "\n" env_vars ^ "\n" in
- let setarch =
+ let cmd =
match Config.host_cpu, guest_arch with
- | "x86_64", ("i386"|"i486"|"i586"|"i686") -> "setarch i686"...
2007 May 24
Running R in Bash and R GUI
I have been trying to get the R and package update functions in the
GUI version of R to work on my Mac.
Initially I got error messages that suggested I needed to set up the
http_proxy for GUI R to use, but how can this be done?
I eventually got to the point of writing a .bash_profile file in the
Bash terminal and setting the proxy addresses there.
I can now use my Bash terminal, invoke R,
2016 Jul 07
[PATCH 0/3] Move Curl wrapper to mllib and use it for virt-builder.
Move the Curl wrapper module from virt-v2v to mllib. Use the module
when virt-builder issues curl calls.
2015 Aug 27
[PATCH] customize: Use setarch when running commands on i686 guest (RHBZ#1256405).
...arch when running x86_64 host + i686 guest.
* Also catch errors and dump the log file completely on error.
let env_vars =
@@ -69,11 +70,16 @@ let run (g : Guestfs.guestfs) root (ops : ops) =
) [ "http_proxy"; "https_proxy"; "ftp_proxy"; "no_proxy" ] in
let env_vars = String.concat "\n" env_vars ^ "\n" in
+ let setarch =
+ match Config.host_cpu, guest_arch with
+ | "x86_64", ("i386"|"i486"|"i586"|"i686") -> "setarch i686"
+ | _ -&...
2019 Jan 05
how to set proxy systemwide (wget and docker)
what is the right way to set a proxy systemwide using centos 7?
I need this for wget and docker.
My first idea was /etc/environment but allthough the proxy is set wget and docker don? t connect to their target-systems.
Thanks for hints
2003 Jan 22
Using Internet proxies
...2) For a proxy that authenticates at most by hostname/IP address, the
internal download.file method works, provided you set the environment
variable http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY correctly, e.g. in ~/.Renviron.
This is almost of the same form as used by wget, but is less tolerant,
and note that setting `no_proxy' disables the proxy for all sites (unlike
for wget).
3) If you have a proxy that demands that you enter a username/password
combination, you can use the internal download method in R-devel: see
4) Installing wget and using the options(download.file.method="wget")
2002 Jun 19
FW: [R] Problems with url/download and http_proxy (PR#1689)
> Perhaps the documentation for download.file should be changed to note the
> requirement of the port. The paragraph on proxies could be changed from
> Proxies can be specified via environment variables. Setting
> `"no_proxy"' stops any proxy being tried. Otherwise the setting of
> `"http_proxy"' or `"ftp_proxy"' (or failing that, the all
> upper-case version) is consulted and if non-empty used as a proxy
> site. For FTP transfers, the username and password...
2020 May 04
[common PATCH] mltools: add run_in_guest_command helper
...86 guest.
+ *)
+ let env_vars =
+ List.filter_map (
+ fun name ->
+ try Some (sprintf "export %s=%s" name (quote (Sys.getenv name)))
+ with Not_found -> None
+ ) [ "http_proxy"; "https_proxy"; "ftp_proxy"; "no_proxy" ] in
+ let env_vars = String.concat "\n" env_vars ^ "\n" in
+ let cmd =
+ match Guestfs_config.host_cpu, guest_arch with
+ | "x86_64", ("i386"|"i486"|"i586"|"i686") ->
+ sprintf "setarch i68...
2002 Jun 19
[R] Problems with url/download and http_proxy
...documentation for download.file should be
> changed to note the
> > > requirement of the port. The paragraph on proxies could
> be changed from
> > >
> > >
> > > Proxies can be specified via environment variables. Setting
> > > `"no_proxy"' stops any proxy being tried. Otherwise
> the setting of
> > > `"http_proxy"' or `"ftp_proxy"' (or failing that, the all
> > > upper-case version) is consulted and if non-empty
> used as a proxy
> > > site. For...
2002 Jun 18
Problems with url/download and http_proxy
I would like to use the getBioC.R script from
http://www.bioconductor.org/getBioC.R to install the biobase packages.
Unfortunately, url() and download.file() die when trying to talk to my
> getBioC("exprs")
connect: Cannot assign requested address
unable to connect to 'gproxy1.pfizer.com'.
connect: Cannot assign requested address
unable to connect to
2002 Jun 18
Problems with url/download and http_proxy
I would like to use the getBioC.R script from
http://www.bioconductor.org/getBioC.R to install the biobase packages.
Unfortunately, url() and download.file() die when trying to talk to my
> getBioC("exprs")
connect: Cannot assign requested address
unable to connect to 'gproxy1.pfizer.com'.
connect: Cannot assign requested address
unable to connect to
2015 Aug 27
[PATCH v2] customize: Use setarch when running commands on i686 guest
v2: Fix problem when running multiple commands.
2015 Oct 06
python setup.py ssl error
I thought this might be a proxy issue of some kind, but I have several
proxy values set in my environment:
[root at ushapld00050 s3cmd-1.6.0]# env | grep -i proxy
Can someone please give me a heads up as to how to resolve this issue?
GPG me!!
gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B