search for: nikons

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 51 matches for "nikons".

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2010 Mar 26
gphoto2 and Nikon Coolpix 990/995
Hi all, I've got a CentOS 5.4 box and am trying to use it to control either of the two old cameras we've got, one being Nikon Coolpix 990 and the other Nikon Coolpix 995. Accessing either I get the following message: ---------------------------------------------------- *** Error *** An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): Could not claim interface
2011 Apr 25
Nikon software - Photographer
Hi guys, I'm a photographer and I want to use the software that my camera manufacturer makes. I can install the application like View NX 2 but Nikon trasnfer makes an error. I want to know what information do I have to gather for help or what should I need to correct this erros. If any interested of helping please just reply. Thank you.
2011 Jun 27
import text-records and set the fields in a table
hi! I apologize in advance if this is a newbie dumm question, but I really can't figure it ou. I have lists of sumeric and character data on some URLs, which look like this: <photo id="5876248819" owner="13716719 at N04" secret="faf9bb7f52" server="5264" farm="6" title="our rose garden" ispublic="1"
2007 Aug 22
within-subject factors in lme
I don't think, this has been answered: > I'm trying to run a 3-way within-subject anova in lme with 3 > fixed factors (Trust, Sex, and Freq), but get stuck with handling > the random effects. As I want to include all the possible random > effects in the model, it would be something more or less > equivalent to using aov > > > fit.aov <- aov(Beta ~ >
2008 Jan 29
Guidance for reporting results from lme test?
En innebygd og tegnsett-uspesifisert tekst ble skilt ut... Navn: ikke tilgjengelig Nettadresse:
2006 Apr 16
although i have been made aware of linux native proprietary drivers for film scanners, i would like to know whether running nikon scan on wine has ever been attempted i never attemped to run drivers on wine; is that possible at all? thanks francesco pietra
2007 Aug 07
GLMM: MEEM error due to dichotomous variables
I am trying to run a GLMM on some binomial data. My fixed factors include 2 dichotomous variables, day, and distance. When I run the model: modelA<-glmmPQL(Leaving~Trial*Day*Dist,random=~1|Indiv,family="binomial") I get the error: iteration 1 Error in MEEM(object, conLin, control$niterEM) : Singularity in backsolve at level 0, block 1 >From looking at previous help
2007 Oct 03
Change title size in plot(model)?
I want to use the plot(model) function to generate Tukey-anscomb and Q-Q plots of a lm(). I manage to change all labels but the main one which apparently is neither main or sub. So far I have tried as par setting: cex (changes symbol size within the plot), cex.main (no effect), cex.sub (no effect) cex.lab (changes label size), cex.axis (changes axis label size). What I would like to change is the
2008 Jan 29
Random and fixed effect model with a covariate
Dear All, I wonder if anyone can please offer any advice on a model including 2 fixed effects and 1 random effect, as well as a covariate? The experimental design is as follows: I have a two by two factor design, where the two factors, Age (A) and Group size (G), both have 2 levels (old or young, and 1 or 3 respectively), and I am interested in the effect of these factors upon a continuous
2007 Jan 08
Contrasts for ordered factors
Dear all, I do not seem to grasp how contrasts are set for ordered factors. Perhaps someone can elighten me? When I work with ordered factors, I would often like to be able to reduce the used polynomial to a simpler one (where possible). Thus, I would like to explicetly code the polynomial but ideally, the intial model (thus, the full polynomial) would be identical to one with an ordered factor.
2019 Apr 28
CentOS 7, KDE, Dolphin and MTP support
Hi, It looks like KDE's file manager Dolphin doesn't support MTP under CentOS 7. When I plug in an MTP device like my Nikon camera or an Android phone, Digikam shows its content OK, but Dolphin seems to ignore it. For now, my custom CentOS 7 + KDE desktop meets about 99 % of my needs. Now I've decided to tackle the remaining 1 %. Yesterday for example, I managed to correct the
2004 May 13
glmmPQL - predict (..., type= 'response')?
Dear R users, Is there something like predict (..., type= 'response') for glmmPQL objects or how would I get fitted values on the scale of the response variable for the binomial and the poisson family? Any pointers are appreciated. Thanks, Lorenz - Lorenz Gygax, Dr. sc. nat. Tel: +41 (0)52 368 33 84 / lorenz.gygax at Tag der offenen T??r, 11./12. Juni 2004:
2005 Feb 14
testing equality of variances across groups in lme?
Hello. I am fitting a two-level mixed model which assumes equality of variance in the lowest-level residuals across groups. The call is: fit3<-lme(CLnNAR~CLnRGR,data=meta.analysis, + na.action="na.omit",random=~1+CLnRGR|study.code) I want to test the assumption of equality of variances across groups at the lowest level. Can someone tell me how to do this? I know that one
2007 Mar 08
Using logarithmic y-axis (density) in a histogram
Hi, I am searching for a possibility to display a logarithimic y-axis in a histogram. With plot that's easy (e.g. plot(1:10, log="y") but for histograms this does not work the same way: I tried hist(rnorm(1000), freq=FALSE, seq(-4, 4, .5), ylim=c(0.001, 0.5), log="y") Which gives the expected histogram but also warnings for my log="y" command
2005 Oct 19
anova with models from glmmPQL
Hi ! I try to compare some models obtained from glmmPQL. model1 <- glmmPQL(y~red*yellow+I(red^2)+I(yellow^2)+densite8+I(densite8^2)+freq8_4 +I(freq8_4^2), random=~1|num, binomial); model2 <- glmmPQL(y~red*yellow+I(red^2)+I(yellow^2)+densite8+I(densite8^2)+freq8_4 , random=~1|num, binomial); anova(model1, model2) here is the answer : Erreur dans anova.lme(model1, model2) : Objects must
2007 Sep 17
Problems with compiling rimage on macOS
hello, i want to install the rimage package (0.5-7) into my R (2.5.1). i installed the "i686-apple-darwin8-g++-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)" from the macOS cd and created symbolic links to gcc and g++. well if i try now to install the package in R the console says: g++ checking for C++ compiler default output... ** Removing '/Library/
2007 Sep 25
Create grouping from TukeyHSD (as a duncan test does)?
Hello everybody 1. If there is/ever will be a function to perform "duncan multiple range test" please inform me at once. 2. Is there a way to create a grouping as duncan does from TukeyHSD output? My experimental design contained 62 genotypes, so the pairwise comparison is not that usefull and clear to look at. How would I do that? Is there an other test that does give grouping as
2002 Jul 20
Commit interval
Hi there, I was wondering if this is a right list, but let's try... I have quite simple question concerning ext3 fs. Am I able to change "Commit interval" from 5 sec. to something else without rebuilding the kernel? Maybe tune2fs or sth. like that? All the best, Mike ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wakacje w czapce. Super konkurs
2004 Jun 07
dfs in lme
Dear R-mixed-effects-modelers, I could not answer this questions with the book by Pinheiro & Bates and did not find anything appropriate in the archives, either ... We are preparing a short lecture on degrees of freedom and would like to show lme's as an example as we often need to work with these. I have a problem in understanding how many dfs are needed if random terms are used for
2004 May 24
bug in cor (..., use= ...)?
Dear R users, I have not found anything on this in the archives. Does anyone know whehther the parameter use= is not functioning in cor or enlighten me what it is supposed to do? My R version is "R version 1.8.1, 2003-11-21" on Windows 2000. I am hoping to be able to update to 1.9.1 as soon as it has appeared (we are not allowed here to install software on our own and thus I am trying