search for: nihilism

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "nihilism".

Did you mean: nikhilism
2009 Mar 01
Wishlist for plot.lm() (PR#13560)
Full_Name: John Maindonald Version: R-2.8.1 OS: MacOS X 10.5.6 Submission from: (NULL) ( The following code demonstrates an annoyance with plot.lm(): library(DAAGxtras) x11(width=3.75, height=4) nihills.lm <- lm(log(time) ~ log(dist) + log(climb), data = nihills) plot(nihills.lm, which=5) OR try the following xy <- data.frame(x=c(3,1:5), y=c(-2, 1:5)) plot(lm(y ~ x,
2013 Feb 15
Can anyone help explain to me why the two codes below have different result? I thought I can use log(time)~. to replace log(time)~dist+climb+timef.I am using CVlm from DAAG package. I think nihills is preloaded with the package. Thanks in advance. > CVlm(df=nihills, form.lm=formula(log(time)~.),plotit="Observed",m=2)Analysis of Variance Table Response: log(time) Df Sum Sq
2009 Feb 17
plot.lm: "Cook's distance" label can overplot point labels
The following code demonstrates an annoyance with plot.lm(): library(DAAGxtras) x11(width=3.75, height=4) nihills.lm <- lm(log(time) ~ log(dist) + log(climb), data = nihills) plot(nihills.lm, which=5) OR try the following xy <- data.frame(x=c(3,1:5), y=c(-2, 1:5)) plot(lm(y ~ x, data=xy), which=5) The "Cook's distance" text overplots the label for the point with the
1998 Jan 07
Two more R/S differences
(Another discussion out of R-core, I think anyone in R-devel might have an opinion -- MM): >>>>> "KH" == Kurt Hornik <> writes: >>>>> Martin Maechler writes: >>>>> "KH" == Kurt Hornik <> writes: KH> * Bug or feature? R> NULL + NULL real(0) R>
2006 Sep 18
symbolic matrix elements...
...e.mail: evan.cooch at Department of Natural Resources voice: 607-255-1368 Fernow Hall - Cornell University FAX: 607-255-0349 Ithaca, NY 14853 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Nihilism is best done by professionals. - Iggy Pop
2014 Sep 29
Spacewalk? Local repo? Cache?
I have a mix of CentOS 5, 6, and now 7 servers at work. There are enough of them now that it is starting to make sense for them to get updates from an internal source. I've seen RHN Satellite in years past. It looks like it may be a way to allow Windows admins here (familiar with WSUS) to update Linux boxes. A local repo might be easier to set up, but (as with Spacewalk) it seems like