search for: new_post

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "new_post".

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2006 Apr 21
rjs in multiple ajax page"posts"> <ul id="post_list"><%= render :partial => ''list_results'', :collection => @posts %></ul> <p><%= link_to_remote(''+'', :url => {:action => ''new''}, :update => ''new_post'', :loading => visual_effect(:slide_down, "new_post", :duration => 0.5)) %></p> </div> <div id="new_post"> </div> This works fine and the form is rendered inside "new_post" from the controller using render :partial => ...
2007 May 31
Sample Merb App
I put together a sample app to help people learn Merb: I also blogged about it here: -- Zack Chandler
2011 Dec 02
problem setting expectation for test with delayed::job
...e setting an expectation on new is somehow changing the structure of the class and confusing delayed job? Maybe because it''s a struct? 1) PostsController creating a post sharing shares when it should Failure/Error: post :create, { :submit_action => submit_type.to_s, :post => new_post(post_attributes).attributes } ArgumentError: Cannot enqueue items which do not respond to perform # ./app/observers/post_observer.rb:12:in `after_create'' # ./app/models/post.rb:156:in `set_state_to_open_for_free_requests'' # ./app/controllers/posts_contro...
2009 Apr 18
RESTful Routing: Getting names of resources out of paths
Hello - I''m trying to remain RESTful in a new application that I''m building, but I''m not sure how to get the routes that I want. I''m trying to avoid having resource names like "posts" and "comments" cluttering things up. For example, for a resource that I designate: GET -> index GET -> show, id=1 GET
2011 May 20
Unable to figure out why a photo attribute of the paperclip plugin is not being passed in as a param
...d accept an image and a message is like this... <%if @current_user.is_an_existing_member_of_group(@investor_group)%> <%form_for :group_post, :url => {:action => :post_message, :id => params[:id]},:html => {:multipart => ''true'', :id => ''new_post''} do |f| -%> Start Discussion:<%=f.text_field :message%> <%=f.file_field :photo%> <%=f.submit "Post" %> <%end%> <div id = "latest_post"> </div> <%for a in @group_all_posts %> <%= im...
2011 May 14
Undefined method `has_attached_file' with paperclip 2.3.8 gem for Rails 2 using Ruby 1.8.7
...rclip has_attached_file :photo # line 9 end Part of my view file where I am trying to upload the picture along with a post looks like this:- <%form_for :group_post, @group_post, :url => {:action => :show},:html => {:multipart => ''true''},:id => ''new_post'' do |f| -%> <p><label>Start Discussion:</label><br><%=f.text_field :message%></p> <%=f.file_field :photo%></p> <p><%=submit_tag "Post"%></p> <%end%> I tried what was given in:-...