Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "neverbox".
2018 Feb 01
testing shutdown: pc not restarting; and "ups unavailable" messages
> When a UPS unit performs a delayed power off (NUT sets the delay to 20 seconds
> by default) it deconnects its power outlets which in some UPS units produces an
> audible "clunk". The display of lights on the front panel changes, and the
> beeping stops. The delayed power off can be demonstrated with a light bulb or a
> mains circuit tester connected to one of the
2018 Feb 01
testing shutdown: pc not restarting; and "ups unavailable" messages
> Have you checked the BIOS option "Power on when AC Returns"?
Yes, and I have set it to "always on" as opposed to "always off" or "last state".
> Does the UPS unit perform a delayed power off some time after the box shuts
> down?
I have no idea. How would I find out?
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2018 Feb 02
Default value for ondelay
On Fri, 2 Feb 2018, nut.user.u830 at neverbox.com wrote:
> I have an older box set up this way for continuous integration, and it needs to see more than a few seconds of power loss for the "always turn
> on" BIOS setting to work. I forget how many different intervals I tried, but 30 seconds of off time is reliable...
2006 Nov 21
lme4 model with no fixed effects?
Crossed random effects:
> lmer( y ~ (1 | i1) + (1|i2) ,data=dta)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Formula: y ~ (1 | i1) + (1 | i2)
Data: dta
AIC BIC logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance
91.18 94.84 -42.59 85.2 85.18
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
i1 (Intercept) 0.068224 0.26120
i2 (Intercept) 0.463112
2018 Feb 01
testing shutdown: pc not restarting; and "ups unavailable" messages
Executive summary:
I am installing a UPS with NUT on Ubuntu for the first time. I could
follow the instructions up to "testing shutdowns" but on executing the
recommended command the computer shuts down and never comes back on,
contrary to what the instructions suggest.
I am also seeing regular broadcast messages on the console that the UPS
is unavailable (and in the? syslog that
2018 Feb 01
testing shutdown: pc not restarting; and "ups unavailable" messages
> It actually occurred to me that I could try this with another (any other) computer here at work, so I did. I set the BIOS to "always on" after power cut. I booted ubuntu. I did "sudo shutdown -h now" from the console. The pc switched off as expected. Then I removed the power cable and then plugged it back in. According to the theory above, this should have caused the
2018 Feb 01
testing shutdown: pc not restarting; and "ups unavailable" messages
> Out of curiosity: if the PC has already been switched off from software by the shutdown script, how would it know that the power has been cut while it was off? Are you telling me that the power supply of the PC keeps checking its incoming AC supply even while off, and that with the BIOS setting I selected it will wake up the PC even after a power cut DURING WHICH the PC was already off? I
2018 Feb 01
testing shutdown: pc not restarting; and "ups unavailable" messages
> > where in the filesystem should I be looking for the NUT shutdown script please?
> It's the SHUTDOWNCMD in upsmon.conf
2006 Feb 10
tk mouse cursor icon widget tkwinfo tkfocus questions
1. I want to change the mouse cursor over my window into a wait/watch
icon while R computes. Can this be done directly?
Some ancient tcltk mailing lists said change the cursor over every
widget in the window:
foreach widget [winfo children $window] {
$widget config -cursor watch
To do this I'll need a list of
2006 Oct 03
[R-pkgs] New versions of Matrix and lme4 packages for R-2.4.0
Thanks, Douglas.
It works.
Only one gripe. Every time I want to
try a new version of your software, I have
to get, compile, patch the latest bleeding edge version of R
as well:
ERROR: This R is version 2.3.1
package 'Matrix' needs R >= 2.4.0
Douglas Bates wrote:
> Versions 0.9975-1 of the Matrix and lme4 packages will soon be available on
> CRAN for use with R
2018 Feb 01
testing shutdown: pc not restarting; and "ups unavailable" messages
>> I see at http://networkupstools.org/ddl/Cyber_Power_Systems/Value_800E.html that
>> the Value 800E does not have variables such as
>> load.off.delay - Turn off the load with a delay (seconds)
>> load.on.delay - Turn on the load with a delay (seconds)
>> What does command ? upscmd -l <UPS> ? report?
> I'll try this tonight when
2018 Feb 01
testing shutdown: pc not restarting; and "ups unavailable" messages
>>> where in the filesystem should I be looking for the NUT shutdown script please?
>> It's the SHUTDOWNCMD in upsmon.conf
Excellent. And in my case (default) it says
SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/shutdown -h +0"
I have tried that command and, as expected, it has shut down the pc. Then I have disconnected the power cord for one minute and plugged it back in,
2018 Jul 12
SSH Agent Forwarding Not Working
I know this might be the most asked question, so I've done anything
possible to troubleshoot the problem myself, but still, my SSH Agent
Forwarding is not working for me.
The best troubleshooting guide that I found, and also the one I've
been using, is the ssh forwarding guide on github -
I've checked all things there,
2006 Oct 04
extracting nested variances from lme4 model
I have a model:
mod1<-lmer( x ~ (1|rtr)+ trth/(1|cs) , data=dtf) #
Here, cs and rtr are crossed random effects.
cs 1-5 are of type TRUE, cs 6-10 are of type FALSE,
so cs is nested in trth, which is fixed.
So for cs I should get a fit for 1-5 and 6-10.
This appears to be the case from the random effects:
> mean( ranef(mod1)$cs[[1]][1:5] )
[1] -2.498002e-16
> var(