search for: netzwerkumgebung

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "netzwerkumgebung".

2000 Jul 13
Hiding samba server from browselist
Hello, is there a way to keep my (fine running, yes!!) samba machines out of our browse list? I know you people have been working hard to get it going, but our policy is that NO machine should be seen just by clicking into "Netzwerkumgebung" as German NT calls it... NT has a registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\hidden=1 for this purpose... Our local support group had no idea, I did not find anything on the web... I would really like to hear from you, thank you! Greetings f...
2003 Feb 11
samba 2.2.7a and multiple logins...
...:42 2003 10584 DENY_WRITE 0x20089 RDONLY EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /mbase/samba.mbnet/home/fm/profiles/fm/Anwendungsdaten/Microsoft/Office/Zuletzt verwendet/referenzlisten.LNK Tue Feb 11 08:05:06 2003 10584 DENY_WRITE 0x20089 RDONLY EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /mbase/samba.mbnet/home/fm/profiles/fm/Netzwerkumgebung/fm auf Pc32/target.lnk Tue Feb 11 08:05:06 2003 10584 DENY_WRITE 0x20089 RDONLY EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /mbase/samba.mbnet/home/fm/profiles/fm/Recent/Referenzlisten.xls (2).lnk Tue Feb 11 08:05:07 2003 4817 DENY_WRITE 0x20089 RDONLY EXCLUSIVE+BATCH /mbase/samba.mbnet/home/fm/profil...