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2014 Jul 26
Setting up of Samba4 LDAP acting in standalone server mode
Is somehow possible to run Samba4 built-in LDAP if Samba4 acts as standalone server or in some of non AD DC mode ? Functionaling in AD DC mode is not suitable for me because of necesarity of neighborhood what officially is not supported at the moment for AD DC, as I know.
2010 Apr 27
[LLVMdev] "clang -v" shows a GCC call
...architecture ? > > That sound like a huge work, I've chosen LLVM at the beginnig because I > thought it could avoid me porting GCC+Binutils. You can define your own toolchain in clang. I think FreeBSD does that. You need an assembler, a linker, and a way to call them. It doesn't necesarely have to be binutils assembler, but it must understand gas syntax (maybe clang -integrated-as can help here?). Best regards, --Edwin.
2010 Apr 27
[LLVMdev] "clang -v" shows a GCC call
Thanks for your really fast answer. I understood that, but this means that the llvm+Clang suite is not able to create a machine binary file without any intervention of GCC ? I thought it could. This means too that I must port GCC+Binutils in order to have a LLVM port for my architecture ? That sound like a huge work, I've chosen LLVM at the beginnig because I thought it could avoid me
2004 May 26
Constantin Timoc
Dragi compatrioti, Numele meu este Constantin Timoc. Candidez la postul de presedinte al Romaniei pentru a asigura tuturor cetatenilor locuri de munca cat mai bine platite, pentru a distruge coruptia care paralizeaza intreaga societate si pentru a accelera aderarea tarii noastre la Uniunea Europeana. Fac apel catre toti cetatenii sa aleaga presedinte al Romaniei un candidat care e cinstit,
2005 Dec 18
dovecot behaving badly after upgrade..
i upgraded dovecot from 0.99 to the last version and it doesnt seem to work anymore.. im using vpopmail userdb and i get this in the logs : dovecot: Dec 18 03:42:08 Info: auth(default): client in: AUTH 1 PLAIN service=POP3 lip=81.x.x.x rip=81.x.x.x resp= dovecot: Dec 18 03:42:08 Info: auth(default): client out: CONT 1 dovecot: Dec 18 03:42:08 Info: auth(default): client in: CONT 1