search for: ncat

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30 matches for "ncat".

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2011 Oct 24
Create a matrix with increment and element with zero subscript
Hello, Does anyone knows how to deal with zero subscript in R. I have this code: for (i in 1:nitems){ + for (j in 1:ncat-1) { + draw<-matrix(rnorm(nitems*(ncat-1),seed1,seed2),nitems,(ncat-1)) + d<-( sigma_d*draw ) + mu_d + draw<-matrix(rtnorm((nitems*(ncat-1)),mean = seed1, sd = seed2, lower = .1, upper = 1.5),nitems,(ncat-1)) + d<-(sigma_d*draw) + mu_d + wr...
2003 Jan 29
multinomial conditional logit models
...n trying to implement an MCL model in R and have been mostly succesful. However I'm still stuck on a few points and I'm hoping someone can point out how to do fix them. To estimate an MCL model, the data must be restructured into a person-choice file. * Each case must be duplicated "ncat" times ("ncat" is the number of categories of the dependent variable) * Each case must be identified by a strata variable (id) * Each duplicate must be identified by a variable indexing the choices (newy) * A dichotomous variable must indicate which duplicate corresponds with the res...
2006 Mar 27
Graded Response Model Simulation (SAS code conversion)
...l response, provided item characteristics (A=item discrimination, BB(G) are thresholds between various categorical responses). It is a macro file. I am thinking that I can write this as a function, and call it up inside a simulation code. Here is the SAS code: %MACRO GRGEN; DO G=1 TO NCAT-1; Z=EXP(A*(THETA-BB(G))); PS(G)=Z/(1+Z); END; PP(1)=1-PS(1); PP(NCAT)=PS(NCAT-1); DO G=2 TO NCAT-1; PP(G)=PS(G-1)-PS(G); END; X=RANUNI(-1); SUMP=0; R(J)=1; DO K=1 TO NCAT-1; SUMP=SUMP+PP(K);...
2002 Aug 08
RE: rmultinom
..."Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation" You may want to compare this with your hybrid algorithm and see their relative performance. Best, Ravi. ############################################################### ## A multinomial random vector generator rmultinom <- function(n, p){ ncat <- length(p) # Check Arguments if (n < 0) {cat("n < 0 ","\n"); break} if (ncat <= 1) {cat("ncat <= 1 ","\n"); break} if (any(p < 0.0)) {cat("Some P(i) < 0 ","\n"); break} if (any(p > 1.0)...
2004 Apr 25
nonparametric multiple sample comparison
...<- aggregate(Rank,list(LevCat=VarCat),FUN=mean) SampleSummary <- data.frame(LevCat,RLevCat[,2],NLevCat[,2],MLevCat[,2]) names(SampleSummary)<-c("Samples","RSum","N","RMean") SampleSummary <- SampleSummary[order(SampleSummary$RMean,decreasing=T),] NCat <- length(LevCat) N <- length(dat.multcomp$VarCat) Results <- data.frame(rep(NA,6),rep(NA,6),rep(NA,6),rep(NA,6)) names(Results) <- c("Comparison","Difference","SE","Q") l <- 1 for (i in 1:(NCat-1)) { for (j in NCat:(i+1)) { SE <- sqrt...
2004 Jun 17
using "= matrix (...)" in .C calls
...culations when growing the tree. In the "rpart.s" there is a call to the C routine: rp <- .C("s_to_rp2", as.integer(nobs), as.integer(nsplit), as.integer(nodes), as.integer(ncat), as.integer(cats *!isord), as.integer(max(cats)), as.integer(xval), which = integer(nobs), cptable = matrix(double(numcp*cpcol), nrow=cpcol), dsplit = matrix(d...
2008 May 28
calling C function from R
...sp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; n = as.integer(nobs), &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; nvarx = as.integer(nvar), &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ncat = as.integer(cats* !isord), &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; method= as.integer(, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; as.double(unlist(controls)), &nbsp;&nbsp;&amp...
2009 Apr 28
Problem with Random Forest predict
...aining data. In examining randomForest:::predict.randomForest I see the following code that produces this error message. <- sapply(x, function(x) if (is.factor(x) && !is.ordered(x)) length(levels(x)) else 1) if (!all(object$forest$ncat == stop("Type of predictors in new data do not match that of the training data.") } The odd thing is that if I run this code outside of the function: > all(predCell$forest$ncat== + sapply(tempdata[-match("Cell",names(tempdata))], function(x) if (i...
2002 Apr 25
understanding and resolving seg faults, Sint **isplit, Sint **csplit, double **dnode, Sint **inode, double **deltaI, int id) rpmatrix is called by "s_to_rp.c" where ddeltaI is a pointer from an ALLOC call: void s_to_rp2(Sint *n, Sint *nsplit, Sint *nnode, Sint *ncat, Sint *numcat, Sint *maxcat, Sint *xvals, Sint *which, double *cptable, double *dsplit, Sint *isplit, Sint *csplit, double *dnode, double *deltaI, Sint *inode) double **ddeltaI; /* declaration of ddeltaI */ ddeltaI = (double...
2015 Oct 30
Webmail accessive Dovecot logins
...for very old browsers), maybe something like ssl_cipher_list = ECDH:ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2:!EXP:!aNULL ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = yes > finally you could use the service provided by to scan your host. I second this recommendation, if you can work out the port issue. Maybe using a ncat | ncat pipe. Joseph Tam <jtam.home at>
2011 Feb 14
R command line and pipe using in Linux?
Hi, I have a very large data file(GB) from which I only want to extract one column to draw histogram. This would be done several times, so I would like to ask if there is anyway to plot this using R from the linux command line, something look like this cut -f1 xxx.txt |RplotHist .... Thanks and hope to hear from you. Best regards, Hang [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2016 Feb 03
[Bug 2538] New: openssh v7 config parse regression
...Component: ssh Assignee: unassigned-bugs at Reporter: at Since 7.0, maybe a bit earlier, this config stopped working: 42 Host foo* 43 HostName 45 Host * 46 ProxyCommand ssh -A ncat $(echo %h | awk -F. '{print $(NF-2)}') %p 2> /dev/null Here is what's expected: $ ssh -vv foo OpenSSH_6.6.1p1, OpenSSL 1.0.1p-freebsd 9 Jul 2015 debug1: Reading configuration data /home/petrus/.ssh/config debug1: /home/petrus/.ssh/config line 42: Applying options for foo* debug1: R...
2013 Aug 06
[Bug 839] New: SNAT66 does not work for bidirectional UDP Summary: SNAT66 does not work for bidirectional UDP Product: netfilter/iptables Version: unspecified Platform: x86_64 OS/Version: Gentoo Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: NAT AssignedTo: netfilter-buglog at
2015 Feb 09
IAX port
On 10 Feb 2015, at 12:22, Jose Flores Galicia wrote: > 2015-02-09 14:36 GMT-06:00 jg <webaccounts173 at>: >> Hi! >> >> Sometimes IAX peers are not reachable and with "iax2 set debug on" I >> get >> something like this >> >> Tx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX Subclass: >> PONG >>
2003 Aug 20
Hello, When I plot or look at the error rate vector for a random forest (rf$err.rate) it looks like a descending function except for a few first points of the vector with error rates values lower(sometimes much lower) than the general level of error rates for a forest with such number of trees when the error rates stop descending. Does it mean that there is a tree(s) (that is built the first in
2015 Feb 10
IAX port has an entry about general NAT related issues, which could be relevant here I do not seem to have problems with Netgear firewalls, but other firewalls show this effect. So far it happened only on a single side, such that calls work from the other side. I already checked the open ports with nc/ncat/netcat as UDP sender and receiver on the other end. The ports are open, even when the arbitrary ports are used by Asterisk. I'll need to read a bit more and evaluate my pcap traces and possibly ask the router vendors. Thank you for your efforts. jg
2023 Jul 20
Feature Request (re: CVE-2023-3840)
...s into. (One would think that when the maintainers of hulking package X call out to an executable of entirely different package Y that has a nontrivial command line syntax, it'd be a no-brainer to put an X-maintained wrapper script in between, just in case that the maintainers of Y pull an ncat(1) and rename a bunch of options, but noooo ...) Kind regards, -- Jochen Bern Systemingenieur Binect GmbH -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 3449 bytes Desc: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature URL: &lt...
2009 Jul 27
Writing to a UDP server from R?
Hello, I have used socketConnection to connect to a TCP server. I havent figured out a way to do the same with a UDP server. i.e I have a server listening on 9000, communicating via UDP. I would like to , from R, send packets to this server, This does not work u <- socketConnection('localhost',9000) Error in socketConnection("localhost", 9000, blocking = F) : cannot open
2010 Sep 28
A problem with plotting a long expression in ylab ?
Hello, It seems that there is a problem when plotting an expression in the ylab of a plot in case it is too long. Example: plot(1) title(ylab = "test looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong ") # work plot(1) title(ylab = expression(paste("test (% of 360" *degree, ")"))) # works plot(1) title(ylab = expression(paste("test
2018 Jan 27
[Bug 1218] New: ULOGD PCAP Plugin Missing Ethernet Headers Bug ID: 1218 Summary: ULOGD PCAP Plugin Missing Ethernet Headers Product: ulogd Version: SVN (please provide timestamp) Hardware: All OS: All Status: NEW Severity: blocker Priority: P5 Component: ulogd Assignee: