search for: nbii

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "nbii".

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2010 Jun 02
Problems using gamlss to model zero-inflated and overdispersed count data: "the global deviance is increasing"
...px?c=diederik.strubbe&n=23519). First, I create a (strong) pattern in the dataset by: data$LFAP200 <- data$LFAP200 + (data$duck*data$duck) I try to analyze these data by fitting several possible distributions (Poisson PO, zero-inflated Poisson ZIP, negative binomial type I and type II NBI NBII and zero-inflated negative binomial ZINBI) while using cubic splines with a df=3. The best fitting model will then be choses on the basis of its AIC. However, these models frequently fail to converge, and I am not sure why, and what to do about it. For example: > model_Poisson <- gamlss(duc...
2014 Jul 28
R-devel Digest, Vol 137, Issue 25
...tween these different implementations. In addition to MASS::glm.nb(), note msme::negbinomial(), aod::negbin() and gamlss::gamlss(). The gamlss function fits two different types of NB model, either family = NBI (quadratic; var = mu(1 + sigma * mu)) as I think for all the functions above, or family=NBII (linear; var = mu(1 + sigma)). Also note the somewhat special purpose function in the stat mod package, which requires preliminary setup steps. John Maindonald email:<> phone : +61 2 (6125)3473 fax :...
2007 Jan 06
negative binomial family glm R and STATA
Dear Lister, I am facing a strange problem fitting a GLM of the negative binomial family. Actually, I tried to estimate theta (the scale parameter) through glm.nb from MASS and could get convergence only relaxing the convergence tolerance to 1e-3. With warning messages: glm1<-glm.nb(nbcas~.,data=zonesdb4,control=glm.control(epsilon = 1e-3)) There were 25 warnings (use warnings() to see