Displaying 20 results from an estimated 33 matches for "nb2listw".
2007 Nov 21
problem with nb2listw
I am a new student to R and I was hoping someone could help me with
the error message I keep getting when I try to use the nb2listw()
I have 45 sites and I want to get an autocorrelation value for sites
within 1000m of each other.
then when I try to run the nb2listw(nb1000, style="W")
I get an e...
2003 Jun 30
spatial correlation test
I want to do a test for spatial correlation.
I tried it with geary.test() but I don't understand the required input.
x= a numeric vector the same length as the neighbours list in listw (my
sampled data, I assume)
listw= a listw object created for example by nb2listw (well when I check
nb2listw() I get to "neighbours - an object of class nb" - but I couldn't
figure out, what nb is or how I create such a class
with sp.mantel.mc {spdep} I have the same problem: listw created by nb2listw
isn't there a more straight forward method ;-) to chec...
2005 Dec 29
Repeating functions
...mber of spatial weight files and using Roger Bivand's spdep, I would like to
1. Convert them into neighbor lists using
2. Convert the neighbor lists into spatial weights
For a given file, the syntax would be
mygal_nb1 <- read.gal("mygalfile1", override.id = TRUE)
myweight1 <- nb2listw(mygal_nb1)
I have mygalfile[i] with i from 1 through to 6 and would like to repeat the above two lines through 1 to 6.
something like (the syntax below is not correct...just an illustration)
for (i in 1:6) {
mygal_nb[i] <- read.gal("mygalfile[i]", override.id = TRUE)
myweight[i] <...
2003 Nov 27
lagsarlm - using mixed explanatory variables (spdep package)
I'm very new to R (which is excellent), so apologies if this has already
been raised. In the spdep package, I'm trying to undertake an
autoregressive mixed model using the lagsarlm function. This is working
fine, but there does not appear to be a method of including an explanatory
variable without it automatically being included as a lagged term. I'm
after something along the
2009 Jul 15
Simulation code error
...aste(V, collapse="+")
+ V <- paste("SBA~", V)
+ rd <- round(nrow(data)*(2/3))
+ d <- sample(seq(1:nrow(data)),rd)
+ dat1 <- data[d,]
+ dat2 <- data[-d,]
+ crd <- cbind(dat1$Longitude,dat1$Latitude)
+ dist80 <- dnearneigh(crd,0,100,longlat=F)
+ dist80sw <- nb2listw(dist80, style="B")
+ fm <- errorsarlm(as.formula(V), data=dat1, listw=dist60sw)
+ pred <- predict(fm,dat2)
+ C[i,1] <- cor(dat2$SBA,pred)
+ out <- cbind(C)
+ }
+ colMeans(out)
+ }
> sim.sp(df2007.5k.s2,CM,1,1000)
Error in nb2listw(dist80, style = "B") : Empty...
2003 Nov 16
an object of class lm returned by lm?
...ving the regression
results and entering these, but again this is incorrect.
This language is from the following:
lm.LMtests(model, listw, zero.policy=FALSE, test="LMerr", spChk=NULL)
model - an object of class lm returned by lm
listw - a listw object created for example by nb2listw, expected to be
row-standardised (W-style)
Any help is welcomed. Thanks.
Jill L. Caviglia-Harris, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Economics and Finance Department
Salisbury University
Salisbury, MD 21801-6860
phone: (410) 548-5591
2009 Jul 15
Error in simulation R-code
...paste("SBA~", V)
rd <- round(nrow(data)*(2/3))
d <- sample(seq(1:nrow(data)),rd)
dat1 <- data[d,]
dat2 <- data[-d,]
crd <- cbind(dat1$Longitude,dat1$Latitude)
dist60 <- dnearneigh(crd,0,60,longlat=F)
dist60sw <- nb2listw(dist60, style="B")
fm <- errorsarlm(as.formula(V), data=dat1, listw=dist60sw)
pred <- predict(fm,dat2)
C[i,1] <- cor(dat2$SBA,pred)
out <- cbind(C)
Error in nb2listw(dist60, style = "...
2003 Jul 01
RE: question about spatial correlation with Xs and Ys
>I want to do a test for spatial correlation.
>I tried it with geary.test() but I don't understand the required input.
>x= a numeric vector the same length as the neighbours list in listw (my
>sampled data, I assume)
>listw= a listw object created for example by nb2listw (well when I check
>nb2listw() I get to "neighbours - an object of class nb" - but I couldn't
>figure out, what nb is or how I create such a class
>with sp.mantel.mc {spdep} I have the same problem: listw created by
>isn't there a more straight forwa...
2004 Jun 18
how to store estimates results as scalars of a matrix?
...sing R.
Any help will be much appreciated.
All the very best,
coords2 <- as.matrix(jcdist.data[1:87, 6:7])
for(n in c(1,88,175,262,349)) {
f<- n+86
work <- jcdist.data[n:f, 10:12]
res <-moran.test(spNamedVec("res1", work), nb2listw(col.tri.nb,
upper<-res$estimate[1] + (qnorm(0.025, lower.tail=FALSE)
lower<-res$estimate[1] - (qnorm(0.025, lower.tail=FALSE)
2008 Apr 18
spdep question - Moran's I
...ial network analysis. I have list of poeple and for each pair of them I have a measure of their relationship strength. So my dataset looks like: Jim; Bob; 0.5
This measure of relationship strength can be interpreted like a distance measure in a spatial model.
I assume that I need to work with the nb2listw function, but I am lost what to do in detail.
Thanks very much for your help in advance!
Michael Haenlein
Assistant Professor of Marketing
ESCP-EAP European School of Management
Paris, France
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jul 12
Subsetting NaN values in localG()
for(i in 1:53235){
diffD[counter] = diffc[i]
id[counter] = i
counter = counter+1
} ##Isolates values I want to use in localG calculation
neigh = cell2nb(169,315,type=='queen')
neigh2 = subset.nb(neigh,(1:length(neigh) %in% id)
mylist = nb2listw(neigh2,style="B")
stats = localG(diffD,mylist)/
Unfortunately, when I get to the last line of the code, I receive the
following error:
/"Error in matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x)) :
invalid 'ncol' value (too large or NA)"/
I can't figure out what it is...
2013 Apr 16
Spatial Ananlysis: zero.policy=TRUE doesn't work for no neighbour regions??
...1286 1391 1416 1456 1478 1485 1545 1546 1548 1558
1612 1621 1663 1672 1675 1760 1794 1795 2924 2925 2952 3107 with 1 link
1 most connected region:
1385 with 14 links
*As there are some regions without neighbours in my data I use the following
code to create the Weights Matrix:*
> W_Matrix<- nb2listw(location_nbq, style="W", zero.policy=TRUE)
*And get this Output:*
Fehler in print.listw(list(style = "W", neighbours = list(c(23L, 31L, 42L :
regions with no neighbours found, use zero.policy=TRUE
/("Error in print.listw(list(style = "W", neighb...
2007 Oct 26
Help needed on calculation of Moran's I
..., when I do the
lm.morantest() I get a Moran's I value which is the same as the expected
value and a P-value of 1.
I have used the following code:
>coords <- as.matrix(cbind(long, $lat))
>coord.nb <- dnearneigh(coords, 0, 10000 longlat=TRUE)
>coord.list <- nb2listw(coord.nb, style="W")
>lianasp.lm <- lm(lianasprich ~ log(averdist) + dsl + lianadens +
>lm.morantest(lianasp.lm, coord.list, alternative="two.sided")
And get the following result
Global Moran's I for regression residuals
model: lm(formul...
2009 Jun 06
large numbers of observations using ME() of spdep
TaiminGabrielGraph<-gabrielneigh(coords, nnmult = 12);
nbtaim_distsg <- nbdists(tai.gab.nb, coords);
nbtaim_simsg <- lapply(nbtaim_distsg, function(x) (1-((x/(4*50))^2)) );
MEtaig.listw <- nb2listw(tai.gab.nb, glist=nbtaim_simsg, style="B");
sevmtaig <- ME(Presabs
Any help is welcome!
Lucero Mariani, Yokohama National University, Japan.
2005 Jan 30
New user...tips for spdep
[This email is either empty or too large to be displayed at this time]
2005 Nov 17
Morans I for Spatial Surveillance
...e thus far is below - I would also like to assemble the results in a neat table if anyone has tips for this I would alo appreciate it as I am rather new to R!
N <- colnames(T1)
T2nb <- read.gal("PC.gal",override=TRUE)
col.W <- nb2listw(T2nb, style="W")
for(i in seq(N)) {
Vec1 <- spNamedVec(N[i+7], T1)
ifelse ( Svec1> 0, res[i]<-moran.test(spNamedVec(N[i+7], T1), col.W, zero.policy=TRUE), res[i]<-"NULL")
2003 May 21
help on spatial data
I have a dataset with x and y coordinates and in each point I have an
identity of point, in some cases I can have more then one identity by point.
My dataset is something like this:
> x <- rep(c(1:4),4)
> y <- rep(c(1:4),c(4,4,4,4))
> area1 <- sample(factor(rep(c("a","b","c","d"),4)))
> area2 <-
2011 May 04
Instrumental variable quantile estimation of spatial autoregressive models
...ed a small sample of my data and matrix.
R codes:
data<-read.table("DataSample.txt",header=TRUE, sep="")
matrix<-read.gwt2nb("matrixsample.gwt" ,region.id=no_Trans)
OLS model
OLS<-lm(lnprice~surface+d2007+LUX+tsect_ci, data=data)
SAR model
SAR<-lagsarlm(lnprice~surface+d2007+LUX+tsect_ci, data=data, listw = matrix.listw)
I hope that this information is sufficient and will help you to help me :)
Many thanks in advance...
2009 Jan 07
troubles performing Moran.I test
dear R users,
I have troubles performing Moran.I test as suggested on
my spatial data are longitude and lattitide of communities. The
calculation of the inverse distance matrix according to the homepage
(using my data)
datAL <- read.csv2("C:\\Konvergenz AL.csv", header=T)
ALdist <- as.matrix(dist(cbind(datAL$L?nge,
2004 May 04
spdep question
...49 50 51 52 53
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Link number distribution:
# Why are there no links? Do I understand properly what a link is?
# 1 is a neighbor of 2 and vice versa, so I consider them linked?
Can somebody tell me how to turn my neighborhood into an object errorsarlm
and nb2listw (do I need that?) can handle!
Christian Hennig
Fachbereich Mathematik-SPST/ZMS, Universitaet Hamburg
hennig at math.uni-hamburg.de, http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/home/hennig/