Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "naturelle".
Did you mean:
2011 Apr 28
Problem installing package "sp" in R 2.13.0
Any help would be much appreciated!
Best regards.
UMR 7245 CNRS/MNHN "Molécules de Communication et Adaptation des Micro-organismes"
Equipe "Cyanobactéries, Cyanotoxines et Environnement"
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
12, rue Buffon , Case 39
75231 Paris Cedex 05
Tel : + 33 (0)1 40 79 31 79
Fax : +33 (0)1 40 79 35 94
Email : arnocat@mnhn.fr
Site du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle : http://www.mnhn.fr
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2005 Jun 10
In connection with the creation of a grid of point with gstat
With the pakage gstat
How can one create a grid of points as in the meuse.grid example, from
measuring sites as in the Meuse example
Thanks in advance!
Réserve Naturelle de la Baie de Saint-Brieuc
site de l'Etoile
tel/fax :
<mailto:aponsero@cabri22.com> aponsero@cabri22.com
[[alternative HTML...
2007 Aug 15
Problem Connecting to Oracle with R from Windows XP
Alex Song
Data Management Specialist / Spécialiste en gestion des données
National Forest Inventory / Inventaire forestier national
Pacific Forestry Centre / Centre de foresterie du Pacifique
Canadian Forest Service / Service canadien des forêts
Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada
Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
506 West Burnside Road / 506 chemin Burnside ouest
Victoria, BC V8Z 1M5
Phone (250) 363-3342
Facs: (250) 363-0775
Email: Alex.Song@nrcan.gc.ca <mailto:Alex.Song@nrcan.gc.ca>
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2005 Mar 11
Lattice bwplot error
...ate four graphs separately:
> boxplot(dev ~ Dbhcl, data=DbhValid2[DbhValid2$period == 5,])
Any ideas and suggestions?
Richard Yang
Northern Forestry Centre / Centre de foresterie du Nord
Canadian Forest Service / Service canadien des for?ts
Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada
5320-122 Street / 5320, rue 122
Edmonton Alberta Canada
T6H 3S5
2005 Nov 21
Problem in compilation from source in./configure R.2.2
Pedro Cordeiro Estrela
PhD. student
UMR 2695: Origine structure et 伱仼volution de la biodiversit伱仼
D伱仼partement de syst伱仼matique et 伱仼volution
Mus伱仼um National d'Histoire Naturelle
55, rue Buffon
Paris - FRANCE
tel: (33) [0]1 40 79 30 86
fax: (33) [0]1 40 79 30 63
[0] : from france only
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2011 Nov 03
optimising a loop
...o be quite slow with my larger dataset.
Does any of you has an idea how I could remove the loop and speed up the operation?
Best regards,
Bastien Ferland-Raymond, M.Sc. Stat., M.Sc. Biol.
Division des orientations et projets sp?ciaux
Direction des inventaires forestiers
Minist?re des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Qu?bec
2006 Jan 13
Variance-covariance by factor
..." "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets"
Richard Yang
Northern Forestry Centre / Centre de foresterie du Nord
Canadian Forest Service / Service canadien des forêts
Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada
5320-122 Street / 5320, rue 122
Edmonton Alberta Canada
T6H 3S5
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2003 Jul 28
Optimization failed in fitting mixture 3-parameter Weibull distri bution using fitdistr()
procedures, the starting values are critical for convergence. Any
suggestions for solving the optimization problem?
Richard Yang
Northern Forestry Centre / Centre de foresterie du Nord
Canadian Forest Service / Service canadien des for?ts
Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada
5320-122 Street / 5320, rue 122
Edmonton (Alberta) Canada
T6H 3S5
2013 May 22
column width in .dbf files using write.dbf ... to be continued
It is explain here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2165342/r-calling-a-function-from-a-namespace
Sorry for the delay in my answer...
Bastien Ferland-Raymond, M.Sc. Stat., M.Sc. Biol.
Division des orientations et projets sp?ciaux
Direction des inventaires forestiers
Minist?re des Ressources naturelles
In reply to :
Dear UseRs,
I did not have any answer to my previous message ("Is there a way to define "manually" columns width when using write.dbf function from the library foreign ?"), so I tried to modify write.dbf function to do what I want.
Here is my modified versi...
2003 Jul 31
Trouble with optim
2) Is the error message in the L-BFGS-B method serious? How to
circumvent it?
Any thoughts and suggestions?
Richard Yang
Northern Forestry Centre / Centre de foresterie du Nord
Canadian Forest Service / Service canadien des for?ts
Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada
5320-122 Street / 5320, rue 122
Edmonton (Alberta) Canada
T6H 3S5
2011 Feb 21
r-square for cluster
ssw_grid40km = sum(SStot_grid40km) #withinSS (??) as the sum of SS for all clusters
ssbetween_grid40km = SSTot-ssw_grid40km
RSQ_grid40km2 = ssbetween_grid40km/SSTot # R-square
Am I right? Does this correspond to SAS's R2?
Many thanks,
Ressources Naturelles Canada
Service Canadien des Forêts - Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides
1055, rue du PEPS
CP 10380, Succ. Ste-Foy
Québec, QC, G1V 4C7
Tel. : +001 418 649-6859
Fax : +001 418 648-5849
email : Yan.Boulanger@nrcan.gc.ca
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2002 May 14
Srtring Overflow Error in Samba 2.0
...ad character
in there?
Some users are not getting their drives mapped. Running Solaris 2.6 on a
SUN box.
Thanks for any ideas on this.
Richard Ward
Richard Ward
UNIX & NT Administrator
Technology Planning & Support
Department of Natural Resources and Energy
Minist?re des Ressources naturelles et de l'?nergie
E-mail: Richard.Ward@gnb.ca
Tel: (506) 453-7136
Fax: (506) 453-6676
2003 Apr 11
groups disappear with ldapsam
...I am digging into the problem, but thought I'd just send this SOS to the
list in case someone else has encountered (and solved) the same problem.
Thanks in advance,
OENONE: L'amour n'a-t-il encor triomph? que de vous ?
La faiblesse aux humains n'est que trop naturelle.
(Ph?dre, J-B Racine, acte 4, sc?ne 6)