Displaying 20 results from an estimated 45 matches for "naivebayes".
2012 Feb 07
predict.naiveBayes() bug in e1071 package
I'm currently using the R package e1071 to train naive bayes
classifiers and came across a bug: When the posterior probabilities of
all classes are small, the result from the predict.naiveBayes function
become NaNs. This is an issue with the treatment of the
log-transformed probabilities inside the predict.naiveBayes function.
Here is an example to demonstrate the problem (you might need to
increase 'nvar' depending on your machine):
-------------------- 8< -------------------...
2009 Jun 30
NaiveBayes fails with one input variable (caret and klarR packages)
We have a system which creates thousands of regression/classification models and in cases where we have only one input variable NaiveBayes throws an error. Maybe I am mistaken and I shouldn't expect to have a model with only one input variable.
We use R version 2.6.0 (2007-10-03). We use caret (v4.1.19), but have tested similar code with klaR (v.0.5.8), because caret relies on NaiveBayes implementation from klaR. I get different...
2007 Nov 01
RWeka and naiveBayes
I'm trying to use RWeka to use a NaiveBayes Classifier(the Weka
version). However it crashes whenever there is a NA in the class
Here is the.code I have with d2 as the data frame.
The first call to NB doesn't make R crash but the second call does.
NB <- make_Weka_classifier("weka/classifiers/bayes/NaiveBayesSimple")...
2010 Nov 03
[klaR package] [NaiveBayes] warning message numerical 0 probability
I run R 2.10.1 under ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) and klaR version 0.6-4.
I compute a model over a 2 classes dataset (composed of 700 examples).
To that aim, I use the function NaiveBayes provided in the package
When I then use the prediction function : predict(my_model, new_data).
I get the following warning :
"In FUN(1:747[[747L]], ...) : Numerical 0 probability with observation 458"
As I did not find any documentation or any discussion concerning this
warning me...
2012 Feb 10
naiveBayes: slow predict, weird results
I did this:
nb <- naiveBayes(users, platform)
pl <- predict(nb,users)
nrow(users) ==> 314781
ncol(users) ==> 109
1. naiveBayes() was quite fast (~20 seconds), while predict() was slow
(tens of minutes). why?
2. the predict results were completely off the mark (quite the opposite
of the expected overfitting). suffi...
2012 Feb 09
Tr: Re: how to pass weka classifier options with a meta classifier in RWeka?
Le jeudi 09 f?vrier 2012 ? 15:31 +0200, Kari Ruohonen a ?crit :
> Hi,
> I am trying to replicate a training of AttributeSelectedClassifier with
> CFsSubsetEval, BestFirst and NaiveBayes that I have initially done with
> Weka. Now, I am trying to use RWeka in R.
> I have a problem of passing arguments to the CfsSubsetEval, BestFirst
> and NaiveBayes. I have first created an interface for the classifier
> with:
> AS<-make_Weka_classifier("weka/clas...
2007 Aug 22
"subscript out of bounds" Error in predict.naivebayes
I'm trying to fit a naive Bayes model and predict on a new data set using
the functions naivebayes and predict (package = e1071).
R version 2.5.1 on a Linux machine
My data set looks like this. "class" is the response and k1 - k3 are the
independent variables. All of them are factors. The response has 52 levels
and k1 - k3 have 2-6 levels. I have about 9,300 independent variables but...
2010 Jun 30
help on naivebayes function in R
...data using naive
bayes, the code is given below:
cl <- c(c(rep("ALL",10), rep("AML",10)));
cl <- factor(cl)
model <- NaiveBayes(train,cl);
pred<-predict(model,test,type = "raw");
everything is working fine I am able to build the model and predict also but
I am not able to get the confusion matrix using table function.its giving me
the following error when I execute the line "table(pred,c...
2008 Jun 25
Extract naiveBayes details
I just like to know how to extract details from the naiveBayes model
(package e1071). I mean, for each possible value the model defines how much
it influences the outcome. I want to sort those probabilities and show the
values with the highest impact.
How could I do that?
PS: I tried using []'s to get to the model's internals, however, all I get
is a...
2012 May 04
weird predict function error when I use naive bayes
I tried to use naivebayes in package 'e1071'.
when I use following parameter, only one predictor, there is an error.
> m<- naiveBayes(iris[,1], iris[,5])
> table(predict(m, iris[,1]), iris[,5])
Error in log(sapply(attribs, function(v) { :
Non-numeric argument to mathematical function
However, when I...
2007 Sep 25
10- fold cross validation for naive bayes(e1071)
...lready been done something like that?
I tried to do it myself by applying the tune function first:
tune.control <- tune.control(random =F, nrepeat=1, repeat.aggregate=min.,sampling=c("cross"),sampling.aggregate=mean, cross=10, best.model=T, performances=T)
model <- naiveBayes(code~., mydata, tune.control)
pred <- predict(model, mydata)
table(pred, mydata$code)
chisq.test(code, pred)
but I get the same results as without tuning it.
It would be great if someone could help me with this.
thx a lot,
Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger geh?rt?
Der kan...
2011 Feb 08
Naive Bayes Issue - Can't Predict - Error is "Error in log(sapply(attribs...)
...tried about everything and can't get it to work. Reproduceable code
Thank you,
Michael Schumacher
Manager Data & Analytics - ValueClick
Functional Example Code from UCLA:
model <- naiveBayes(Class ~ ., data = HouseVotes84)
predict(model, HouseVotes84[1:10,-1])
*My Code That Errors:*
var <-...
2012 May 05
what is Non-numeric argument to mathematical function in prediction ?
I tried to use naivebayes in package 'e1071'.
when I use following parameter, only one predictor, there is an error.
> m <- naiveBayes(iris[,1], iris[,5])
> table(predict(m, iris[,1]), iris[,5])
Error in log(sapply(attribs, function(v) { :
Non-numeric argument to mathematical function
However, when...
2009 Feb 19
Bug in predict function for naiveBayes?
...rain <- as.data.frame(rbind(mixture.train,cbind(mvrnorm(n=50, c(2,
0), Sigma),rep(1,50))))
names(mixture.train) <-c("X1","X2","Class")
X1 <- rep(seq(-15,15,by=1),31)
X2 <- rep(seq(-15,15,by=1),each = 31)
mixture.test <- data.frame(X1,X2)
Bayes.res <- naiveBayes(Class ~ X1 + X2, data=mixture.train)
pred.bayes <-predict(Bayes.res, cbind(mixture.test$X1,
Tried it also with pred.bayes <-predict(Bayes.res,
mixture.test,type="class"), but that gives the same effect. Is this a bug or
am I missing somethin...
2012 Aug 09
Analyzing Poor Performance Using naiveBayes()
...bles having identical values for all instances. I have not
done anything to check further for dependant variables, and don't know how
Besides getting a clue, what might be my next best step?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Analyzing-Poor-Performance-Using-naiveBayes-tp4639825.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2014 Jun 12
do.call Error for Function Not Present When Manually Called
The e1071 function naiveBayes gives an error when called by do.call, although it doesn't give any error if I call it manually.
Browse[1]> trainParams at classifier
function (x, ...)
<environment: namespace:e1071>
Browse[1]> trained <- do.call(trainParams at classifier, para...
2007 Jan 19
naive bayes help
# prob is the true probability of class 1
y <- rbinom(n+n.test,1,prob1)
# separate the data into train and test sets
mydata <- data.frame(y=y[1:n],x=x[1:n,])
mydata.test <- data.frame(y=y[n+(1:n.test)],x=x[n+(1: n.test),])
mydt.nb<-naiveBayes(y~ ., data=mydata)
m.pr<-predict(mydt.nb, mydata[,-1], type="class")
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Aug 30
Regarding naive baysian classifier in R
cl <- c(c(rep("ALL",10), rep("AML",10)));
cl <- factor(cl)
model <- naiveBayes(t(train),cl);
pred<-predict(model, t(test),decision.values=TRUE,probability=TRUE)
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Regarding-naive-baysian-classifier-in-R-tp2400727p2400727.html
Sent from the R help mailing...
2007 Oct 30
NAIVE BAYES with 10-fold cross validation
hi there!!
i am trying to implement the code of the e1071 package for naive bayes, but it doens't really work, any ideas??
i am very glad about any help!!
i need a naive bayes with 10-fold cross validation:
model <- naiveBayes(code ~ ., mydata)
tune.control <- tune.control(random = FALSE, nrepeat = 1, repeat.aggregate = min,
sampling = c("cross"), sampling.aggregate = mean,
cross = 10, best.model = TRUE, performances = TRUE)
pred <- predict(model, mydata[,-12], type="class")
tune(naiveBayes, c...
2018 Feb 26
Random Seed Location
...[, 2], n = 20)
D. Partition the original (in-sample) data into 60% training and 40%
validation sets.
> n <- nrow(InvestTech)
> train <- sample(1:n, size = 0.6 * n, replace = FALSE)
> InvestTechTrain <- InvestTech[train, ]
> InvestTechVal <- InvestTech[-train, ]
E. Use the naiveBayes function in the e1071 package to fit the model.
> model <- naiveBayes(`Purchase (1=yes, 0=no)` ~ ., data = InvestTechTrain)
> prob <- predict(model, newdata = InvestTechVal, type = ?raw?)
> pred <- ifelse(prob[, 2] >= 0.3, 1, 0)
F. Use the confusionMatrix function in the care...