search for: mystation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 23 matches for "mystation".

2017 Jul 18
Creating/Reading a complex string in R
Hi again, Let say I have below string (arbitrary) <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" <script type="text/javascript"> mystatement('current', {'pac':['']}); mystatement; I want to pass above string to some R variable for further analysis. So I have tried below : String = '<html>
2017 Jul 18
Creating/Reading a complex string in R
Thanks for your pointer. Is there any way in R how to replace " ' " with " /' " programmatically? My actual string is quite lengthy, so changing it manually may not be possible. I am aware of gsub() function, however not sure I can apply it directly on my original string. Regards, On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 10:27 PM, John McKown <john.archie.mckown at>
2017 Jul 18
Creating/Reading a complex string in R
Try: String = '<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" <script type="text/javascript"> mystatement(\'current\', {\'pac\':[\'\']}); mystatement;' To embed a single ' mark in a string delimited by ' marks, you must "escape" them by prefixing them with a back-slash \. R version
2017 Jul 19
Creating/Reading a complex string in R
It was suggested to quote your string with *backticks* (` ... `) rather than single quotes. String <- `<html> <head> ... ` On 7/18/2017 1:05 PM, Christofer Bogaso wrote: > Thanks for your pointer. > > Is there any way in R how to replace " ' " with " /' " programmatically? > > My actual string is quite lengthy, so changing
2006 Dec 13
Polycom MyStat
Has anyone ever gotten the Polycom Status feature, accessible via the 'MyStat' soft-key to work? When you change the status in this way, the phone does not send any communication to Asterisk, and it seems to have no effect in incoming calls. So... what's it for? Doug
2017 Jul 19
Creating/Reading a complex string in R
> On Jul 19, 2017, at 5:38 AM, Michael Friendly <friendly at> wrote: > > It was suggested to quote your string with *backticks* (` ... `) rather than single quotes. > > String <- `<html> > <head> > ... > ` That failed for me. The parser considered it a language object, an R name. Here's what I needed to do: > string <-
2005 May 06
Legality Issue & Relaying to have separate addresses (similar to http/ftp mirrors)? I wonder if the former could be achieved with a "round-robin" set-up in the DNS server, whereby a single name resolves to different ip addresses sequentially, it would look something like this on the DNS server for mystation 0 IN A mystation 0 IN A mystation 0 IN A Above ^ first request made to would resolve to, second to, third to, for...
2009 Jul 08
bootstrapping error message "Error in[r, ] <- statistic(data, i[r, ], ...) : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length"
Hi, I am trying to run some bootstraps with the boot package. When I run it with 400 replicates it does it ok, but then I need to run the same analysis but with 89, 86, 102 and 106 samples (for four different environments), and then is when I get the error message: > mybootstrap <- boot(Datos, mystat, 2000) Error in[r, ] <- statistic(data, i[r, ], ...) : number of items to
2007 Feb 15
Problem in summaryBy
The R script below gives values of 1 for all minimum values when I use a custom function in summaryBy. I get the correct values when I use FUN=min directly. Any help is much appreciated. The continuous information provided in this forum is fabulous as are the different R packages available. Rene # Simulated simplified data Subj <- rep(1:4, each=6) Analyte <-
2005 Oct 07
permutational Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value for paired data
Dear List, I am new to R and find it very powerful. I would like to compute the permutational p-value for paired data using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, but the built-in ks.test does not have this option, unlike the t.test which has a paired=TRUE flag. Has someone written a library or a routine that does this? Alternatively, if someone could show me how to do pair-wise permutations in R, then I can
2005 Aug 31
My CentOs 4.1 desktop starts to freez ( non-responsive) with 100% cpu usage
It starts to become a non-responsive from time to time with 100% cpu usage eventhough there is no applications running except a browser. I have been running centos 4 for the past 6 months without any problem with regular update. Now, I have to reboot whenever it shows signs of a non-response. It starts to exhibit this behaviour a cople of days ago. I could not figure it out the reason and need
2006 Mar 05
Test out the upcoming plugins stuff for me
Hi folks, I''ve been working on the plugins system this weekend and I think I''ve nailed it down. The system will basically be able to load gems that are configured right to be plugins. It''ll do it fairly dynamically and shouldn''t require any configuration from the end user other than to install the gem. Doing this though will involve a bit of surgery on the
2006 Jan 02
boostrap astronomy problem
Hi, I am an astronomer and somewhat new to boostrap statistics. I understand the basic idea of bootstrap resampling, but am uncertain if it would be useful in my case or not. My problem consists of maximizing a likelihood function based on the velocities of a number of stars. My assumed distribution of velocities of these stars is:
2005 Mar 09
Mountpoint problems...
I can't figure out exactly what to put as my Icecast webroot directory, nor what to tell my Winamp Oddcast plugin to name as the mountpoint. I'm a n00b here and barely know what these words even mean, lol, but I can get the Oddcast to log in to the Icecast and people can go to the .m3u file I put into the mountpoint, but it either just cycles songs or doesn;t play. I noticed that it only
2005 Mar 09
Polycom IP 500 bitmaps and Idle Display Animation
Has anyone got this to work? Under Idle Display Animation, the administrators guide says "For example, a company logo could be displayed".. In the ipmid.cfg file, I enabled 'ind.idleDisplay.enabled' (ie changed it to 1), and under the IP 500 section, I added an entry for the bitmap that I want to display: ="arf" but from there I'm not sure
2005 Mar 09
Mountpoint problems...
...ership in a co-located machine on a big pipe somewhere. We decide that we both want to stream audio from that machine. Since we both administer it, there's no harm in us both knowing the main source password. So I configure my source to broadcast to port 8000 on mountpoint /mystation.ogg and you broadcast to These mounts are created when each of us connects and people can connect to them to hear the particular stream that's associated with them. Note that you can set up mounts with different passwords or other parameters, check out...
2002 Nov 22
not able to browse workgroup/domain
...lorer (win98) to browse the domain: Mydom is not accessible. The Computer or sharename could not be found. Make sure you typed it correctly, and try again." by typing in the path name \\myserver\ at address bar then i can view my server share. when checking my log file, this is what i see (log.mystation) : when i tried to browse the domain -> [2002/11/19 14:56:55, 0] smbd/password.c:authorise_logon(863) authorise_login: rejected invalid user nobody when i typed the server path directly -> [2002/11/19 14:57:46, 0] smbd/service.c:make connection(381) make_connection: terry logged in as a...
2005 Mar 10
Mountpoint problems...
...ocated > machine on a big pipe somewhere. We decide that we both want to stream > audio from that machine. Since we both administer it, there's no harm in > us both knowing the main source password. So I configure my source to > broadcast to port 8000 on mountpoint /mystation.ogg and you > broadcast to These mounts are created > when each of us connects and people can connect to them to hear the > particular stream that's associated with them. > > Note that you can set up mounts with different passwords or other &...
2012 Sep 14
Boxplot lattice vs standard graphics
Given my reproducible example test<-structure(list(site = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 5L), .Label = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), class =
2008 Apr 18
Newbie Polycom: Subscription/Presence Problem
I am working on Polycom IP601 console with expansion module. I want to put on the BLF (busy lamp field) feature on all the contact/speed dial names I put on the console but I could not get it to work. *CLI> core show version Asterisk 1.4.13 built by root @ hostname on a i686 running Linux on 2007-11-20 05:26:15 UTC *CLI> sip show subscriptions Peer User Call ID