Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "mypars".
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2006 Sep 22
Creating Movies with R
Dear All,
I'd like to know if it is possible to create animations with R.
To be specific, I attach a code I am using for my research to plot
some analytical results in 3D using the lattice package. It is not
necessary to go through the code.
Simply, it plots some 3D density profiles at two different times
selected by the user.
I wonder if it is possible to use the data generated for different
2014 Nov 28
Feature request: mixing `...` (three dots) with other formal arguments in S4 methods
Well, the benefit lies in the ability to pass along arguments via `...` to
more than one recipient that use *identical argument names* and/or when
these recipients are not necessarily located on the same calling stack
I'm *not* after a *general* change in the way arguments are
dispatched/functions are called as I'm actually a big friend of keepings
things quite explicit (thus
2006 Oct 03
do.call with Vectorial Argument
Dear All,
I am trying to use the do.call command to avoid tedious loops in R
when I need to call repetitively a function.
I am experiencing a problem when the arguments of a function are given
with a vector (I need to express then this way to be able later on to
integrate them numerically with the adapt package).
Consider the small script:
# first a list of the
2002 Mar 13
controlling figure dimension/location
I'm making two plots, one on top of the other. On the upper plot, I do
not print the x-label or the x-tick-label. To reduce space, I'd like to
keep the white space between the two figures at a minimum. However, I
can't figure out how to methodically reduce the space while maintaining
the same figure dimensions for both plots. I could add margin space
below the lower plot and reduce
2008 Oct 17
function help
Hi everyone,
I have dataset which I make a sample of it couple of times and each time I
get the mean and standard deviation of each row for each sample. I have a
function for that, which takes the name of the file and number of times to
sample and then returns the mean and standard deviation for each row in each
Sample=function(name, n){
2014 Nov 27
Feature request: mixing `...` (three dots) with other formal arguments in S4 methods
Hi Gabriel,
and thanks for answering. I'm basically just trying to find a way to use
the power of `...` in more complex scenarios and I'm well aware that this
might not be the best approach ;-)
Regarding your actual question:
"Are you suggesting methods be dispatched based on the *contents* of ...
Yes, I guess currently I kind of do - but not on the argument *names*
2011 Nov 04
Reading parameters from dataframe and loading as objects
Hi List,
I want to read several parameters from data frame and load them as object
into R session, Is there any package or function in R for this??
Here is example
param <-c("clust_num", "minsamp_size", "maxsamp_size", "min_pct", "max_pct")
value <-c(15, 20000, 200000, 0.001, .999)
data <- data.frame ( cbind(param , value))
2007 Jan 05
New Feature: External node sources
Hi all,
As requested by at least one person (and because I''d been thinking
about it and figured it would be a good idea), I''ve just made it
simple to use external node sources with Puppet.
If you set ''external_nodes'' to a command (the default is ''none''),
then Puppet will call that command and use it to configure nodes.
The output of