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2009 May 22
using console is a proper way in produciton?
I''ve planned to use script/console to support mainloop for my rails
I need some infinite loop for doing my logic.
For example, I want to give a point every second to users.
to do this task I think I simply code like this:
loop { GivePoint(); sleep 1 } on script/console
and handle taks in the GivePoint method.
Can this way work fine on commercial application?
In fact,
2009 Jun 02
406 Not Acceptable response
I want to send a response in a content type that is not listed in the
request Accept header. When I try to do this in Rails a response of
status code 406 Not Acceptable is sent. I would like to know how to do
Ps: A example of a API that do this is the Sun Cloud API, where the
errors are sent in a specific media type (http://kenai.com/projects/
2009 Jun 18
How to persist file upload fields after a validation error.
Hi all,
Is there an easy way to not lose the file field input from the user
after a validation error? It pisses people off to have to choose
their files again just because some other field didn''t pass a
validation. I''ve googled this and just haven''t come up with much of
2009 Jun 19
config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store
Hi All,
I am new to Rails and learning rails reading ebook ''Agile web
development using rails''. I am doing samples given in this book
chapter by chapter.
but I stuck when I come to Sessions chapter, they have given that to
enable session to be Database based the line
config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store is to be
uncommented from config/environment.rb
2009 Aug 21
What to do before launching v1.0?
I’m launching a rails website, the app is written and works, undoubtedly
it’ll be an unmitigated disaster when I launch but none the less I
thought I’d least attempt to give myself the best chance of success by
asking all the gurus here for some advice – pre launch advice if you
In an ideal world I’d spend days and hours on all of these things and
get it absolutely spot on, but as we all