Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "mymean".
2008 Apr 02
Trouble combining plotmath, bquote, expressions
I'm using R-2.6.2 on Fedora Linux 9.
I've been experimenting with plotmath.
I wish it were easier to combine expressions in plotmath with values
from the R program itself. There are two parameters in the following
example, the mean "mymean" and standard deviation "mystd". I am able
to use bquote to write elements into the graph title like
mu = mymean
and R will plot the symbol "mu" and the value of mymean from the
program. But I want to combine that result in a string along with
other results.
Can I combi...
2008 Jul 08
Question: Beginner stuck in a R cycle
...surements are given and an column named Pr_mean, with no values.
I would like to set a cycle to compute the average of prevalence values for each different code and store the averages under the empty field Pr_mean.
This is what I wrote:
# Set a cycle
for (i in 1:nrow(myD)) {
mycode = myD$code[i]
mymean[i] = mean(prevalence)
myD$Pr_mean[i] = mymean[i]
With the above cycle I am able to compute the average of all 200 observations which is then written in every cell.
I understand that a condition is missing, that indicates that the average has to be computed amongst the observations showing the s...
2007 Feb 23
how to use apply with two variables
this is a made-up example. Function "myfun" returns two arguments. Can
"apply" be used so that "myfun" is called only once?
myfun<-function(x) {
out1<-t(apply(mat,1,function(x) myfun(x)$mymean))
out2<-t(apply(mat,1,function(x) myfun(x)$mysd))
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2010 Jun 23
About normality tests...
...eld, 2005).
I have a few questions to ensure that I am using them right.
1) The Shapiro-Wilk test requires to provide mean and sd. Is is
correct to add here the mean and sd of the data itself (since I am
comparing to a normal distribution with the same parameters) ?
mySD <- sd(mydata$myfield)
myMean <- mean(mydata$myfield)
shapiro.test(rnorm(100, mean = myMean, sd = mySD))
2) If I just want to test each distribution individually, I assume
that I am doing a one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Is that correct?
3) If I simply want to know if normality exists or not, what should I
put for the...
2009 Sep 25
R CMD INSTALL --build: Folders /inst and /etc not in zip-file and WindowsXP locks /library/[package]/etc/
..." subdirectory is lost, too. I tried a simplified "test" package.
The "test" package has the following structure (see also attachement: "test"
package as source file):
| |---/etc
| |---menus.txt
| |---mymean.Rd
| |---test-package.Rd
| |---mymean.R
The file "menus.txt" (inspired by the Rcmdr menu structure) contains one
single comment line. The file "mymean.R" contains a simple function that
computes the mean....
2007 Feb 09
plotting derived values not raw
I am trying to plot the mean and standard error of three separate
conditions. For various reasons, I do not have access to the raw data from
which the mean and error were derived and would like to make error bar plots
utilizing only the actual mean and standard error values. Is there a way to
do this in R? Thanks for any help in advance.
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2007 Jul 07
calculating p-values of columns in a dataframe
...ot;differences of means".
I wish to test whether these differences are significantly different from zero.
Below, I calculate the t-statistic for each column.
What is a "good" method to calculate/look-up the p-value for each column?
mynn=sapply(mydf, function(x) {sum ( as.numeric(x) >= -Inf) })
Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate
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2010 Jun 29
Sweave, xtable plus/minus sign
<<label=test, echo=FALSE, results=tex>>=
df.data1 <-
cbind.data.frame(A = rnorm(18),
B =factor(rep(LETTERS[1:6], each=3)))
myMean <- tapply(df.data1$A, df.data1$B, FUN = mean)
mySD <- tapply(df.data1$A, df.data1$B, FUN = sd)
foo <- matrix(c(myMean, mySD), ncol=2, nrow=6)
colnames(foo) <- c("Mean", "Std.Dev")
tmpTable <- xtable(foo, caption ="Simulated data",
2012 Jun 15
argument "x" is missing, with no default - Please help find argument x
sumvar<-epi.tests(c(truepos, falsepos , falseneg, trueneg), verbose=T)
epi.tests(c(truepos, falsepos , falseneg, trueneg), verbose=F)
# Calculate the overall accuracy.
cv.evaluate$correct <- cv.evaluate$prediction == cv.evaluate$remitter
retlist<-data.frame(mtry, sumvar$se, sumvar$sp, mean(cv.evaluate$correct))
subloop<- function(mtry=mtry, ml.frame=ml.frame, ntrees=ntrees) {
nfolds<- 10
# shuffle the numbers and divide into 10 groups
2004 Apr 01
boot question
What in the world am I missing??
> x<-rnorm(20)
> mean(x)
[1] -0.2272851
> results<-boot(x,mean,R=5)
> results[2]
[1,] -0.2294562
[2,] -0.2294562
[3,] -0.2294562
[4,] -0.2294562
[5,] -0.2294562
Jeff Morris
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
A Johnson & Johnson Co.
Rochester, NY
Tel: (585) 453-5794
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2008 Mar 06
1-pnorm values in a table
I've read in a csv file (test.csv) which gives me the following table:
Hin1 Hin2 Hin3 Hin4 Hin5 Hin6
HAI1 9534.83 4001.74 157.16 3736.93 484.60 59.25
HAI2 13272.48 1519.88 36.35 33.64 46.68 82.11
HAI3 12587.71 5686.94 656.62 572.29 351.60 136.91
HAI4 15240.81 10031.57 426.73 275.29 561.30 302.38
HAI5 15878.32 10517.14 18.93 22.00 16.91
2010 Aug 13
Lattice xyplots plots with multiple lines per cell
I need to plot the means of some outcome for two groups (control vs
intervention) over time (discrete) on the same plot, for various subsets
such as gender and grade level. What I have been doing is creating all
possible subsets first, using the aggregate function to create the means
over time, then plotting the means over time (as a simple line plot with
both control & intervention
2006 Apr 20
Bootstrap error message: Error in statistic(data, origina l, ...) : unused argument(s) ( ...) [Broadcast]
Sure, you don't get any error, but have you checked whether any
bootstrapping was actually done? Most of those functions are generics, thus
having the "..." argument that can take anything. Doesn't mean they will be
used. See if the following helps:
> x <- 1:10
> myMean <- function(x, idx) mean(x[idx])
> library(boot)
> x.boot <- boot(x, mean, R=10)
> str(x.boot)
List of 11
$ t0 : num 5.5
$ t : num [1:10, 1] 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
$ R : num 10
$ data : int [1:10] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
$ seed : int [1:...
2008 Apr 14
Power curves
I am trying to create a power curve to show how the power of a t-test varies depending on the mean. Any ideas how I should go about this?
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2011 Mar 15
Calculate monthly means
I am trying to calculate monthly means by year of phosphates and nitrates from a multi year data set. Can anybody help me out with the most effective way to do this?
My data looks like this:
Collection_Date Test.Name Value
2000-01-24 17:00:00 Phosphate 0.108
2000-01-24 17:00:00 Nitrate 0.037
2010 Jan 05
mean for subset
Hello, does anyone know how to take the mean for a subset of observations?
For example, suppose my data looks like this:
1 Tom 92
2 Tom 88
3 Tom 56
4 James 85
5 James 75
6 James 32
7 Dawn 56
8 Dawn 91
9 Clara 95
10 Clara 84
Is there a way to get
2008 Oct 17
function help
Hi everyone,
I have dataset which I make a sample of it couple of times and each time I
get the mean and standard deviation of each row for each sample. I have a
function for that, which takes the name of the file and number of times to
sample and then returns the mean and standard deviation for each row in each
Sample=function(name, n){
2018 Nov 08
An update on the vctrs package
...e obvious "R" for real).
It's difficult for an R function to determine the input types of
another R function and even more difficult to determine the output
It may be possible to incorporate a comment as a variable (inside a
function) rather than a comment as a comment.
> mymean = function (x)
+ { #info
+ .map = "f: Nn -> N1"
+ mean (x)
+ }
kind regards
2003 Nov 16
na.rm default
Is there a way to set "na.rm=TRUE" as a default, so that this does not have
to be re-specified for all of the functions requiring this option?
Thanks in advance,
Stephanie Broyles
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2012 May 15
reading data into R
Hi I am really new using R, so this is really a beginner stuff! I
created a very small data set on excel and then converted it to .csv
file. I am able to open the data on R using the command "read.table
("mydata1.csv", sep=",", header=T)" and it just works fine. But when I
want to work on the data (e.g. calculate the mean of variable "X") R