search for: myframe1

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "myframe1".

Did you mean: myframe
2002 Sep 09
multiple "keys" in Trellis plots?
...of panels, and I'd like a separate key for each rather than a single key for the entire set. However, I cannot find a way to pass multiple key definitions to xyplot's "key" argument. Allow me to throw out a simple example: require(methods) require(lattice) ## define sample data myFrame1 <- data.frame(a=1:100, b=rep(1:10,10), c=unlist(lapply(1:10, rep, 10))) myFrame2 <- data.frame(a=50:1, b=rep(1:10,5), c=unlist(lapply(1:5, rep, 10))) myFrame <- cbind(rbind(myFrame1, myFrame2), which=c(rep("Display for myFrame1", 100), rep...
2007 Nov 12
XRCise says "Cannot create wrapper for subclass of wxWizard"
I have created a very simple DialogBlocks project that consists of a very simple wxWizard. I have exported the project to XRC and am trying to get XRCise to process it. XRCise produces the message "Cannot create wrapper for subclass of wxWizard". Is this a symptom of the XPath parsing in Ruby 1.8.6 bug? Or am I doing something wrong? My env: ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0)
2009 Nov 28
'Are you sure?' custom dialog not exiting cleanly
...attr_reader :m_statictext1, :m_butexit def initialize(parent = nil) super() xml = Wx::XmlResource.get xml.flags = 2 # Wx::XRC_NO_SUBCLASSING xml.init_all_handlers xml.load("sample1.xrc") xml.load_frame_subclass(self, parent, "MyFrame1") finder = lambda do | x | int_id = Wx::xrcid(x) begin Wx::Window.find_window_by_id(int_id, self) || int_id # Temporary hack to work around regression in 1.9.2; remove # begin/rescue clause in later versions r...
2009 Mar 27
xrciser problem
...g not working with Ruby 1.9.1 yet. Any clues as to what is going on? Here is the xrc: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <resource version="" xmlns=""> <object class="wxFrame" name="MyFrame1" subclass="MyFrame"> <style>wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wxCAPTION|wxCLOSE_BOX|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL</style> <bg>#b1bdd1</bg> <size>590,612</size> <title>Tool</title> <centered>1</centered>...